
Chapter 101 - Entering Into A Save Memory, To Kill A Bronzed Giant

That little, unexpected move from the dragon was followed with something more grandiose, as the whole book floated in the air, breaking free from Arthur\'s grip, who kept observing it with keen eyes.

Beams of light started to radiate from it, like sun rays, golden and silver rays, until they coalesced together, transforming the book into a ball of mixed lights, blinding what was happening to it from the eyes of Arthur.

The light didn\'t recede, as it started to expand the ball, absorbing Arthur gradually into it.

The moment he entered the ball, he felt a great surge of energy entering his body. energy that could easily rival the cultivation energy he once had before dying, but so much different than it.

"Now I can tell you everything you need to know. The last step in your trial is to go back in time, into a reserved piece of memory the master entrusted to me, the place and moment of my master\'s fall.

Your task is to take over my master role, fight in his stead, and show off what great potential you held deep inside your heart and soul."

The sound of this dragon came like it was speaking from everywhere. Arthur had a lot of things inside his head, but the dragon wasn\'t yet finished, as he added:

"I know you have many doubts, but the process is simple as this: I will now enter your body, and carry you to this point of time. you don\'t need to be able to know anything about how to use your power, as I will fully stimulate it, and let you use the full potential of your strength like you were training for decades already.

I will provide you with strength, but you need to steer it yourself. My master prohibited me to aid you in the fight anymore than this, it all depends on you. You have to defeat my master\'s enemy, the one he couldn\'t defeat in this fight, which ended in my master demise," the dragon spirit said.

Arthur now got a general grip of what was going on here. that dragon master wasn\'t just looking for someone to pass his teachings to, or looking for a vassal to save the academy heritage from being lost.

He wanted an heir, someone whose future would be much brighter than his, not just any disciple, he was looking for a warrior, a savior, someone who could do what he failed to do in his supreme.

And Arthur, with his fighting spirit blazing mighty inside his body, couldn\'t say no to such a test.

This master was so wise, Arthur knew that, as he wasn\'t looking for only strong one, but he was looking for someone with the brain to best his enemies, not just by strength alone.

Strength meant nothing alone, especially if the enemy was much smarter than you.

"Oh, it\'s interesting how you didn\'t freak out or argue about how unfair it is!" the dragon spirit remarked.

"Why should I? Blaming the circumstances is the habit of losers, as for me I usually used to go against the odds, accept what is thrown in front of my face, head on, without any running or hiding. In fact, I have to thank you, as since long I haven\'t felt like this, plus you will show me what a dragonair really is," Arthur said, with a big smile over his face.

He was greatly anticipating going into that fight, and seeing how well he would do there.

"Don\'t worry," the dragon spirit laughed shortly before adding, "you won\'t be disappointed, that I can guarantee." The dragon then paused for a moment before saying, "if you are ready, we can start now. remember, I will only stimulate your full potential and augment it with my own strength. As for fighting, you will have to do it yourself."

"Got it, fetch me in."

"Here we go."

The whole world suddenly started to pulsate like it was beating with life, before the bubble around him burst open. Arthur opened his eyes to find himself standing in midair, in a high altitude from the ground, amidst a wide and vast, seemingly endless, battlefield.

There were many creatures fighting between each other, but in front of Arthur was the most dreadful creature in this world.

For Arthur, he thought at first it wasn\'t a living thing, that huge pillar, bronze in its exterior, that extended from the bottom of the earth, reaching to the top of the sky.

However, that huge pillar, which seemed like a pillar carrying the heavens, moved. Uncountable eyes appeared along its long, huge, cylindrical bronze body, all looking, in a very intimidating and creepy way towards Arthur, who just felt real fear inside his heart, something he never felt before.

"What is that thing?" he muttered, feeling his cold sweat oozing on his back.

"He is the king of the bronze giants, a very cruel race, the arch enemy of our dragons and dragonairs," the dragon voice came inside his ears out of nowhere, "now you have only five minutes before that protection ball hiding you would disappear. I would fully enter your body now, grant you all the power you need."

Just as the dragon finished speaking, Arthur felt the energy surge again, this time much mightier than before, without showing an end. It was painful at first, as he screamed for a whole minute, then his body felt the power as if it was part of his own, and so the pain stopped, and with it a sudden gush of knowledge appeared inside his mind.

Arthur was surprised first, then he started to be happy, as an evil smile appeared on his face.

"You little punk, you lied to me. you gave me some info about how dragonair can utilize their powers, how can they fight," Arthur smirked, with much confidence, as he now knew much about what it meant to be a dragonair.

"I never thought I could utilize energy in this way," he muttered, as he suddenly closed his eyes, and without wasting any time, he removed his shirt, stood topless in the midair, while his fingers started to move, with golden light shining from them.

Being a dragonair meant he would use the energy of this world in a different way, somehow similar to the runes he was making, but instead of the ores, he would use his body as a one.

And as he drew the letters of that ancient dragon language on his bare chest, just above the heart, a resonance started to emerge from his heart, where Zilia was once sealed inside it.

And at this moment, he swore he could sense her presence, and feel her warm breaths over his chest. Just as the feeling faded away, he was astonished to find a marvelous dragon tattoo over his chest, just covering the heart area.

Zilia had left him part of her power, as a descendant of a dragon clan, for him, as an heir for the dragonair humans.

Without her powers, he could never venture on such a mysterious road, and her tattoo being over his chest made him feel like he was that close to her, yet so far apart.

"Sigh," he sighed, taking a deep breath, before exhaling. There was no time left, and he needed to completely unleash his dragonair strength.

Being dragonair meant to be coupled with a dragon, as you utilize your human power with the dragon power, taking the form of that dragon, shape shifting your body, transforming it to be a true dragon.

A dragon with the powers and wits of the humans, that was a powerful mix, a very powerful one indeed.

"Release the dragon!"

He clenched both of his fists, arched his both arms in the air, arched his back as he shouted with all his might, like his true soul was about to be stirred with this call.

And at this moment, his whole soul, body, and tattoo on his chest stirred up. It all started with the tattoo, with a light started to shine from it, covering his whole body, turning it into light particles, changing its form, to end up being a great dragon\'s body, spanning for hundreds of meters in the air, with six pairs of wings on each side of his new body.

Arthur felt like being in the middle of the air was so natural to him, like a fish being in water, without any difficulty at all he kept himself flying in the air, balancing himself with that long, thick tail that ended with a spear like three needles, forming a strange shape of the tail end.

He observed his new body, all these hard scales, all the might and strength he was enjoying running inside his body right now, and then he roared.

Nothing, literally nothing in this world could stand in front of him right now, not even the heavens, or that pillar holding it.

"Let\'s chop some metal scraps, shall we."

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