
Chapter 194 - Going To The Place Of The Enemy's Army

As Lily was busy fetching water to him, he kept himself busy making runes out of these fiery ores. He made some evolution runes, other control runes, and he stilled his own blood on both groups. Finally he made a last rune with his name written on it with a master word above his name.

This rune was known as the heart rune, as it would control every other rune action, linking them together, and its order was higher in execution after that.

He made this heart rune from the largest piece of ore he could find, and he then started to put blood over it, while he ate meat from his own reserves, while waiting for Lil to come back.

To finish the heart rune, he needed to empty a large amount of blood over it. Doing that in a short time would endanger his life, so he just used some blood, stopped the bleeding, ate enough amount of meat to feel refreshed again, and then he resumed the blood feeding ceremony.

After half an hour, Lily returned with huge containers and put over a few flying bets. These containers were made out of the same kind of ore these warriors had their weapons made of, which made Arthur speculate the original uses of these containers.

"Put them there," he simply said, as he then went ahead and took a large amount of water, emptied it into his already heated cauldron, before throwing the blood and flesh of the bronzed giant inside, and then he waited for the water to boil.

As the water boiled, he started adding more and more materials in it, and from time to time, he kept throwing runes into the cauldron, determined by specific timing and amount, while he kept feeding his heart rune.

This process seemed really a torture for Lily who kept watching him, however she didn\'t know this was really a cheap price to gain such loyal strong pets.

When the content of the cauldron seemed to be semi-solid, Arthur then stopped feeding his heart rune, and threw it directly with the rest of the materials into the cauldron, waited for five minutes before putting his hand over its severely burning surface, endured the extreme pain before sending it inside his ring.

He endured the pain further, as he closed his eyes, and the crucial step of making this potion was already about to finish.

He put the heavenly treasure inside this cauldron. The treasure was ice natured one, and the moment it got inside the potion, the about to be solid potion started to get frozen.

"Come out now!" he hurriedly opened his eyes as he resummoned the cauldron out of his ring, put it on the fire, and hurriedly poured the high grade explosive oil he gained from the clans over the fire.




Explosion after explosion erupted, while he kept his place motionless, watching the extreme intense wave of fire igniting under the cauldron.

Fire and ice, two antagonizing forces, the most crucial part of making such a ground shaking potion. As the two forces antagonized each other inside the cauldron, more explosions occurred, and Arthur did nothing but wait.

Every five minutes he would go to one container, bring as much amount of water as he could, and empty them into the cauldron, which seemed bottomless to the watching eyes of Lily, who had already retreated hundreds of meters away from Arthur and his mad cauldron.

After an hour, the explosions started to quiet down, and after the second hour, there were no more explosions, while the cauldron regained its normal color, while the fire under it got extinguished.

"It\'s finished!"

Arthur muttered in high spirit as he jumped towards the cauldron, and checked its content. A clear fluid was there residing in the bottom of the cauldron, enough to make one hundred potions.

However, Arthur knew if he took this potion outside the cauldron for one second, it would be polluted and be useless. So, he just took the whole cauldron into his ring, before going towards Lily as he finally said:

"Let\'s go, summon your Birdy, there is some place we need to reach soon."

This was originally the main task he needed Lily for. As Lily summoned Birdy, and the two of them soared to the skies, he spotted the working villagers and mages down there.

The outline of his city was roughly taking shape, as most of the work was now dedicated to cutting down trees, and trying to bring as many ores from the mountain as possible.


Arthur helplessly sighed, as the task of building a huge city here was already a very big project indeed, however he was so determined to finish it, even if he spent his time raiding and subduing other villages in this world!

Nothing would stop him from having this city, as this would be the main bridge for his future position in the academy!

As Birdy went towards the direction of the mountains, Arthur said:

"Follow the course of the river."

He knew the army of this alliance wouldn\'t be threatened by monsters like other places, so they would be stationed beside the river.

Providing supplies and rations to such a large army in this desolate place was something hard and challenging. So, Arthur was confident in his guess, as these warriors would never station themselves away from the river as their main water source!

As he flew with Lily for half an hour, bypassing the five huge peaks of the five mountains, he spotted a valley, so wide and green that made him feel envious of its presence here away from the reach of his hands.

In this valley, the river went through, directly forming a large lake, that stretched for miles in the distance, before it got narrowed again by another series of mountains, forming a small river as before.

In this wide and spacious place, many tents were arranged neatly there, with many small shadows moving on the ground, like they were training. 

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