
Chapter 220 - Extensive Preparations For The Fight - Part 2

Arthur smiled mysteriously as he said:

"This will happen sooner than you expect," he then turned to glance at the peaks, waiting for the warriors to take their places. "Make each one thousand stay at one peak, and make them cover the ten outermost peaks first."

"This won\'t do," she shook her head, as she added, "I didn\'t bring ten thousand, but forty!"

He glanced in surprise to her, as she explained:

"This was half the number of warriors I found there. I left half to guard the moving villagers, and the rest I took with me here. I also asked for the strongest, and only the strongest came here."

Her words made Arthur much more delighted. These added numbers would make the whole fighting easier, and also his plans more feasible to be executed.

"Ok, make each peak have two thousands, and make the front warriors fight, and the ones behind them ready to support and replace them at any given time."

Lily nodded, before preparing to fly over to relay his words to everyone. As there was this huge number of them here, he had an idea in mind that he could utilize now.

"Wait," he suddenly said, sent me one thousand of them," he added, and before she could ask anything, he took out a handful of large crossbows and started spreading them around his peak.

He didn\'t have many of these, only hundreds, but he knew they could attack long distance targets, and he also planned to make an alteration to the large number of arrows he had.

The moment she spotted all this, she instantly understood his meaning. "Take a hundred and start distributing them on the ten peaks surrounding this one," he added, while he started getting busy, manually editing one arrow, putting a large piece of fire ore along the shaft of the arrow, while then soaking it with his explosive oil, and finally binding a long rope to the ore, making it fixed along the long shaft of these long arrows, before finally lifting a small part free.

She took a hundred of these huge crossbows on many trips, putting around twenty of them over each peak. Arthur\'s peak had the largest number of these crossbows, reaching three hundred crossbows that made the peak look quite occupied.

"Why not take some to the first ten peaks?" Lily asked when she saw the huge number of crossbows here.

"The first ten peaks might be lost at some point of this fight, so I can\'t put any crossbow there."

His reply made her realize how much she underestimated the incoming fight. She just nodded, before asking:

"Then can I take some on my Birdy and take some warriors to operate them? Birdy can carry ten of these giant bows!"

Arthur glanced at her, then at Birdy, then at his crossbows before he nodded and said:

"No problem. take whatever you need, and hurry to send me a thousand warrior. Also ask all of the warriors here to go out and cut these trees around the peaks, make them cut the trees to be roughly equal to these bunch of arrows, and make them transport them all to here."

He then threw a bunch of large arrows to her. She grabbed them as she glanced with confused look while asking:

"Won\'t we start fighting now?"

"Fighting without enough preparation is a loser\'s way of fighting. Go and do what I asked you to do now, and let\'s all hurry up. The earlier we finish our preparations the better."

She knew he was very serious right now, so she took the arrows, took the crossbows, and then went towards the front warriors, relaying his orders.

Like an ant colony, everyone started to do his job without delay. The one thousand warriors who came here to Arthur were tasked with one mission only.

"Watch me how to bind these ores to the shafts of these arrows, how I soak them with this oil, and how I bind this rope to them. make sure to copy my steps. From now on, the task of providing these arrows to the others will be your mission, don\'t disappoint me in it."

His words made them all realize how important this task was, despite they wouldn\'t have the chance to fight in person. Arthur intended to make only half of them continue doing the arrows during the fight, while the other half would work on the crossbows here.

Tina watched all this unfolded in front of her eyes while marveling how Arthur controlled all of them, arranging these to work in such cooperation and dedication.

The preparations continued for hours, and after ten hours, a large stretch of the forest around these peaks got cleaned up entirely by his warriors!

In the middle of that, Tina decided to give him a proper hand here, so she flew over to his peak, as he was pretty busy making these explosive arrows non-stop.

"You are really a hard worker," she suddenly said, startling everyone by her presence, and more by her strange sweet voice.

"There\'s no time to waste, just tell me what you want," he replied without even raising his head to glance at her, or even stopping what he was doing.

"I have a trick that can help you in your next fight," she said, before she pointed her wing towards the distance as she added, "I can control the earth, to some degree of course, so I can help digging a long and deep trench around here."

Arthur stopped his work once heard her words, raised his head to glance at her with glimmering eyes:

"That will be helpful. Can you make it in layers? Ring inside the ring inside another?"

She got his meaning and nodded, before she ranted again about her rightful claim of his treasure. He just ignored her remarks, and returned to work, while other warriors were speechless of this strange form of conversation occurring between a man and a dragon; like a man and his wife!

The next hours the noises coming from the distance didn\'t stop for a single moment, as Tina kept shooking the whole place with her strange ability to control earth.

Arthur stopped from time to time to watch how she did it. she was flying over the ground, while her two large claws kept touching the ground, and any place she touched was left with a deep long tunnel.

This tunnel was superficial at first, however after many laps around the same area, the tunnel kept getting deeper, until it was formally deep enough to be called a trench.

Arthu nodded in satisfaction, despite her ability seeming weak, she had the advantage to make the whole terrain change with enough time and effort. He then returned to continue making arrows, while his preparations were about to be completed.

And after another ten hours, he was ready, with an endless amount of explosive large arrows ready inside his ring, and all his warriors were already on their peaks, while the ground around them was void of any tree for miles, and five deep broad trenches were there surrounding them on regular intervals.

"Let the fight begin!" Arthur muttered as he waved his hand, and finally the old carcass and the heavenly treasure inside appeared for the first time in this world.




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