
Chapter 864 - Getting Tricked

Arthur had many chances to deal deadly wounds to his enemy, however he refrained from doing that.

He was aiming towards getting stronger. Per his past rich experience, he knew this world was a very rare chance for him to get stronger.

Missing this chance or ending it in haste wasn\'t the wise thing to do. Cultivators gained strength by the amount of obstacles they overcame, and not just but by winning the trials.

And so he didn\'t aim to kill that monster, not yet. His main and sole focus now was to make sure that monster would stay alive as long as it took for him to reap all the benefits from here.

Arthur kept throwing the monster and chasing it all over the world. At some point he felt the monster started to get weary and exhausted to the point it couldn\'t exchange properly with him.

And so he started to decrease his flight speed, making sure that monster would catch its breath and regained part of its former power. Then Arthur would mercilessly come at it and exchange brutal bolts of attacks with it.

It didn\'t seem like the monster was trying to kill Arthur anymore, but Arthur was training a pet or something. Like fishing, Arthur was extremely patient and had his mind sober to call out the right decision every single time.

Arthur didn\'t have any stress at all except for how to keep this monster alive as long as possible.

"F*ck you! C\'mon, kill me! Kill me!!" The monster at some point lost its cool and started to yell like crazy. It even threw away its swords and didn\'t plan to defend itself anymore.

"Not yet," Arthur however didn\'t seem to be surprised or paralyzed by this. Instead he threw his swords as well and instead of fighting with blades, he started to fight with his fists.

Fists couldn\'t kill anything in a short time span, not when Arthur gave the monster time to catch its breaths and heal.

During this time the walls around started to grow fainter. It seemed like what Arthur was doing to the monster was also happening to this world.

At some point Arthur felt hostile and rejected will from this world. It looked like the world here didn\'t want him to be here anymore.

However, desire alone couldn\'t do anything to him. Arthur was already fixated on gaining as much from this place as possible.

And he felt he was so far from getting enough.

"I won\'t get out!" he roared while punching the monster one punch at a time. Each punch sent the monster flying away while Arthur kept himself safe by constantly walking.

He decreased the speed of his flying to become like a crawling snail. It was nothing he could evade, after all his punches could only send that monster flying for small distances only.

He feared if he paused for even one second, that world would eject him outside. He feared to lose this chance, even much more than losing his life.

"Fight me you damn weak monster!" Arthur kept taunting the monster with all the curses and mean words he could think of. He tried to invoke the fire of fighting inside the monster, but in fact the monster was already on its last leg away from dying.

What Arthur did here made the monster not want to live anymore. Each time Arthur punched it away, it flew for tens of meters before stopping midair.

It didn\'t move a muscle, didn\'t even care about adjusting his body and standing straight. It lost all the will to fight, or even live anymore.

And that made Arthur more furious. "Is that how you call yourself a monster? Screw it, even a rat will fight fiercer than you!" he kept releasing mean comments and curses at the monster, but all were in vain.

Arthur also started to feel that his gains here became so scarce. The monster\'s loss of the will to fight seemed to greatly affect his gains here.

It negatively impacted what he gained compared to before, making Arthur quite helpless at what he should do.

"Fight properly for one hour then I\'ll release you from this pain," Arthur tried to reason up with it, offering this to the monster.

"Hahaha, it\'s the first time to see a mortal making such an offer to heaven," all of sudden a strange voice appeared in this world. It didn\'t come from the monster, nor the walls.

Arthur turned around without even stopping his feet. "I never met a heaven making the trial look like a pathetic silly childish game!" Arthur didn\'t show any reservation as he shouted in return, insulting whoever was in charge of this place.

"Don\'t try to use that, I won\'t fall for your filthy words," the voice calmly said, not falling for Arthur\'s obvious trap. "You won, reap your rewards and leave this world mortal."

"Or what?" Arthur didn\'t accept such a deal. After all, he would be the only loser here. Even if he gained little now from hitting that punch bag monster, it was still considered progress.

Any progress no matter how tiny it was was good.

"Or this..."

The next moment the monster he was trying to attack vanished in a puff of smoke. It was like something crushed it and turned it into wisps of smoke.

This moment took Arthur by surprise. He only paused for one second before he felt the entire world around him vanish.

"You gained so much from here, not as much as was initially planned," the voice rang in his ears while the world kept getting brighter until Arthur couldn\'t see anything.

"You should be modest and humble in front of our trials," the voice added and yet Arthur felt extreme anger and not joy.

"You don\'t have the right to decide that!" Arthur strongly said, "this is my trial! I\'m the one who decides when it will end and how!"

"Suck it kid, you can do nothing now," the voice seemed to enjoy this and not feel any offense at all. "You stayed here too long and you still have unfinished business outside. Go back and do your best, after all your power isn\'t a gift but a responsibility."

And then Arthur felt an electric current passing through his body and even reaching his soul. He couldn\'t see anything but felt extreme pain.

"This is the reward you gained from here, endure and make good use of it."

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