
Chapter 75

After thoughtful considerations, an idea stroked Long Tao’s mind. He wanted more powerful natural oddities. Why not extort his master for them. “How about master providing me with improved natural oddities every time I improve a level.”. The man opened his eyes and looked at Long Tao carefully. This disciple of his was really greedy. Natural oddity was no small matter, and his disciple wanted him to provide him with a better one every time he improved a level in Qi master. But the challenge this boy has accepted, was unheard of in these regions. 8 levels in a single year was beyond monstrous. “fine by me. The prize you are asking for is going to cost quite a bit. Hope you would be able to live up to my expectations.”. Long Tao was quite sure about his abilities and agreed. “Since you are here, hurry up and start absorbing the three natural oddities. I want to see the efficiency you are able to obtain.”.

Long Tao became nervous instantly. Just now his master said he didn’t care how he was going to absorb them, but when he said that he requires more oddities, his master want to see the live process, that too now. He cursed his fate, and sat down in front of his master. He had read in the scriptures, that the way to absorb the natural oddity was done in three steps. The first one is, ingestion. The practitioner needs to ingest the oddity into his body. This require the body strength to be high for it to be successful. The next part was the battle of will. Even if the flame is taken from a beast, it still has a remainder of its consciousness implanted within. The user needed to destroy the implanted consciousness. Only after breaking it there is a chance of absorption.

The last step was rotating the power of the natural oddity through the body and get familiar with it. The riskiest part was off course the second, then the third and lastly the first. The first step was easy and less painful. “I advise you to ingest the heavy water first. It is the least aggressive natural oddity of the three.” Long Tao did as he was advice and ingested the Heavy water first. As expected, the first step was quite easy, but what came next was surprising. Long Tao lost consciousness. Soon enough he was in his soul sate, and in front of him was a spiritual materialisation. It was like a water body. The water body began to struggle with his spiritual body. Long Tao knew he had to start attacking. The first impact was quite strong.

Long Tao took some time to get acquainted with the impact. It took him multiple impact to get his power level to that of the manifested body. The struggle continued. Long Tao began utilising his soul power and draw Qi from his soul ocean. Slowly he started to gain the upper hand. The outer expression of Long Tao was that of pain and intense struggle. The figure was watching Long Tao’s action. “How much time would this boy take to absorb it.”. the three vice-heads had also appeared before the dean.” How long would junior brother take to absorb the first oddity. It took me 2 days to complete the first absorption. Senior took around one day. From Junior brother’s talent, he would take half a day at most.’. But suddenly Long Tao’s aura began to spike. The Dean was surprised.” Soul master level soul strength. Who is this boy? Who was his previous master? To be able to train such a monster.”. Long Tao opened his eyes soon.

The three vice-heads were shocked. Such powerful talent. He was able to do it within two josh-sticks of time. Long Tao sat down and rested for a bit. “master I am ready for the second absorption. Which one should I try this time.”? The person didn’t reply, but one of the vice-leaders said” Try the fire one first. It is the less aggressive one.”. Long Tao took the fire vial and ingested it and began the process. The Dean opened his eyes and looked towards the vice-leader with a strict face. Then he turned towards Long Tao “This second absorption is going to be the real test of your talent.” The vice-leaders didn’t seem to understand at first, but then suddenly a thought came to their mind.

The heavy water oddity that their junior brother just absorbed has become the part of his body. It would now repel the fire oddity, which was its fundamental opposite. So, the process of absorbing the fire oddity was going to be the more difficult part. The same theory applied to Long Tao’s condition now. He was feeling a genuine repulsion from the fire oddity at first, but then almost involuntarily, a power began to rise from Long Tao’s body, which was released both within and to the surroundings. The power was like a mixture of all attributes.

The dean opened his eyes. At first there was shock, then anger, and at last an ecstasy filled his eyes.” This bastard. He dared to hold back information from his master. Let him come to his senses and I will spank his ass off. The vice-leaders were also surprised after feeling the power. They couldn’t understand the words of their master, but from the delightful expression he showed, it must be something quite good. As soon as the power appeared, the fire affinity of Long Tao’s body improved exponentially. The beast flame ‘s power was being absorbed, and the will was getting weaker. Long Tao managed to defeat the beast’s will, and incubate the fire within his body. Finally, after the rotation was complete, he opened his eyes to see his master standing in front of him. The expression on his face was that of a cruel laughter, and Long Tao felt bad about the situation.

He lifted Long Tao by his neck, turned him and started a literal spanking session. Long Tao’s body was still shivering from pain after the session was finally complete. His senior brother was unable to hold their laughter inside but they felt bad for Long Tao.” Wanglong When were you going to tell master about your real abilities. Or did you deem master unworthy of knowing your true powers.”. Long Tao didn’t understand at first. “Will you be kind enough to tell me the truth about your natural body type, or shall be go for another round.” The Dean asked with another smile. The expression sent chills down Long Tao’s spine. He wouldn’t be able to sit down at the moment form the pain he just felt. Another round would mean death for certain. “I have a good elemental affinity with all the elements master. So, the process was quite easy to go through.” The vice-leaders were shocked, but the Dean raised his hand and started walking towards Long Tao, with his smile broadening.” Is that all boy.”. He again picked up Long Tao and turned him. He was about to start spanning again.


“I have the Omni -element body.” Long Tao shouted in desperation. He could ‘t go through another round of beating. After hearing Long Tao’s words, the dean let him down. Long Tao sighed a breath of relief. “So that is why you were so sure of your ability to increase your cultivation to the Qi general level, within a year, and wanted me to give you natural oddities. You are quite greedy aren’t you boy.”. another round started all of a sudden. All that was heard is Long Tao screaming. After a day. Long Tao was sitting at the same place. His body deformed by tall the beating he received from his master. He was now in process of absorbing the thunder seed. His master had presented him another two vials containing an earthen pit and a wind stone. He was on his way to all round element practice. Although the punishment was hard, but he had struck it rich.


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