韩国电影妈妈的朋友5 完整版

Chapter 108 The Hunting Begins

For this reason, no one had raised the issue of the marriage for convenience for now. Nevertheless, Lin Mengya could not stop worrying about it just a little.

Hu Lunan did not look like the kind who would give up easily. Although Mrs. Yue had been temporarily suppressed, nothing could guarantee that her intentions were completely eliminated.

If she insisted on marrying Yueting off to the western vassal state, Lin Mengya did not think she could interfere by then.

"I’ve already written a letter to my elder brother to ask him to come back sooner."

Lin Mengya said to Yueting quietly, and she blushed deeper.

"You’re so good at teasing me. Is it because you’ve become so popular in Dajin now?"

Yueting pursed her lips in an attempt to hide a teasing smile.

In her heart, she was thinking that Lin Mengya thought she was unaware of the word going around among the Dajin nobles about her and Prince Yu last night.

Who would have guessed that Prince Yu, who was known to be the most indifferent and apathetic man in Dajin, had turned into a sweet and sensitive man towards his consort after getting married?

They were thinking that Lin Mengya was really so blessed. Although she was deemed an idiot in the past, she did not lose out to others after all.

"What’s that to me? Didn’t I already become very popular the moment I married Prince Yu? Moreover, the kindness Prince Yu shows to me is beyond compare with others."

At her words, Yueting was about to tease Lin Mengya, when she sensed someone was shooting a jealous look.

She glanced sideways and realized that it was Lin Mengwu who was shooting a twisted look at Lin Mengya.

Since the day she was born, Lin Mengwu and her mother had started down their path of taking away everything that belonged to Lin Mengya.

Even some of the special things Yueting had meant for Lin Mengya as gifts had been hijacked by this woman.

This was why Yueting had always tried to avoid meeting with this sister-in-law.

"That’s so true. The kindness Prince Yu shows you are not meant for everyone who yearns for it."

Yueting was prudent with her words, so there were certain things that would never proceed from her mouth because she was the daughter of a cultured family.

Lin Mengya, on the other hand, was never bothered about what people would say about her, therefore she was usually rather straight forward in speaking her mind.

"Some people just couldn’t help but covet after what does not belong to them, how pathetic."

At Lin Mengya’s comments, Lin Mengwu’s face fell.

After she took a few deep breaths, Lin Mengwu turned away.

This was something new. The two of them did not get into a fight today. Especially Lin Mengwu, who did not say a word after Lin Mengya’ words of provocation. She simply turned her head away to continue watching the game. Her silence surprised even Lin Mengya, who was totally not used to such a reaction.

Strangely, why didn’t Second Miss open her mouth to speak?

Lin Mengya’s maidservants were all surprised. Never had Lin Mengwu been so submissive and docile, even back in the mansion.

Yueqi, too, shot a curious look at Lin Mengwu and Lin Mengya, who were supposedly sisters, but definitely did not look like sisters.

"Big Sister Lin, why are you totally different from Lin Mengwu?"

Yueqi quietly tugged at Lin Mengya’s dress. She was still so innocent. Although Yue had two concubines, they had gone about things in a cultured manner and each concubine conducts herself with integrity and courtesy.

Moreover, the two mothers in the household were the kind who kept to their words, so she had never had such experience at Lin Mengya.

"Of course thing are different when we did not come from the same mother."

Lin Mengya’s mother was gentle and quiet. Although she was not around for long, the servants in the household were full of praises for her.

Unlike Shanggong Qing, who only knew to fight and force her way through. She would not take into consideration other people’s kindness towards her.

Not to mention others, even this stepdaughter of hers almost died in her hands.

How could such a reckless woman be compared to her birth mother?

"That’s right, I think you’re prettier."

Although they shared the same father, Lin Mengya and Lin Mengwu were beautiful in a totally different way.

One was stunningly gorgeous and elegant.

While the other simply had delicate features and her beauty was merely above average.

Yueqi looked from one to the other and concluded that Lin Mengya looked more like her father.

The moment Lin Mengwu heard their conversation, she was so enraged that she clenched her fists and shot them deathly looks.

They were really too much! The Queen, who was her aunt, was the one who insisted she joined the hunting trip. She promised her that she would help her attract the attention of the crown prince of the western vassal state.

Otherwise, she would never come to such a horrible place.

"Mother, they..."

Lin Mengwu turned and walked to where Shangguan Qing was. Compared to her enraged daughter, Shangguan Qing was much more poised.

She looked completely unperturbed, but continue to fix her eyes on the hunting competition.

"Wu’er, do you want to be like them?"

There was the usual arrogant tone in her voice. In Shangguan Qing’s eyes, these three girls were merely children born out of wedlock.

They could not be compared to her daughter, who was of pure, noble blood, and was bright and witty.

"Surely I’m not at all like them."

Although Lin Mengya wanted so much to retaliate, however, she was afraid that if she were to upset the plan again, her aunt Queen would not give her a second chance.

"Don’t worry, your aunt had reassured me that you will become the consort to the prince of the western vassal state. You have to know that not everyone could become the consort to the crown prince. Moreover, that crown prince is tall and handsome, is of a pureblood. He and you are a perfect match."

Lin Mengwu’s initial rejection had landed Lin Mengya’s maid a good deal.

To push away such a perfect candidate for a son-in-law would be imprudent.

Therefore, when the queen offered another chance to Lin Mengwu, they immediately took it.

The only challenge now was for Lin Mengwu to attract the attention of the crown prince. She would have to work hard at it.

"Mother, do you think the crown prince would ever fancy me?"

Lin Mengwu thought her portrayal at the state banquet was undeniably appalling.

Not only was she involved in a fight with vice Princess Yang that resulted in a badly bruised and swollen face, she totally embarrassed herself in trying to showcase her talent.

Despite Lin Mengwu being thick-skinned, it was still a mortifying experience even for her.

If the crown prince of the western vassal state were to repudiate her because of this, she would rather ramp her head into the wall and die.

"Rest assured, your aunt had revealed to King Ming your identity. Your noble identity alone would be a clear choice for them."

Shangguan Qing was rather confident that the crown prince would become her son-in-law, which was why she sounded so sure of herself.

When Lin Mengwu looked towards where the horses where galloping, her heart started to pound very hard.

She would not be disadvantaged if she were to become the consort to the crown prince of the western vassal state.

The announcement of the results was continuous all the way until noon. By the end of the morning, the field before the stand was filled with heaps and piles.

As Lin Mengya and her maidservants watched the heaps getting higher, they were starting to feel excited as well.

These heaps were made up of various species of pheasants and hares. The royal chefs from the palace who came along with them had already cleaned some of these exotic animals and prepared them into delicacies for the royals and the nobles to enjoy for lunch.

Although Lin Mengya was not entirely supportive of the idea, she was subtly influenced by the atmosphere.

All the participating men were trying to display their best hunting skills and their valiancy.

Long Tianhao, who was usually indifferent in all matters, had shown himself to be extremely charming and powerful in this masculine competition which only involves men.

Apparently, Long Tianhao was very fruitful this morning. However, he did not shoot the animals he hunted down to death.

Long Tianhao had used a crossbow with a net and had captured his prey alive after shooting them.

Which was why his results were ahead of the others and he was able to maintain in the top three positions.

"Don’t you think, Miss, that our Prince Yu was the most skilled among the other men?"

Baishao teased her princess boldly because even she could see that Princess Yu and Princess Yu had been very intimate these few days, as if they were an identity.

If she had not seen with her own eyes, it would almost be impossible to imagine the usually aloof prince could actually be so sweet and understanding.

"Oh, you!Would Baizhi please bring a piece of cake over here to stuff into her mouth?"

Lin Mengya’s cheeks began heating up reflexively.

Unfortunately, when the thought that such an outstanding man would eventually still not belong to her, she started to taste bitterness in her mouth.

Forget it, why should she trouble herself with such thoughts?

"They’re back, look!"

Yueqi, who had not taken her eyes off of the forest cried out.

Immediately, Lin Mengya turned to look in the direction of the forest and she saw a lanky figure, galloping on a horse and arrived first. Lin Mengya’s heart was filled with a bittersweet sentiment.

He was outstanding in everything he did. He was like an electric current that runs through the audience so that everyone spontaneously cheered and wave the flag for him.

This was precisely Long Tianhao’s charm, which could not be extinguished by any, neither could anyone be more charming than him

In the twinkling of an eye, Long Tianhao had caused the horse to gallop towards Lin Mengya in a flash.

He cast the prey hanging from his hands and dismounted the horse with a striking manner, which attracted much screaming from the girls who were smitten by his charm.

Lin Mengya smiled walked up to him.

"Are you tired, Your Highness?"

Her greeting of concern sounded exactly like they were a truly loving couple.

No doubt Long Tianhao was perspiring a little, he shook his head. With a wave of his hand, Lin Kui appeared with a small cage, which he handed to Long Tianhao.

There was a small, white and furry animal rolled up in the cage.

Lin Mengya could see that the animal looked like a small dog.

"What kind of a dog is this?"

The small animal looked to be newly born a month ago and was making a delicate sound, making it such an adorable little thing.

"It is a wolf, a lone wolf."

The first instant Long Tianhao set his eyes on this wolf, he found it looking very familiar.

Its mother and father had been shot dead when the family of wolves was surrounded by those hunting men, and this pup was left behind.

While the men were fighting to take possession of this pup, Long Tianhao had displayed his outstanding ability.

The pure look in its eyes looked so much like that of someone in his mansion.

Therefore, he decidedly brought it back and gave it to Lin Mengya.

She indeed loved it very much.

"Wolf? Where did you find such an adorable wolf pup?"

Lin Mengya carried the pup out of the cage. No matter how ferocious an animal was, as a pup, it was always extremely adorable.

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