
Chapter 19 - 19. Boys Are Growing

Because of Magnus\' amazing negotiation skills, which involved simply not replying, he got a deal that if Bobby could also pass the exams he could skip grades too.

The principal didn\'t want to allow this and even pleaded with Magnus\' mother but Grace simply shrugged her responsibility as she didn\'t want to become a villain in Magnus\' life. She knew why Magnus was doing this. ​​

Hence, the Principal had no other option than to allow it. But, he had secretly made a plan to make the test so hard that only Magnus would be able to pass and he would keep a strict eye to make sure no cheating happens.

So, after that, Magnus went and talked to Bobby.

"WHAT? M-me? Skip grades? Mag, you\'ve gone bonkers, I\'m good at studies but not as amazing as you. How am I going to do it? Everyone will laugh at me if I fail." Bobby depressingly said.

Magnus patted his now not-so-chubby friend, "Haha, I will teach you, Bobby. Either both of us will jump grades or none of us will. Besides, it\'s December and we have enough time. The next term will only start in September next year."

"Mate, you are really a walking heap of troubles. Look how thin I\'ve gotten because of all the tension." Bobby slapped his tummy, showing it was very thin now.

Magnus chuckled and replied, "No Bobby, that\'s just called being healthy. Don\'t put it on me that your mum stops you from eating fatty food every day."


"Do you even have time to do all this? Aren\'t you already busy with all the things happening in your life?" Bobby asked.

"That is why I will be sleeping over at your home twice a week and you will be doing the same. We have to utilise the night time too if we want to become great someday. Imagine, someday people will talk about you on the streets, they might call you \'Bobby, the great mind or something." Magnus fed him words.

"Hehe, it does feel like butterflies in my stomach, but I don\'t want them to call me Bobby if that happens. Brandon name sounds more glorious." Bobby argued.

"BOBBY, MAGNUS... we\'re starting the class, take your seats." The teacher entered.

Hearing even the teachers calling him Bobby, Magnus laughed, "No brother, that name is stuck with you for life now."

Bobby grunted and took his seat.


As Magnus had promised, he focused on drowning Bobby\'s brain into knowledge. In the meantime, Magnus also focused on studying higher studies. He felt that it would be good if he could complete his high school before leaving for Hogwarts. The reason being he didn\'t find any books in Hogwarts\' curriculum related to maths or science.

"MAG, how do you solve this? Man, I hate trigonometry. What is this Sin, Cos, Tan stuff? So much stuff to memorise." Bobby complained while rubbing his head in frustration.

"It\'s easy, Bobby. You just need to memorise the Sin part. See, the Cos is the reverse of Sin and Tan is Sin divided by Cos." Magnus taught him.

Magnus meanwhile was studying physics and chemistry. He felt very much fascinated by Chemistry because Physics felt more like Math to him and he was good at it. But Chemistry was totally new. The world was made up of such fine different things that if one were to study all, it would take many lifetimes.

Like this, slowly they spent their weeks. Magnus was constantly trying to get better at his fire ability but it was slow and he had expected that.

He still took sword lessons from Arthur. The man was overzealous in making him the best swordsman in the world for some reason.

Soon, it was time for Christmas. Because of Magnu and Bobby\'s friendship, their families also became friends and visiting each other became common. Magnus\' mother also enjoyed talking to someone who was not a nurse or doctor. Adam too liked talking to a non-military person.

Grace had even recommended Bobby\'s mother for a teaching post at a government and military-co-owned elementary school for kids of military personnel. She got the job and the pay was better than before.

After that, their families became very good friends. It was a good thing for Magnus and Bobby as they got to stay at each other\'s home more.

So, for Christmas dinner, Bobby\'s family was coming to their home. Magnus was at Bobby\'s place so he was coming with them.

"You seemed particularly interested in biology today. What chapter were you studying?" Magnus inquired Bobby. Both of them were seated in the backseat.

Bobby coughed out a reply, "Human reproduction."

Hearing that, Magnus couldn\'t hold his laughter. "Hahaha... my friend, you have officially grown up now."

"So, did you understand everything?" Magnus inquired, holding himself from laughing at the uncomfortable face of Bobby.

"It was simple, yet gross but also interesting for some reason. Ah, how dumb I was to believe that babies come from peach trees." Bobby answered.

Magnus scratched his head, "What? How did you reach that conclusion?"

"It was mom and dad. When I asked how babies come, they told me that when couples want a baby, they go to a peach tree and kiss one of the peaches. Then in 9 months, the peach grows big and a baby comes out of it." Bobby explained.

"Hahaha... well, peaches do look buttocks. What my dad told me was simpler than this. He said storks gift babies to people. You have no idea how many days I spent to spot a stork carrying a baby in the backyard." Magnus revealed his story.

"Why do they hide it from us? And also make up such nonsensical reasons." Bobby wondered.

"Maybe because they think we are too stupid to know. Come on, most of the kids in the class think Santa Claus is real because they find gifts secretly placed by their parents." Magnus said.

"I used to think that too, but it was you who revealed to me the truth after you caught your dad placing the gift," Bobby remembered the incident from 4 years ago.

Magnus chuckled, "Hehe, yeah, actually I thought it was a thief trying to steal my presents because dad was not wearing a Santa dress. I tried to beat him up until mummy came and saved him."

"Yeah, that must\'ve been funny."

Soon, they reached Magnus\' home. Bobby and Magnus got out and ran to the main door.


Magnus and Bobby\'s ears perked up. Walking to where the noise was coming, they came to the bushes separating the houses. There, they saw a black cat with big eyes sitting in a box.

"MEOWWWW... UWU..." the cat made noise seeing them.

Magnus went ahead and patted it, "Such a cute furry cat."

Bobby was confused though, "Mag, isn\'t he... a bit... too thick?"

Magnus looked at the adult furry cat. "Hmm, you\'re right. He\'s a big boy. I\'m gonna keep him."

"What? Why would you? He\'s not a kitten." Bobby argued.

"Look, he\'s in the box, meaning he\'s abandoned." Magnus pointed.

"What box? He\'s too huge for it and looks like someone forcibly stuffed him to sit in it." Bobby said.

"No, cats like sitting in such close spaces. Let\'s see if there is a letter." Magnus picked the cat up and looked in the box. There was indeed a small paper.

"So his name is Chad Jiggles the III. What a strange name." Magnus read it.

"Come on, Chad. Let\'s get inside." Magnus headed home.

Surprisingly, the cat rubbed itself on his legs and followed him behind. It looks too big for its tiny legs. But that was mostly due to too much fur.


"He likes you," Bobby said.

"Of course, I love cats. Now I just have to make my parents agree to let me keep him. Chad, be a good boy." Magnus instructed the cat, although knowing it couldn\'t understand him.

Soon, he picked Chad up and entered. Everyone\'s heads turned. The first thing Grace saw was Chad.

"Mummy, I found this abandoned cat in a box outside the house. Can we keep him?" Magnus asked.

Grace came forward. She didn\'t have any allergies or anything. She checked and saw Chad had no collar.

"Looking at his soft fur, he does seem to be from a good species. Are you sure you can care for him?" She asked while judgingly looking into his eyes.

"YES... I will care for him." Magnus quickly agreed.

"Good. Welcome to the family then." Grace scratched Chad\'s head while he rubbed his head on her palm.

"What is his name?" Grace asked.

"Chad Jiggles the III." Magnus showed her the small note. It made Grace\'s eyes twitch.

"Haha, well, Chad is good. Take him upstairs and bath him while we cook food." She ordered him.

Magnus held Chad in his one arm and made the cat salute with his paw and mimicked another voice, "GOT IT, MOM."

With that, Magnus and Bobby ran upstairs to his room.

As soon as they entered, Arthur voiced. "Oh, what do we have here? A fat blob of fur?"

Magnus turned to look at the portrait. Bobby couldn\'t hear or see it so he was clueless.

"He\'s Chad. Our new family cat." Magnus replied.

But, what all seemed to have not noticed was that as soon as Arthur had spoken, the cat\'s head had turned in his direction for a split second, then it continued to look around the room.


[A/N: Who or what is that cat? Is it a normal cat or some Animagus? BTW, he\'s not Hats. But to be clear, this novel does take place in an Omniverse where Alexander and his family exists.

[You can see Chad the cat on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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