
Chapter 33 - 33. FIGHT

The first day of school was eventful. Magnus and Ragnar did pretty well in their classes. But, on day one he found out what he was good at what not. And it seriously disappointed him a little.

The second class of the day was Transfiguration. Monday was the busiest day for all students and teachers as the schedule was jam-packed. ​​

In this class, Professor McGonagall taught them the theory behind the Transfiguration first. It turns out, there was a mathematical formula behind this and Magnus was best at maths. The transformation formula said that the intended transformation is directly influenced by body weight (a), viciousness (v), wand power (w), concentration (c), and a fifth unknown variable (Z).

The meant that T(Transfiguration) was equal to wand power (w) X concentration (c) then all of it divided by viciousness (v) X body weight (a) and all of it was then multiplied by the fifth unknown variable (Z). Now, what the unknown variable was nobody knew. Magnus had noticed that in all these years, all the wizards and witches had researched to perfect their magic, make new spells and power up methods, but none of them researched the origin of it. Why does magic exist? No one could answer this question of his. They only know that like humans, magic originated in Africa.

But, one thing was sure to Magnus, that Magic followed the laws of physics. For example, the conservation of matter and energy. But then there were instances when these laws could be broken by extremely strong wizards and that was what he was aiming to achieve. But, for now, his 11-year-old little body couldn\'t dream of doing that.

There were many branches in Transfiguration and Professor McGonagall had warned them that it was also dangerous.

"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned." was what she said.

The first task of all of them was to turn a match into a needle. This was considered the simplest of all transfiguration spells.

"Ragnar, just watch me and learn." Magnus proudly said.

"But I\'ve already done it," Ragnar suddenly replied.

Magnus, in shock, turned to him, and there was indeed a silver needle in front of him.

"Heh, so you\'re talented in it. Okay, you made it silver, I will make it gold, I like gold anyway." Magnus proudly claimed.

[A/N: incantation is unknown for this magic so I am making one.]


"Yes, yes, turn into a needle." He muttered as the matchstick was being turned. He had kept the concentration aspect in his mind, imagination was also a major part. It finally took the shape of a needle and turned golden. But, shockingly, it turned into a bigger size than what the original matchstick was.

Quickly, Professor McGonagall appeared. She had stars in her eyes but kept a serious face.

"Perfect, even better than I expected. Making it even larger than the original size is something not all wizards can do, Mr Pendragon. And Mr Oroborus, amazing on your part too, on your first attempt to do it. Ten points to Slytherin." Professor McGonagall announced and went on her way, she could not overly praise someone as it would discourage others.

"I think we are going to win the house cup just by gathering these points." Magnus talked to Ragnar.

"Hehe, there is still the Quidditch. But, I\'m not interested in it. I hate flying." Ragnar said distastefully.

"But I want to do it. I know I\'m gonna love it. Okay, let\'s help the others. Look, Snape did it too." Magnus exclaimed.

"Why does he try to avoid us? We never said anything bad to him," Ragnar questioned.

Magnus sighed, "Insecurities, I guess."

After that, they helped many students complete their tasks. They even helped many from Hufflepuff. Magnus was already being adorned by most of the students in the school, so whenever he talked to someone, they always showed respect, well... except for a few who were in Slytherin.

Magnus knew he was very good at all kinds of Charms and also Transfiguration but when it came to Potioneering, he was average, but he had still not given up on the liquid luck. Meanwhile, Ragnar was below average at charms but god tier in Potioneering, he said he\'s liked Potioneering since he was small and had already memorised all recipes till 7th year as he had all the books at his home. Magnus had tried to ask him about his home, but Ragnar every time dodged the question.

DADA was also an exciting class for Magnus and he excelled in it. It wasn\'t much different from Charms. It was exciting to him as it taught various spells to find hidden secrets.

The American teacher, Professor Harrison, was an excellent person. He had told everyone that he used to be an Auror working for MACUSA. He was in the Department responsible for handling Dark Creatures attacking No-Majs. He was a funny and easygoing man. But the first day was mostly theory and introduction. They would start learning practical things from the next class.

But, there was something Magnus found strange, their Potions and DADA class was with Gryffindor but he saw neither Sirius nor James. There was Lily but he didn\'t talk to her, considering how paranoid Snape was at the moment.

Then there was the herbology class with Ravenclaw, he liked these people as they were knowledgable but some of them were too proud of it. Herbology was very easy for Magnus because he had a very good memory and had already memorised everything. Ragnar was also excellent in this subject. His reasoning was, "To make amazing potions, I need high-quality materials and I don\'t trust any herbologist so I grow my own herbs."

Till now, Magnus had learned that Ragnar sucked at Charms. DADA spells were also somewhat like charms so he expected him to suck at that too.

But, what made him excited for the whole day was a flying lesson. He was already dreaming of how cool it would be. But to his luck, Mondays didn\'t have the flying lessons. So, he had to wait till the next day.

Their day\'s schedule ended. Magnus had already done his Homework. It was actually a lot. But it was just theoretical stuff and he was good at memorising. He helped Ragnar complete it too and both of them were free during the Study Hall period.

"Where are we going, Magnus?" Ragnar asked.

"To find the portrait of Merlin," Magnus replied with a smile.

Magnus had found this information by hearing some students talking about his heritage. Magnus was still in a bit of shock but he had accepted this fact. Now, what he needed were answers.

The portrait was on the walls by the Grand Staircase, next to the portrait of his Merlin\'s old friend and fellow courtier of King Arthur, Sir Cadogan.

He quickly found the portrait. Inside, he saw Merlin standing, his beard was long and white and he wore a big robe with a hood. It was probably the fashion among the wizards of that era.

"AHAA... so this was the boy you were talking about?" Sir Cadogan exclaimed.

Merlin\'s portrait smiled, "Haha, welcome to the Hogwarts, child. Now, I am just a portrait so I do not know about your past. Which family do you belong to and how did you find my inheritance?"

Magnus replied truthfully, "Hello, I am not from a magic family. My parents are non-magical people. I didn\'t find your inheritance, it would be correct to say it found me. 2 years ago, I was lost and couldn\'t find a home. So I slept in a park under a tree. That tree talked to me in my sleep and since that day, I started having strange accidents. Just yesterday did I find out about my heritage."

Merlin loudly laughed, "BWAHAHA... fabulous. You are from a non-magical family, that is even better. At least, I don\'t have to teach you about equality now. And about that tree, I believe you have talked to my will?"

Magnus nodded, "Yes, I did. But it said I am not ready for the knowledge or the gifts."

"Yes, yes, you must grow stronger. I have left you amazing things, Magnus. You will understand everything as you continue on this adventure. These damn new generations have destroyed the wizarding word that I worked so hard to improve. I see them daily talking about how their family is this or that or how they hate magbobs. Their minds have become so narrowminded to understand that we all are from the same species." Merlin had a bit of sorrow in his voice.

"I understand, Arthur said the same thing about the muggle world," Magnus said.

"Wait... what? Did you already meet that bloke?" Merlin exclaimed.

"MWAHAHAHA... I won, Merlin." Out of nowhere, Arthur appeared in Merlin\'s portrait.

Magnus chuckled, "Yes, I found him in the Buckingham Palace. He was invisible to all but not me."

Arthur started to crack his knuckled, "You bastard, I\'m gonna teach you a lesson. You\'ve got no magic here. You left me invisible to rot there? Sir Cadogan, come here and help me. As your king, I command you."

"Yes, your majesty." Sir Cadogan also jumped to Merlin\'s portrait.

Merlin grunted, "Huh, I can handle ten of you together, Arthur. I call you a bloke for a reason."

"Really? You green-eyed bastard, I will show you the power of my FIST OF FURY!" Arthur shouted and ran to attack Merlin.

Merlin also got ready to fight. He passed the first punch to his face and countered with his staff.


He punched the back of Arthur\'s head. But, Arthur came prepared, he lifted his leg as he was falling and *BAM*

Straight to the baby makers of Merlin. "Mwahaha... you don\'t need those anyway as they don\'t work. But they still hurt all the same. Have my NUTCRACKER KICK!"

"You got them too,"


Merlin also hit his staff at Arthur\'s baby maker. Both of them fell to their knees. Sir Cadogan stood at the side and watched.

Outside the portrait, Magnus and Ragnar watched it all. "You want some, Ragnar?"

Magnus offered some popcorn to Ragnar. Both of them laughed while watching it.

"Haha... I can watch this all day." Magnus exclaimed.

Suddenly, Arthur and Merlin turned to Magnus and felt embarrassed.

"Ah, Magnus. We were not fighting. We were just playing. See, we are brothers." Arthur helped Merlin get up.

"Yes, Magnus. You should be kind to people." Merlin added.

"Come on, fight. I still got the popcorn bag half full." Magnus nudged them.

Merlin and Arthur smiled wryly. Magnus was also pulling their leg.

"Just kidding, I will be going now. Merlin, I have set up the portrait in my dorm. You can come and talk to me there." He said.

"Sure, lad. We will come."

After that, Magnus left. And the fight resumed.

"ONLY ONE SHALL WIN TODAY!..." Arthur shouted.



[You can see Grand Staircase on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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