
Chapter 37 - 37. Detention


Magnus was enjoying the fresh air blasting on his face. He had probably broken a few rules by now but he wanted to do this, enjoy this, ever since he had heard about broomsticks. ​​

~Huh, I will earn the points back.~ he thought.

He was zooming around various buildings, making many dangerous manoeuvres. The broomstick was not the fastest as it was just for 1st years for training, but it was enough for now.

"Not so fast, Merlin boy." Suddenly a voice came from behind Magnus.

He looked back and saw the girl with pretty eyes. "You can fly too? You seem good."

"I can say the same about you. Emma Vanity, by the way." She introduced herself.

"Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon..." He breathed out his new full name. This was the name by which he was officially registered at Hogwarts.

"I know that... probably the whole school... no, the whole British magical community knows that." She replied, but then a sudden smirk appeared on her face.

"Wanna race? Whoever circles the Hogwarts main building and reaches the training fields wins and has to buy the winner the most expensive chocolate available." She suggested.

"How much does the most expensive chocolate cost?" Magnus inquired out of curiosity.

"Not much, just a few hundred Galleons." She replied nonchalantly.

Magnus\'s head immediately did the calculations. ~I only have a thousand left. Can\'t lose those for some chocolates that I\'m not even going to enjoy.~

"Okay, let\'s do this. But if I win, I don\'t want chocolates, I want a book costing the same amount as the chocolate." He said.

"Deal. Okay, I will throw this ribbon to the ground. The second it touches the ground, we start." She set the rules and got ready.

Magnus had his eyes on the ribbon as if he was an eagle. He saw it slowly falling to the ground. In his mind, he calculated the time it would take for it to touch down because it was hard to recognise if it had touched down from this height.

Then he waited patiently.


To his shock, Emma started before him, but she was actually on time. He also raced and was not too far behind her.

"HAHA, I\'m going to win this, Merlin boy." She shouted.

Magnus chuckled, "We\'ll see."

He slowly started to catch up to her and was crossing her. She saw it and was amazed because their brooms were the same and Magnus was heavier than her, yet he was faster. She couldn\'t understand how.

Unknown to her, it was not her fault. It was the fault of the whole magical society\'s education system. Magnus was using a simple thing in physics called aerodynamics. He had purposefully ducked down his body and his chin was basically touching the broom, different from Emma, who was riding it like a normal bicycle.

"I won\'t let you win." She suddenly tried to block his path and made fake kicks. She was not going to really kick him and endanger his life, she knew it was dumb.

It had some effect and Magnus and he was again left behind. ~Ah, I can\'t lose my money like this. I guess I\'ll have to do it. My ultra-secret technique.~

He again streamlined himself to reduce air resistance and caught up to her. Then, he shouted loudly, "OH MY GOD!"

With that, he made the most exaggerated shocked face possible and looked to his left side, towards the buildings.

It was human nature to be curious, so Emma also looked to her left. And soon, she felt a pinch on her right cheek.


"OUCH..." She cried.

Magnus had flicked on her right cheek with his finger. "See you at the finish line."

She immediately realised she was fooled. But all her attempts to get the lead were futile as Magnus continuously flew away from her.

"THIS IS CHEATING." She complained loudly.

She immediately received a reply with fading laughter, "My mummy told me to treat girls equally. HAHAhahaha..."

She pouted and continued on to return to the finish line. Soon, the crowd came into her view and with a frowning face, she landed on the ground.

Magnus and Emma were both surrounded by their excited classmates. But then, an angry Madam Hooch came, "That was extremely reckless, Mr Pendragon and Ms Vanity. You two are to spend 2 hours in detention."

Magnus didn\'t protest, he was just happy for having saved his money from this witch.

He turned to her smugly, "Heh, I will tell you the name of the book tomorrow."

"Huh..." she scoffed and walked the other way.

"Miss Vanity, the detention is that way." Madam Hooch interrupted her, embarrassing her even more.

Magnus, holding his laughter, walked towards the detention room. While leaving, he waved towards Ragnar and Severus.


The Detention room of Hogwarts was nothing but a room with some student\'s desks. There were also many bookshelves. But to Magnus\' horror, all of them were about how to be good students, Hogwarts laws and other things related to that.

There was no teacher but instead ghosts. Keeping an eye on them. But, to his surprise, he and Emma were not alone. There was a curly-haired boy too.

"Sirius?" Magnus voiced.

Sirius and James were sitting on the front side of the room. Sirius looked back and laughed "Haha, we knew you would come here sooner than later."

James also added, "Finally, the god has come down among us mortals."

"Yeah yeah, what are you in for?" Magnus asked as if they were prisoners.

"We made our classmates have opposite gender\'s voice with the help of a powder. Professor McGonagall caught us. This was yesterday, today Slughorn sent us here because we put pepper powder in many cauldrons. Everyone ran out of the lab coughing." Sirius explained as if they were triumphs.

"What kind of animals are you?" Emma blurted.

"And who do we have here? Miss righteous princess? Since when did a Slytherin start worrying about people?" James retorted.

"He\'s also a Slytherin," She pointed to Magnus.

"No, he belongs to all houses, we heard the hat. Besides, I\'ve known him from before Hogwarts. But I don\'t know you. What\'s your name?" Sirius asked her, this time seriously.

"I am Emma Vanity." She replied.

Sirius\' shoulders relaxed, "Ah, so you are one of the better pureblood families. What did you two do? Kiss in public?"

Magnus nearly choked on his saliva, "What the... no. We were racing on our brooms."

"Who won?" James asked almost immediately. He was a fanatic when it came to flying.

Magnus proudly raised his head, "Who other than me?"

"Huh, he cheated." Emma protested.

"Sure, the loser always has some excuse," Magnus spoke back. Hearing this, Emma huffed and went to a corner to sit alone.

"What\'s her deal?" Sirius asked.

"Ignore her. She just lost a bet. So, what do we do here now? I don\'t want to read those books." Magnus asked.

Both Sirius and James looked at each other. They nodded and made Magnus sit with them. "We were planning a prank. A big one this time, it might take some time to complete. No hard feelings, but we want to turn the pants of all Slytherin boys into skirts. Also, put lipstick on their faces."

Magnus nodded and thought for a second, "Hmm, It can be done. But it will need a lot of planning. Let\'s do it."

"Are you serious? Will you prank your own house?" They excitedly asked.

"Sure, why not? They have been a pain in the back since day one. Always acting so strickly, there is no fun." Magnus complained.

Sirius was happy, "Cool, let\'s do it then."

And so, they started planning. After a while, their detention was over and they could go out. Emma angrily left alone.

Magnus also decided to leave. "Let\'s do this."

He raised his hand to high five them. They also high-fived him, and Sirius and James high-fived each other too.

But, to their horrors, they suddenly found out that their hands had gotten stuck together.

"Eh... what happened?" Sirius questioned himself.

"It\'s as if... someone glued our hands," James observed.

But when they turned to look at Magnus, he was already walking away and was at the door. Realisation quickly hit them.

Magnus looked at them one last time with a mischievous smile, "Have fun sleeping on the same bed, lads."

He left after that. Sirius and James looked at each other in horror. Apparently, the pranksters got pranked.

"THAT BASTARD..." Sirius cursed.

"This was a good one, admit it, Sirius. But we will have our revenge soon." James said, already planning ahead.

"That\'s fine, but what about this? We can\'t go out there. They will think we\'re... involved." Sirius nervously said.

And for the next few months, rumours spread around the school that Sirius and James were hot on each other. It was suspected that the rumour came from them holding hands and a certain loudmouth from Slytherin.

[You can see the Hogwarts building on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!

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