
Chapter 44 - 44. MAYHEM!

"Did any new book come?" Magnus asked the store clerk.

She immediately recognised Magnus as the big buyer from before. But now, she also recognised him as the descendant of Merlin and the next King of Britain. ​​

"Oh, Y-your Majesty... y-yes we have new books. 10 of them. I will get them for you." She flustered and quickly went to the deeper storage.

Moody smirked, "Haha, how does it feel to be famous?"

"Not good, if it was for something I did, I would have gladly accepted all the praise and respect. But, this is because of my ancestors. But I also know better than to forcefully correct them." Magnus replied.

This answer amazed Moddy a bit as he was not expecting such an answer from him. He was expecting something like, "I love it or I hate it."

Magnus bought all of them and then went to the ice cream shop. There, he bought an ice-cream box. But he ordered a special packaging in which it wouldn\'t melt unless opened.

He also bought two cones of chocolate chip strawberry cherry mix ice-cream. He gave one to Moody.

"Err... No thanks." Moody denied.

Magnus still held it towards him while eating his own ice cream, "Take it, old man, it won\'t freeze your other eye."

Reluctantly, he took it and started eating.

"When was the last time you ate ice-cream?" Magnus inquired as they waited for his package to be packed.

"Don\'t remember," Moody replied.

"See, that\'s why you\'re so grumpy. It\'s not just you, most Ministry people I met are like this. When I become the king and I\'m powerful enough, I will install an unlimited free ice cream dispenser in the Ministry office. Also a pancake vending machine..." Magnus said dreamily.

"That would be a waste of your money then," Moody grunted.

"No, old man, I recommend you study the muggle culture for once. You will learn how ignorant the magical community is. If the magical community doesn\'t adapt and advance like the muggles, then we\'ll go extinct." Magnus advised.

"You sound like another guy I met a few days ago, though he only seems to be interested in muggle objects. But you did come from there so you probably know more than me or him combined.

"The future will tell what the future holds, for now, I gotta focus on staying alive," Moody replied. Also, he couldn\'t believe he was having this conversation with a kid.

"Why do you think there is so much racism and bigotry in the wizarding world? Is this the case with other countries too?" Magnus inquired. He knew that if someone could answer him then it must be this man. Because Moody seemed like a straightforward, no-nonsense guy who wouldn\'t sugarcoat the truth.

Moody chuckled, "Haha... that\'s because we failed as a society. It\'s all right when there is one fool, but when there are 100 fools, gathered at the same place, the level of intellect falls dramatically. And we got it worse, we have so many fools, with power and money."

Magnus chuckled hearing that, "Hehe, I guess, to beat fire, you need another fire. I probably got more money than all of them combined and about power... well, I\'m still growing."

"That\'s right... Your Majesty."

"You can call me Magnus, as long as you are fighting against this racism," Magnus said and went to get the ice-cream box.

This ice-cream box was for his best friend/brother, in all but name, Bobby. He was also sending one box to his parents. The best thing about this ice-cream was its ever-changing tasty flavour and the fact that it does not make you fat.

"Okay, I\'m done. Let\'s go." Magnus gave the money and walked out of the shop.

It was still raining, but magic was useful in such cases to avoid getting wet. He and Moody started walking towards the bank. Dumbledore and Minister were still there, though the crowd of people had probably dispersed.



"SIT DOWN MAGNUS!" Moody suddenly shouted and he also sat down. Magnus, in fact, was already on the ground as his danger sense was tingling from the second he came out of the shop.

His eyes widened when he heard the spell. It was a killing curse, instant death if met with. But, at the moment, the Ministry Aurors were allowed to use it too.

Magnus\'s senses were at an all-time high as his eyes turned red from deep blue, he immediately controlled his breath and calmed down. He could feel a malicious presence around him.

"THERE ARE 7 OF THEM..." Magnus shouted and ran back into the ice cream shop to take cover. Moody did the same. They took cover on the two sides of the large glass window.

"How do you know their numb...?" Moody questioned him but stopped midway when he saw the red eyes of Magnus. Moody seems to have an understanding now. This was like the charm used to see at night. But this once seemed like an innate ability.

"I can feel them. Don\'t ask more. What should we do?" Magnus asked.

"We? Kid, you will stay here, I will handle them. The Aurors will be here soon, they made too much noise." Moody ordered.


Suddenly, loud explosion noise came from the direction of the Bank.

"7 more have arrived. Who are they?" Magnus questioned. The atmosphere was tense at that moment. The visibility was low due to the heavy rain and low light outside. But, it was not dark enough to use night vision. Still, Moody\'s special eye was helping him as it allowed him to look beyond the walls and also 360 degrees.

"Death Eaters, I just saw the dark mark in the sky. Not all of them are Death Eaters though, most are simple followers of Voldemort. Death Eaters are like his elite generals." Moody explained.

"DUCK" Magnus shouted suddenly, but, then he noticed there was another guy in the shop, foolishly standing as if frozen in shock.

Magnus ran to the guy and dragged him down. Moody crouched down too. Soon, the bombardment of spells hit the front of the shop and it didn\'t seem to be ending. The 7 dark wizards were continuously moving closer to them.

"We need to get out of here or they will get to us eventually." Moody assessed the situation.

"Apparate away?" Magnus asked.

Moody shook his head, "No, they have placed anti-apparition wards around here, I tried,"


"I have an idea. Just when I say, I want you to give me cover fire. When I say, shield me with a Protego charm." Magnus advised him seriously.

"WHAT?! Are you mad? You just stay there." Moody angrily shouted at him. He didn\'t want the kid to die so fast, he had seemed to start liking him due to his sharp mind.

"Trust me, Mad-Eye. Just do as I say, I will not be leaving the cover, I promise." He insisted and didn\'t wait for the reply.

Magnus took out two of the ten wands he had taken from Merlin\'s vault from his jacket. Then he used one wand that he felt most connected with and started casting magic on the weakest wand he had found. He started overcharging it, as much as possible.

After a while, cracks started to appear on the wand. "NOW!"

As soon as Magnus\' shout came, Moody cast a Protego on both of them and continued to give backup fire. There were 5 dark wizards outside, continuously bombarding them.

Magnus, without peeking out, threw his other wand outside at the 5 dark wizards. But, nothing happened.

"WAS THAT YOUR PLAN?" Moody asked while gritting his teeth.

"JUST WATCH..." Magnus replied. Then, he put his wand out slightly and sent a simple Incendio charm at the cracked wand, fallen near the attacker\'s feet.

It was a bullseye.


A loud and big explosion occurred. "LET\'S ROUND THEM UP..."

Magnus was the first to step out, as any closet Gryffindor would. He had already shown his cunningness and knowledge.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!..." Magnus shouted the spell at the 2 wounded dark wizards. Their bodies froze in their place. Magnus was very good at Charms, to the point that it came as second nature. Perks of having the blood of the Prince of Enchanters.

He used the Full Body-Bind Curse and then took away the wands of the two. By now, Moody was in action too and had taken away the wands of 3 wizards. Without wands, they were nothing.

But, they were still staying sharp because two more were hiding somewhere.


Magnus felt this noise from his left side and immediately jumped away. The next millisecond, an Incendio curse struck there.

"MAD EYE!... THROW A ROCK AT THAT WINDOW... QUICK..." Magnus shouted.

Moody knew better than to ask questions right now. He had already accepted that Magnus was just good with Charms and had a good brain on his head.

He picked up a good big piece of stone from the rubble and threw it to where Magnus had told him to.

With the sound of air being cut, the stone travelled very fast. Magnus pointed his wand towards the stone and sent a lot of power through it.

"ENGORGIO!" He shouted.

Midway, the stone started to turn bigger and bigger, eventually reaching a size big enough to turn a man into a meat paste if fallen onto.


The stone, now a boulder, smashed through the window onto the 6th attacker. But Magnus saw that this wand too was now cracked up. So, he charged it with magic and kept it to be used as a grenade.

"Okay, one more left," Magnus counted.


But, when he looked back, Moody was suddenly hit by a blasting curse on his leg. It was looking very ugly as muscles and skin were disfigured, showing the white bone inside.

Moody had fallen to the ground, "YOU RUN AWAY KID... THEY\'VE GOT US OUTNUMBERED. The last one is probably their party leader, you can not take on a Death Eater..."

Magnus did not, "I\'M ALSO A HUFFLEPUFF!"

He looked around to find the last attacker. But, he did not find any. He was still on edge though. Slowly, he went to Moody, who had already done a good job to stop the bleeding.

Magnus tied Moody\'s leg with a piece of cloth and started dragging his body towards the bank.

"Where are the Aurors? Why isn\'t Dumbledore here?" Magnus asked.

"I don\'t know. I guess we will find out soon." Moody replied, trying to cope up with the pain.



The moment they arrived near the bank, they saw the battle going on. Only Dumbledore and Minister for Magic were left. There were bodies of Aurors lying around, with their throats slit. They were most likely killed in a sneak attack.

The two wizards were having a direct exchange, instead of using Magnus\' methods to fight. But then again, here, all the dark Wizards were spanned out. Dumbledore and Minister Jenkins had to fend off the attacks from multiple sides at once.

"This is bad," Moody muttered to himself.

Magnus then took out all his wands and started charging them with magic. One by one, he had charged all 8 remaining of them. Then, he started throwing them, towards each attacker, after casting Evanesco charm (used to vanish objects) on them.

All the charged wands precisely fell near the dark wizards. He looked back at Moody, "You know what to do. You deal with the left ones I will deal with the right ones."

Moody nodded. Although he was still on the ground, he had the power to deal the damage.




"DO IT!"

"INCENDIO!" Magnus shouted a fire spell.

"CONFRINGO!" Moody cast a blasting curse.

They did it in multiple succession. But it was normal for not all of them to succeed in harming the target because the last two attackers got away after hearing the curses.

As soon as they saw Magnus, they concentrated their fire on him. Magnus used his wand to decisively counter as many as he could. But, his body was small, and when the body is small, it doesn\'t matter if you have a lot of magic, because a good push would still move you.

"TSK... NO NO NO!..." Magnus\'s last remaining wand was about to be destroyed too. So, before it did, he tried to cast one last spell.

"NEBULUS!" It created a swirling fog around him and wounded Moody.

To his relief, Dumbledore and Minister were now free so they also attacked the two attackers.

"It seems they came after me," Magnus said.

Moody cursed something in a low voice at that time. His leg was probably done for by now. "These last three seem to be Death Eaters, they are too strong for low-level runts."

"AVADA KEDAVRA!..." Out of nowhere, from behind Magnus, opposite to where Dumbledore was, a green light came towards Magnus.

His senses told him to jump to the side, but that would leave Moody in its path as he could not move.


Suddenly, inside Magnus\' head, a voice came, ~You are not ready, but keeping you away from this would be cruelty as you own it. Use these two swords, left by Arthur for you.~

Instantly, two swords appeared in Magnus\' hands. They were long, more than half his height. They looked very old but still in very good condition. Both had a word written on them. One with blue coloured engraving said "DESPAIR" and the other with golden-coloured engraving said "HOPE".

But he had no idea what they did, so he just held them in front of himself in a cross and let the Killing Curse strike it.


It was as if an energy beam had collided with metal. It created liquid sparks. But the curse was still there. There was no way of stopping a Killing Curse, except getting out of its way or letting something in front of it. Now, this sword was surely strong enough to fight back the curse, but Magnus\' body was not strong enough.

His body was being slowly dragged back, towards where Moody was. Magnus gritted his teeth and put pressure on his legs to support himself.

~AH, I need to spend more time on leg day.~ he cursed at himself.


Just then, Dumbledore appeared behind him and put one hand on Magnus\' shoulder, supporting him from going back. Then, he pointed his wand at the Dead Eater, whom Dumbledore immediately recognised.

"Larence Avery?!" He exclaimed. But, he had no care for him as he was a classmate of Tom Riddle and now a Death Eater. Even his son was a Death Eater. His life\'s worth was much less than Magnus\'.

Dumbledore cast a binding curse, "Petrificus Totalus..."

As expected, Larence Avery was immediately immobilised as if tied with an invisible rope.

But the Killing Curse was still near Magnus\' swords. And just now, he was about to learn the abilities of his two swords and understand why they were called DESPAIR and HOPE.

Magnus\'s eyes widened when he looked at what was happening to the curse that was touching the Despair sword. Then he looked at the Hope.

"UH-OH... this does not look good..."


[A/N: I wonder if the guy who commented that "MC is weak," would feel the same after reading this. Magnus is not weak, he\'s just not trained enough and big enough. As seen, he can deal with most wizards right now, unless he is ambushed by more than 10 normal wizards, or attacked by Hogwarts Professor level, Death Eater level, Dumbledore or Voldemort level wizard.]

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[A/N: Btw, give it a review if you like what I write.]


You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!

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