
Chapter 95 - 95. Grant Family Outing

After buying the new house and also eating pizza, it was time for Magnus to return home and let his parents go to work. From the landline, his parents called military cars for themselves while Ted drove Magnus and Ragnar back to 10 Privet Drive.

When Magnus arrived there, he saw Bobby was waiting for him outside his home. He had no idea why Bobby came today as he should be in school by now. ​​

As soon as Magnus got out of the car, Bobby came to him and said, "You were right. My dad has cancer, but it\'s in the earliest stage and can be easily cured."

Magnus patted Bobby\'s shoulder with sympathy, "Take care of him. I told Ragnar and Snape to make health potions a while back. They have successfully made one. It\'s nothing too revolutionary, it just keeps the body well-nourished and energised. It will help your dad when he starts taking the medication."

Ragnar ran into the house and brought a bottle filled with potions. "Here, Bobby. This is the potion. 3 times a day, one teaspoon with a glass of milk."

Seeing the tensed face of Bobby, Magnus invited him in, "Don\'t worry, it\'s in the very initial stages. He will be fine in no time. Also, you\'ve got wizard friends, we got your back. By the way, guess where we are coming from? I bought a new big house."

"What? Why?" Bobby asked.

"Last night, we were attacked by Death Eaters. They came to take me along. It was a big fight, I was able to take out 4 of them though." Magnus proudly said.

"You are just 11 and not even the king yet and already facing assassination and kidnapping attempts. I have no idea what will happen once you get the crown." Bobby muttered.

"When I become the king, I will be able to kill them while telling the public about it," Magnus replied and went inside his home.

"Abe, George, make something nice for us to eat," Magnus told the elfs.

"Yes, sir," The two busied themselves in the kitchen.

Bobby had his mouth agape, seeing the strange creatures. "W-Who are they?"

"They are a very pitiful species, my friend. With slavery, forced labour and a forced changed mindset." Magnus answered.

"They are slaves?" Bobby asked.

"No no, they are not, at least not here. They are house elfs, they live off the magic of their employers. You can imagine the exploitation they may get from that. The pureblood families in Britain treat them as slaves." Magnus clarified.

"Hmm... racists, murderers, slavers... what else is Wizarding Word missing? I thought they\'d be better than this." Bobby disappointedly

Magnus also sighed, "I ask that same question every day, Bobby."


It was officially Christmas Eve. Magnus was supposed to go back to Hogwarts on January 2nd.

But tonight, he was taking his parents to Camelot. He wanted them to see what truly meant by him being the inheritor of Merlin and Arthur. He could already imagine the shocked face of his mother. But he needed to make sure they didn\'t eat anything before portkeying there.

Grace and Adam had just come back from their work and Magnus dropped the bomb. "Mum, Dad, today I would like to take you to Camelot. It\'s a secret island with a castle as big as a metropolis."

Grace and Adam blinked multiple times as they looked at Magnus\' face. "Where is this Castles?"

"West of Scotland, in the Atlantic. Come, we will be going through a portkey, a magical way of travelling. In science, we call it teleportation." Magnus explained.

"WHAT?! YOU MEAN WIZARDS HAVE MASTERED TELEPORTATION?" Adam asked in shock. He was an engineer and understood how crazy of a concept it was.

"Yes, they\'ve known about it for centuries now," Magnus replied.

"Mag, let\'s eat dinner first, then we\'ll go." Grace suggested.

"That... It would be better if you don\'t eat anything. You see, the first time teleporting has an effect on the body. You will feel nauseous and like vomiting." Magnus warned them.

Ragnar nodded his head strongly, "Yes yes... You don\'t want to go through that, trust me."

"Besides, there will be a feast for us later in my castle. Come, we will be flying to my castle outside London." Magnus said.

"Flying? On what? Did you hire a chopper?" Grace asked.

Magnus showed a toothy smile, "Hehe... On brooms"


"Umm... Sweetie, are you sure you can fly on this?" Grace asked as she looked at the brooms. They had come out to a park to take a flight from here.

"Yes, mummy. It\'s magically enchanting. Just sit behind me and you will understand everything." Magnus assured her.

With a doubt, she got on the broom and sat closely behind Magnus. Adam was going to be travelling with Ragnar.

"Hold me tight, we\'ll be going up now," Magnus warned her, and slowly flew increased the altitude without going forward.

Grace at the start felt nervous as her feet left the ground and there was nothing under her feet to support or balance on the broom.

But, surprisingly, she didn\'t feel like she would fall anytime on the broom. But she still held Magnus tightly.

"Okay, we will fly now. Just enjoy the view, mum." Magnus said and took off, slowly increasing the speed.

Eventually, Grace stopped feeling scared of falling and started enjoying the cold wind touching her face.

"This is so refreshing," she commented.

"Hehe, you\'ll feel even more fresh breathing the air of Camelot. That place is untouched by the pollution. I guess having Centaurs, Goblins and Veela living there was a good thing." Magnus muttered.

After 20 minutes they arrived at the castle. Magnus showed them around the first, it was nothing but a haunted house at the moment as the elfs were still in the process of cleaning it.

He then took them to the Portkey room. "Come here and put your hand on this statue. No matter what happens, do not let your hand leave the surface. Okay, here we go."


As soon as Magnus said it, the Portkey got activated and Magnus arrived inside the underground portkey chamber in Camelot castle.

As always the wall of fire was around them but it stayed like that because they weren\'t intruders. As for the condition of Grace and Adam, both of them had fallen to the floor, feeling nauseous.

Magnus and Ragnar were better this time though. Magnus was in the best condition as he had experienced this way too many times.

"Oh, good evening, your majesty and your highnesses." Martha came in all of a sudden.

"Grandma Martha, you got something to help their stomach?" Magnus asked.

"Of course, dear. I brought it with me. Lemonade helps a lot." She said and handed them a glass of lemonade.

But, as soon as Martha came to Grace to give the glass, Grace suddenly hugged her, "Awww... you are so cute."

"Hehe... thank you, child." Martha chuckled.

Magnus coughed, "Mummy, Grandma Martha is 200 years old and she\'s the great grandmother of Chad."

Grace released Martha immediately and looked at Magnus and Martha\'s faces in shock. "Really? That\'s so..."

"Hah, I had the same reaction when I heard about it. Let\'s go, I will show you the view from the top of the castle now." Magnus led the way.

Soon, they arrived at the top balcony of the castle and from there, Grace and Adam saw how big the castle truly was. It was monstrous in size and on Magnus\' demand, the whole castle was also decorated with magical lights for Christmas and it looked extra beautiful.

"This is a magical island, I am the owner. It can not be seen by normal people and it also does not show up any muggle technology. Do you like it?" Magnus asked.

"This is crazy. Who wouldn\'t love to own an island? This got a whole castle with it." Adam quickly spoke.

"You two can come here later anytime you want to rest and have fun. Maybe after you two retire, you can enjoy life here." Magnus offered.

"Sorry, sweetie, but I\'m not quitting anytime soon. The world\'s technology is developing so fast and so many new ways of treatment are coming in, it is exciting." Grace enthusiastically said.

Hearing her, Magnus\' plan to build the best hospital in the world for her and also buying the Medtronic company at all costs felt sweeter. His face grew a big smile. He was now going to buy an existing hospital in Britain and upgrade the hell out of it in the coming 2 years. But, first, he needed lots of money for it.

"Grandma Martha, let\'s show them the vault first." Magnus decided. He also needed to take some stuff from there which would help him gain some good old cash.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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