
Chapter 105 - 105. Train Stop

Sirius and James\'s face twitched, *BAM* They punched his chest together.

"Can\'t you say something nice for once?" Sirius said. ​​

Magnus showed an unbelievable expression. "YOU? You are saying this? The guy who has been planning on bullying the new kids in September?"

Sirius averted his eyes in shame.

"HAHA... it seems Sirius got bullied just now instead." James laughed.

Sirius looked at his best friend, "Look who is saying it, the guy who ran around the school in Dumbledore flavoured undies."

"Pfft... Dumbledore flavoured?" Ragnar tried to hold his laughter.

James became red in embarrassment. "Come on, just stop bringing that up. That was just a bet and I promise I will get back to Magnus."

"Wanna bet again for the next Quidditch season? Or maybe the house cup?" Magnus asked.

James got angry, "You think I\'m a fool?! Every single kid in the school knows that Slytherin will win the House cup because of you. And Quidditch, well, if Gryffindor can find a good seeker then we might just win."

"Hehe, keep dreaming then." Magnus scoffed at the idea of ever losing in Quidditch again.


Train\'s whistle sounded. "Let\'s hurry in," Sirius fast-walked to get on the train. They had already arrived late and the chat with Magnus had gotten them more late.

All four of them hopped onto the train and tried to look for an empty cabin. But, all of them were taken.

"Remus and Peter must have saved a cabin for us, let\'s look for them," James said.

Eventually, they came upon a cabinet from where they could hear a loud girl\'s voice. It seemed to be reprimanding someone.

They opened the door, only to find Peter sitting on the floor in an apologetic posture. Meanwhile, Emma sat on the seat with her arms folded as she loudly spoke.

"How could you even think of doing something like that? And I thought you were maybe a decent person as Magnus talks to you?" Emma raged.

Magnus quickly tried to calm her down, "Calm down, angry lady."

Her face instantly grew a smile seeing him, Oh! Magnus. Come, I saved you a seat."

But Sirius pushed Magnus to the side and confronted her.

"How dare you bully Peter? Only I and James have that right." He roared in his false sense of glory.

"Do you even hear what\'s coming out of your mouth? HE ate my half-eaten sandwich while I was chasing away a bunch of Ravenclaws from this cabin. HOW could he? While I was trying to hold the cabin for my friends." She explained angrily.

"Why did you let him in then?" Magnus asked.

"I didn\'t, this sneaky rat entered while I was away." She said as she was about to kick Peter.

"ENOUGH..." Magnus stopped her foot from touching Peter and pushed her to the seat. He recognised that she was trying to be a good friend but her Slytherin mindset was problematic.

Magnus looked at Peter and offered his hand. He could see from the way Peter acted that he had a severe self-confidence issue.

"I\'m sorry for what she did. Get up now." Magnus said, helping him.

Peter got up as if nothing happened and started smiling, "Heh, it\'s all right. I was wrong to eat her food."

Magnus nodded and looked back at Emma angrily, "NEVER, treat a person like that, unless they are a Dark Lord or his followers."

Emma nodded strongly, "I UNDERSTAND!"

"Good," Magnus said and turned to Peter.

"Where is Remus?" He asked.

Peter answered, "I-I don\'t know..."

~Is it full moon today?~ he wondered.

"Hmm, how did the perfect scores get late? I hope he reaches the school on time." James muttered.

*Door Opens*

Severus walked in with his luggage. He was slightly surprised to see the Gryffindor detention dwellers there too.

"Ah, what do we have here, Snivellus..." Sirius made fun.

"Yes, pleasure meeting you," Severus replied snarkily and went ahead to shake Magnus and Ragnar\'s hand.

"I heard what happened at your home. Glad you were able to teach them a good lesson." He said.

Magnus nodded proudly, "I hope it will give me some peaceful time. Come, take a seat."

Eventually, Ragnar started bragging about how Magnus was able to summon stone pillars in the sky and drop them on the attackers. Whenever he got too close to telling the secret he would receive a pinch from Magnus.

~This dummy, I must teach him to keep his mouth shut.~

Soon, the train started running. After a while of the boring city scenery, it started crossing through the wilderness of Scotland. The plains, mountains in the distance and lakes were visible. The steam engine roared forward.

~Hmm, who drives the engine? I hope it\'s not the same as elf slave labour.~ Magnus wondered while eating the lunchbox his mom packed for him and Ragnar.

It was tasty rice and gravy chicken curry. The chicken was obviously from the last night. Then for the desert, there were pancakes that he heated up and small pouches of maple syrup.

"Ah... I\'ll miss this taste in Hogwarts," Magnus muttered with a satisfied smile.


"MY PANCAKES!..." Magnus screamed in sorrow as the sudden stopping of the train made his lunchbox fall over. The pancakes were now spoiled on the ground and he was sadly not a believer of the 5 seconds rule. It was a disaster at the highest level.

"Why did the train stop?" Sirius wondered while looking out of the window. It was turning nighttime and they were in the middle of nowhere.

Magnus also felt ominous, he quickly held his wand in his hand, got ready to strike to kill.

"WANDS OUT. I feel something\'s fishy." He warned everyone. They all came to their senses and did it.

"It\'s never a simple day with you, Magnus... And I LOVE IT!..." Emma suddenly spoke.

Magnus looked at her in shock, ~Is she an adrenaline junkie?~

"Oooooo... Emma loves Magnus..." Ragnar starting to make fun.


Emma slammed her wand\'s butt on Ragnar\'s head. "Stop spreading rumours."

"But your face looks flustered..." James pointed out.

"Huh, I was born like this." She scoffed shyly.

"Shhhhh... Someone\'s coming. It\'s awfully silent outside. Something\'s going on." Magnus sushed them.

They all quieted down and silently waited.

Soon, the door handle twisted itself. Magnus had his wand ready to fire.

They could hear each other\'s breath. As they all knew, that going by the record, the possibility of it being an attacker was very high. So many people were after Magnus\' neck. Most wanted to deal with him before he got crowned because once that happened, attacking him would be high treason and the punishment for it was death; there were examples in the recent history of it too, as US-born Briton William Joyce, who broadcast Nazi propaganda to the UK from Germany during the Second World War, was hanged until death for high treason against the crown.

Now, the Wizarding World might act as if there was no sovereign over them, but the Ministry would still have to enforce the laws of the land they live on. And punishment against high treason was a law as old as wizardkind.

The door creaked open.

"NOT AN ENEMY!" A voice came from the other side.

Soon, the door fully opened and a man in a long coat appeared.

Magnus didn\'t lower his wand even after the voice, but his friends were naive as they lowered their wands. Well, Ragnar didn\'t take out his wand anyway, he had a bottle of Potion in his hand, ready to throw it over.

"Who are you?" Magna questioned.

"I am from the ministry. I-I need your help. Please..." The man pleaded.

"How can I trust you? You could be just a spy planted by my enemies, to get close to me by acting like this." Magnus countered.

The man closed the door behind him and put his wand down on the floor. The train also started soon after.

"All I know is this could be a fake wand and you still have the real one in your possession," Magnus said, shocking all by his doubtfulness.


The man kneeled, "Please, your majesty. The ministry has been compromised. I know you have been dealing with the death eaters successfully until now, I could only think of you."

"So it\'s easy to use "your majesty" whenever convenient. If you really want to prove yourself then look me in the eyes." Magnus commanded him.

The man gritted his teeth and looked up in his eyes, he knew what was going to happen, he was too familiar with it as an auror. Magnus used Legilimency to look into his mind. He didn\'t just focus on one memory but instead, he was looking at his whole life.

Magnus felt his mind traversing through the many memories of the man. Some sad, some happy and some outright painful.

He hated using Legilimency for this sole reason, the more you do it, the more it makes you unsympathetic towards the feelings and struggles of others. As the memories scar you as well.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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