
Chapter 118 - 118. *KA-CHAK*

The three were now scared beyond anything. The crowd of Centaurs was increasing every second.

"We didn\'t mean to offend you, Wise sir." James also tried to defuse the situation. ​​

"Karzaan... BEHEAD THEM!" The chief ordered.

The three felt their legs turn soft. They fell down on the ground. But immediately three Centaurs came and dragged them and put their heads on a chopped tree trunk where they not long ago chopped vegetables.

"Please... Don\'t kill us. We will pay you... Anything..." James pleaded.

"Yes, yes, I\'m from the Black family, they got a lot of money," Sirius added.

But the chief spat after hearing that, "Black family? Those bastards are hated by the entire magical creatures community. Bunch of backstabber and mad folks. I\'m doing a great deed by reducing your numbers. CHOP THEM"

The three tried to fight but were held on the chopping board. Three large muscular Centaurs came and put their swords on their heads.


"NOOO..." Sirius cried.

"I\'m sorry, Remus, we should have listened to you," James also cried in fear.

"Goodbye, mum and dad," Remus remembered his family.

They closed their eyes and waited for the lights to go out.

1 second passed.

5 seconds passed.

10 seconds passed.

Nothing happened. In fact, all noise died down as if the world around them had disappeared.

30 seconds passed.

Finally, with some courage, they opened their eyes at nearly the same time.

Their vision was blurry due to earlier tears. Their faces looked very messy with snots coming out of their noses.

They noticed that in front of them a person was standing, certainly a human. Then, two more arrived, one on each side with their arms folded and smirks on their faces.

*KA-CHAK* a sudden flash blinded the three more.

"Eh? I think I\'ve seen them before." Sirius blinked his eyes multiple times.

After a few more seconds, their vision started getting better and they finally saw everything. Their faces turned red in anger, but they were still stuck on the chopping logs.

"BASTARD... IT WAS YOU ALL ALONG?" Sirius shouted.

"ARGH... HOW?" James grunted in annoyance.

While Remus closed his eyes, "Mum, Dad, I\'m not dead."

"BWAHAHAHAHA..." Magnus roared in laughter.

It triggered each Centaur there to also laugh together, embarrassing the three to no limit.

"Hehe... I got their pictures too... Their crying faces were worth all the work." Ragnar voiced

"Their cries were music to my ears," Severus added in his mocking tone.

"RELEASE US!" Sirius raged.

Magnus chuckled and took a seat beside the Centaur Chief.

"Hehe... This is your punishment for sneaking out of school so late. Ah... I think I can get 50 points reduced from Gryffindor." Magnus said.

"You\'re also out of the school." Remus pointed out.

Magnus smiled, "Huh, I came here with permission from the Headmaster. Besides, I\'m friends with the Centaurs here, our friendship goes way back to when Merlin lived. The ancestor of the current chief Magor was an ally of Merlin and fought the army of Morgan Le Fey alongside him."

Magor enthusiastically started, "And for that, Great Merlin provided us protection, due to which we are still living in these lands. Blood of Merlin flows in your veins, and blood is something we cannot ignore. You are always welcome here, Your Majesty."


"FOR MERLIN\'S SAKE... STOP CLICKING PICTURES. It\'s blinding us." James shouted.

Ragnar chuckled and put the camera down. Magnus also released them.

"Take seats. It was bold of you to enter the forest like this. Centaurs should be the least of your worries here. Werewolves infest these lands, If a pack of them had found you then all of you would\'ve died. I on the other hand used brooms to reach this place." Magnus revealed and advised them in good faith.

"But... How did grumpy old Dumbledore let you come here?" James asked.

"I\'m not just a student of Hogwarts, James. I also have some duties and obligations as Merlin and Arthur\'s inheritor. My life is much more complex than you think." Magnus explained. He had come here to meet Centaurs because of the dream of Merlin to someday make a peaceful coexisting world.

"Man, you sound like my dad." James joked and took a glass of water. All the shouting and crying had made his throat sore.

"Haha... Then come here and join me in this feast, son." Magnus replied loudly in a heavy voice.

As soon as everyone sat down, Magor the chief got up with a glass of some drink in his hand.

"I... Magor, chief of Centaurs of Forbidden forest, welcomes His Majesty to our home. For as long as your bloodlines go on, you will have the friendship of our tribe." He announced.

Magnus, felt like he was in some fantasy story, but then he remembered he was a wizard and a king which was already like a crazy fantasy.

He also got up with a glass of water, "And I, Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon accept this kind gesture of yours.

"Merlin dreamt of creating an inclusive and equal world for all, but he couldn\'t fulfil it before dying. I shall try to complete that dream and I hope I will have your support.

"Also, for as long as my bloodline lasts, no good centaur in my knowledge will be harmed. May the heavens bless this friendship to last till eternity."

With that, he lifted his glass in a gesture and drank it. He knew by the words of Merlin that heaven does exist, but he still didn\'t know about God, so he used the word \'heaven\' instead.






"WIZARD KING..." Magor led his tribesmen to start chanting.

Severus, Ragnar, Remus, Sirius and James felt goosebumps as they saw the scene, so many of the intimidating centaurs were pledging their support to the future king of Britain.

~Is he raising an army?~ Ragnar and Severus wondered, knowing that their Round Table would certainly need one.

Unknowingly, they all spent the whole night in the forest, unknown that detention was waiting for them back in school.


Nearly at the same time, in New York, Bobby had arrived to participate in CES(Consumer Electronics Show) 1972. As his guardian and legal advisor, Ted had come. Ted knew that Bobby was a highly intelligent boy who had a bright future ahead, and by being Magnus\' best friend, possibilities were endless.

Also, Bobby now had so many safety charms on his body that if someone tries something funny with him then that person may die. He was here to stop that from happening too.

"Ah... Nothing beats the smell of New York, money and gutter make a strange combination." Ted commented as soon as they came out of the airport.


"I think I have jetlag. I felt like vomiting... It was like apparition lite. Hail a taxi please." Bobby was close to crawling. He had eaten some greasy chicken before boarding the flight and the whole way he did not feel good.

"Aunty Grace and mum make the best chicken, I should avoid outdoor food," Bobby told himself.

Ted chuckled seeing his plight, "I have booked a car from the American branch of my law firm."

Bobby looked at Ted\'s face in surprise, "You go a branch here? Since when?"

"Since I realised that Americans love suing each other. Business is booming here and with my firm\'s success rate we are gaining lots of reputation in a short time. His Majesty has even bought a whole building on Lexington Avenue. Also a residential building with a nice view of Brooklyn Bridge." Ted revealed.

"Woah, you\'re moving up too fast... But, Investing in real estate is never bad." Bobby agreed with Magnus\' decisions.

In a few seconds, a nice Rolls Royce silver shadow stopped in front of them. The driver quickly came out and opened the doors. Bobby let the man put his luggage in the trunk and took a seat. The computer he was going to show was already in the CES location, along with his team and a wizard guard keeping an eye on it, the guard was hired from MEDA.

The car started to crawl through the busy streets of Manhatten. Bobby looked out at the tall buildings. ~Huh, I feel nothing about these after seeing that monstrously huge Camelot castle.~

After about half an hour of the car ride, they finally reached their destination. But as soon as the car stopped at the entrance and Bobby came out, his jaw was left hanging.

He looked back at Ted with wide eyes, even Ted had a knowing smile as Bobby exclaimed, "MAG BOUGHT THE CHRYSLER BUILDING?!"

[You can see the Rolls Royce and the Chrysler Building on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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