
Chapter 136 - 136. A Legend!

"FREAK... Stop these tricks of yours. They are not funny anymore." The boy David was talking to burst in anger and headed out.

Magnus and Ragnar quickly hid and let him leave. Inside, David sat alone looking at his own hands in sadness, not knowing why all these things were happening to him since childhood. ​​

"His magic seems unstable. Ragnar, keep an eye on him, I need to contact Dumbledore quickly. If anybody, he should know the most about unstable magic." Magnus said and quickly called George and handed him a letter.

"Take this to Dumbledore, he\'s probably at his school. If you can\'t find him then tell Fawkes to deliver it, he will know where the old man is." Magnus instructed him.

"Yes, sir. I will deliver it." George saluted and popped away.

Then, he decided to go inside the room and just talk with David, to make sure he doesn\'t become unstable.

"Hey David, what are you doing?" Magnus greeted him.

David looked at Magnus and smiled, "Nothing. What about you?"

"Just looking around. By the way, do you want to see a magic trick?" Magnus asked.

Seeing David\'s silence, Magnus showed it anyway. He took a small piece of paper and put it in one hand. Then he closed it and showed both his hands.

"Guess which hand has the paper?" He asked.

David didn\'t know if this was really magic or some joke. Magnus had done nothing to hide where he hid it.

He pointed at the hand Magnus had hidden the paper.

Magnus sighed, "Ah, you guessed right. But if you can see the paper then there was none."

He opened his fist and out of nowhere his palm caught fire and burned the paper. It turned to ashes in seconds.

David, shocked. Alternatively looked at Magnus and his burning palm.

"Y... You are just like me?" David finally gasped.



George could\'ve teleported inside Hogwarts, but he didn\'t. He didn\'t want to spoil this secret method or transportation for Magnus. So, he arrived at its gates. From there, he talked to the Gatekeeper Hagrid.

George liked this big man, he was kind and respectful to him. And when he heard about Magnus, he immediately helped him. But, Dumbledore was not in the school.

So, he talked to Deputy Headmistress, Professor McGonagall. George didn\'t like this woman, she had prejudice in her eyes, even though she tried to not bring it to her mouth.

"I\'m sorry, but Headmaster has gone to the Ministry for important work. You can leave the letter here, I will give it to him later." She told him.

But George had clear instructions, "I can not, I was specifically instructed to make sure it reaches Headmaster Dumbledore as soon as possible. I was told to give it to Fawkes in case I couldn\'t deliver it"

McGonagall wasn\'t convinced, "Why would Fawkes obey you?"

~What a stubborn human.~ George was unsatisfied with her behaviour.

"You will know when you take me to him. Quick." He forced her.

With a sigh of defeat, she led him to the Headmaster\'s chambers. There, Fawkes was resting on his perch. As soon as George walked towards him, he opened his eyes.

George admired the legendary bird. "Fawkes, my master, Magnus has sent me."

Fawkes straightened up as soon as he heard this name.

"He wants you to bring this letter to Headmaster Dumbledore as soon as possible. He has also told me to tell you to come to him tomorrow, he will take you to meet some ladies." George reiterated what Magnus had told him.

"REEEEEEE...." It sounds like a victory cry of Fawkes. He enthusiastically took the letter and vanished in flames.

George chuckled seeing him so excited. He then turned back at McGonagall, "My work is finished here. I will take my leave now. Thank you."

He left the school grounds and then popped away.


Ministry of Magic,

"Eugenia, you of all people are underestimating his powers? Magnus is the future of the Magical world. The only person I can think of who will reach a higher level of magic than me.

"His mind is quick, his magic is strong and his swords are sharp. He does not lack in anything, be it magical knowledge or its practical use, on top of that, his understanding of the muggle world is much better than both of us. So tell me, are you still not going to take his side?"

Dumbledore was talking to Eugenia Jenkins. He had seen that Magnus was very dissatisfied with the Ministry and the Minister. He now considered Eugenia no better than death eaters, which was wrong, because she was against them but due to her position, she has no option but to deal with the pure-bloods daily.

Dumbledore wanted to persuade her to show some support to Magnus.

She held her forehead, "Headmaster, to me, on one side is a well and on the other is a cliff. If I take the side of those pure-bloods, then I will be his enemy, and my conscience will kill me first, if I take his side, then the pure-bloods will remove me from office, by political means or by death. I\'m trying my best to stay moderate."

"But do not forget, Magnus has the necks of all pure-blood families in his hand, he has made them sign a contract to keep the money in Gringotts. And I will never believe that he has truly given up his control over the bank.

"With one move, he can make all of them go bankrupt..."


Dumbledore stopped speaking as he saw Fawkes flying towards him. It must be an emergency or else Fawkes never does this so he signalled the phoenix to come to him.

Fawkes landed on the table and gave him the blank envelope letter. Dumbledore opened it quickly and read it.

His eyes widened a little, knowing how dangerous this situation could be. He got up to leave.

"Minister, think about what I said. He has single-handedly saved so many lives by dealing with the death eaters that night with his ancient magic. You truly have nothing to fear, as Magnus doesn\'t just have his personal strength, he has me standing behind him. Now, I must take my leave, some more urgent matters have come up. Fawkes, let\'s go." He took Fawkes and left through official channels.

Eugenia, though, was in shock. This was a huge proclamation, Dumbledore has now clearly stated to her that he will support Magnus and fight the Death Eaters.

On Dumbledore\'s side, the old man was hesitant all this time. He didn\'t know if Magnus\' vision was right. But seeing what\'s going on in the Slytherin house and Magnus\' activities of helping people regardless of their social standing made him come to a decision.

But he has only decided to personally support him and hasn\'t decided to let Order of the Phoenix take his side. Because he may be slightly biassed towards Magnus due to his blood relationship and didn\'t want the order members to think that. If Magnus really walked on the right path, all of them would automatically come to support him.


Saint Albert Orphanage,

Dumbledore silently arrived at the door of the Orphanage. Fawkes was still sitting on his shoulder, as he was too excited and wanted to meet Magnus. Dumbledore was still amazed by how attached Fawkes had gotten to Magnus.

*Knock Knock*

"Hahaha... Who is it?" All of a sudden a small kid opened the door just because he was the closest to it while playing chase.

But, as he opened the door, he saw the overwhelmingly tall figure of Dumbledore. The old man was 6\'4. With his robes and Fawkes on his shoulder, he looked like an old wise wizard from a fairy tale that any kid would imagine.

The little kid tilted his head up slowly. "Woaaah... Who are you mister?"

Dumbledore kindly smiled as his long beard fluttered from the wind. "I am Professor Dumbledore. Is Magnus here?"

"Oh, big brother Magnus is upstairs." He replied and was about to invite him in when Grace came running. She was also playing with the kids.

Noticing Dumbledore, she stopped. The old man was distant family now so Grace didn\'t act too formally.

"Oh, headmaster. What brought you here?" she asked him.

"Magnus called me, he said there\'s something important," Dumbledore replied with his tilted gaze from between his glasses.

Grace took the gesture that it was something serious. "Come, he is upstairs."

Sister Mary was shocked seeing the tall old man but didn\'t say anything after seeing Grace leading him. She felt that the old man had the aura of a wise man.

Upstairs, when they arrived in front of the room, Dumbledore first looked at what was happening. Inside, Magnus was actually showing David some small magic, and when David tried to do it too, it would mostly result in a small burst of uncontrolled magic.

Dumbledore turned to Grace, "Make sure nobody comes here, this is something related to magic and important for that kid\'s survival."

She had not expected it to be something so serious. "Okay, I will keep them there. But what exactly is the problem?"

Dumbledore tried to explain to her in the simplest words, "What happens when you keep blowing air in a balloon?"

"It bursts," Grace blurted.

"Yes. Now imagine that the body of a wizard is a balloon and the magic is air. Wizards who train from a young age grow with magic, hence their capacity to hold magic grows. But some unfortunate kids, who couldn\'t learn magic, but were wizards, try to hold back their magic.

"Soon, the magic grows but their body does not get accustomed to it. And when it gets too much, something much worse than a balloon burst happens. " He explained.

Grace\'s face went pale. For one last time, she looked at David in pity and ran downstairs.

Dumbledore then took a long breath and entered the room. Magnus had already noticed him when he was standing outside.

"David, this is the headmaster of the old magical school I told you about." Magnus revelled.

David, for the first time, knowing that he was not a freak and in fact, something cooler, had hope in his eyes. He looked at Dumbledore as his way to learn Magic officially.

Dumbledore patted his shoulder, "Child, I saw you perform magic. Although you are too old, you can still start to control your powers. But not at school.

"Son, you are in a special circumstance. Most children who try to suppress their magic don\'t survive more than 10 years. However, the fact that you are 16 and still fine is unique. Only once I met another person like you. But, sadly, those were tough times of World War and he was enticed by some bad people."

"What will happen if I don\'t learn Magic, sir?" David worriedly asked.

"You will turn into an Obscurus. Obscurus is created when the child in question consciously attempts to repress their magical abilities or were forced to do so through physical or psychological abuse. This energy can manifest itself as a separate entity that can erupt in violent, destructive fury.

"But you do not need to worry as you have not reached that stage yet. And... to your luck, I have a very good friend who can help you not just learn magic, but also avoid turning into an obscurus. On the plus point, he has many pets you can play with, so you are going to enjoy staying with him." Dumbledore informed him. He had already made the decision, he was not going to let this kid face the same fate as that boy in the past.

"I WILL GO TOO!" As soon as Magnus heard Dumbledore talking about this friend of his, he realised who it was.

"REEEEE..." Fawkes reminded him of the previously planned appointment with Phoenix Ladies.

"Yes yes, Fawkes, I will take you to meet the ladies tomorrow. But first, let\'s go with the old man here. Okay?" Magnus persuaded him. He was very excited about this, but Ragnar was confused.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ragnar asked.

Magnus looked at Ragnar with sparkling eyes, "We\'re going to meet a legend, Rag. A LEGEND!"

[A/N: Okay, this one should be easy to guess. Try to guess who this Legend will be.]

[You can see the Hogwarts, Fawkes and Dumbledore on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 21 advance chapters or my Naruto fic and the new Crazy Multiverse Fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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