
Chapter 147 - 147. A Calculated Risk

Magnus took out his wand and went inside to at least find out who it was. When he arrived, the man was in the midst of gathering himself up. His face was red with anger and was about to take his wand out.

"Who even are you? Can\'t you people see I am coming and just go sideways? Why spoil my days?" He asked. ​​

"MAG?" Severus asked from behind the counter. The owner of the shop was also there, and sad for whoever this attacker was, the shop owner was a Magnus fanboy and also a member of the Army of Merlin.

"Hey, Sev." Magnus greeted.

The man now got up and recognised Magnus, "You... sure enough... lowly people can only mingle with lowly creatures."

He was talking about Magnus and Abe. Abe immediately lifted his finger, "You want another one?"

The man took a few steps back. "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? I am the Patriarch of the Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Greengrass. HOW DARE Y..."

Magnus started cleaning his ear with his finger, totally uninterested in what the man was saying, "Man, you sure are loud like a cow."

"Hehe... he even got the name Greengrass," Ragnar added from behind.

Magnus looked back at the man, "Listen to me now. Your blood status does not mean anything to me or most other people in the world, because if that is the case, my blood is purer than yours.

"Now, are you going to leave silently or should I start shouting and naming you a Death Eater outside? They will believe me in a second, and I won\'t be lying either. Do you know, if all of them were to pounce on you and kill you, the Ministry won\'t catch anyone because they can not afford to catch hundreds of people.

"Tell me, what will you do, Patriarch of the Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Greengrass? Will your house name be able to save you?" He asked.

Of course, it can not. And from the look of Mr Greengrass\' face, he was not going to test it.

"GO AND NEVER COME TO MY SHOP. YOU ARE BANNED FROM NOW ON." The owner of the Potion shop also shouted.

This made Mr Greengrass think that the man just got influenced by Magnus right now.

~His natural charm is much more dangerous than Dark lord\'s. This can\'t be continued.~

He did not say anything and just left the shop. His clothes were still dirty and people had seen him get struck by Abe. Sure enough, his name would be dragged to dirt now.

Magnus let the man go and turned to Severus, "SEV... How are you? You\'ve grown taller. Eh... You need a haircut. How will you impress the girls then?"

Severus scowled, "Stop talking like my mother. Long hair suits me."

"And when did I ask you to become Gandhi? Just get yourself some finishing touches done. Rag, after our shopping, we\'ll take Sev to a nice muggle hair salon." Hr planned.

"Cool, I need my hair cut too. It\'s tough doing it by myself." Ragnar agreed.

"Uncle, can I take Sev with me to buy some supplies? Ah, and can you pack 2nd-year potions supplies for us three. And one more thing, from now on, if any 1st-year student belonging to a poor background comes to your shop for school supplies you will give it for free. I will be paying you for that and tell them I paid for them." Magnus instructed the man.

Knowing all this, his eyes were shining. ~His Majesty is so kind. God Bless Merlin for giving us such a descendant.~


All the shop owners in Diagon Alley knew Magnus very well. And they all liked him too. Because almost none of them harboured a supremacist mindset. All who did, had their shops in Knockturn Alley, the black market of Wizarding Britain.

"Argh... How is it possible that no bookshop has an interesting book I haven\'t read?" Magnus complained while coming out of Flourish and Blotts.

"You can try Dumbledore\'s office. It\'s gotta have some rare or dangerous books." Ragnar suggested.

"Oh, I also remembered that Pensive. I\'m going to try it later. What about you, Sev? What are your plans for this year?" Magnus asked.

"Avoid any senseless trouble and get rich," Severus replied monotonously.


Magnus laughingly patted his back, "My friend, as long as I am in your life, you can say goodbye to ever having a normal life."

"Yeah, because stupidity is contagious," Ragnar commented.

"And who\'d know this better than the god of stupidity?" Magnus turned it around.

Soon, Severus had to make them stop their verbal war.

Till evening they spent their time at Diagon Alley. Then they returned home with all the supplies. They were to leave for school in 2 days and before that Magnus had to finalise some work. There were going to be 2 busy days for him.


The next morning, he quickly headed out with George to meet the queen. It was to talk about future succession rights.

He had already sent her words that he\'d be coming so she stayed in her large office with the door locked. There was no other surveillance equipment.


"This office is bigger than two of my rooms combined," Magnus said after arriving.

The queen sat on the sofa, waiting for him. "Open spaces make minds feel fresh. You can\'t really sit in a cramped office every single day. Come, have some tea."

He obliged. George helped them pour the tea, but not as a server because he also poured himself a cup. This was what Magnus had taught him and Abe, that they must always eat with them and not secretly.

After a short time of chitchats, Magnus got to the main point. "What are you going to do about the ascension right? Because I read the current laws, they state that you will either have to meet god or abdicate, which itself is a lengthy process. Then, my dad will automatically become the King, even if he says no to it. We can\'t have two abdications for me to take the throne."


"Yes, I understand your worries. I have spoken with Lord Mountbatten and a few other lords who now know about Adam and you. I\'ve also met with the Prime Minister regarding this. With the combined effort, soon a new legislation will be passed in the Parliament. It\'s called "The Crown Ascension & Inheritor Act." This will allow one to decline the throne without having to become the king, and also allow me to designate my next heir, which by default will be my eldest son and if he refuses then the next in line." She explained everything.

"And are you going to do this before or after dad is announced?" He inquired.

"After, and not immediately. Admitting Adam into the royal family and making him the crown prince will be controversial enough, this act will increase the spotlight on us. We cannot have this happen. So, the act will be passed in a year or two from now." She reasoned. And it was right.

Magnus was now slowly coming to admire her for her planning skills. He thought only he was planning things for years ahead but he found someone alike.

But when it came to planning ahead, nobody could beat him. "That\'s really nice, Granny. I need you to do something else that may benefit the country in the long run. We still have many territories around the world, right? Let\'s start calling them British Overseas Territories. Now, I want you to start educational campaigns in all these countries. Teach their new generations English. Tell them about Britain. Bring a lot of their students for studying. I want you to do this to all remaining territories that have not yet either claimed independence or simply left the Commonwealth."

The queen really liked the term British Overseas Territories. Much more pleasant than Colonies. There are no colonies now anyway because most countries now have their own semi-government bodies that rule their countries. But, she was confused. What Magnus said was going to be money costing work, why would she take such a risk?

"And the reason for this? You need to understand that this exercise will cost us a lot of money." She asked him.

Magnus smirked, "Well, Granny Liz, let\'s just say, Great Britain may become Greater Britain later."

As soon as she heard this, her eyes widened in shock. She didn\'t know what to say, she didn\'t know if this was going to be good for the country. They could be labelled expansionists, or worse, colonialists. It was as good as being called slavers.

"Do you know what you are saying? If you do this, they will start calling you Magnus, The Mad King." She warned him.

Magnus laughed, "HAHA... calm down, Granny. You misunderstood me I think. No, I am not going to colonise them. No, I am not going to exploit them like what the British Empire did in the past few centuries.

"You need to know that I am personally fighting bigots in the magical world. Some powerful pureblood families think they are superior to all. They want to rule the world and enslave non-magical humans. You included.

"What I am going to be doing is make all these territories a permanent and integral part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. All these territories don\'t have much population anyway. It won\'t take too much to educate them, treat them better and show them the juicy fruit that is the western developed civilisations.

"I asked my lawyer to do some case studies. It was found that without us, all these territories will remain poor forever. But I can change that." Magnus talked to her in-depth. In the past whole month, he was constantly thinking about his future plans. He knew that once he reached Hogwarts all his problems would become magical and he won\'t get time to deal with all this. But the perks of having a secretary was that he could just tell her to bring all the data he needed.

The queen slowly got convinced that what Magnus said was indeed true. "But what will be the end result of all this? How will it benefit the country as a whole?"

Magnus nodded and put his last argument, "Do you know why the United States is so rich? That\'s because they are huge and their population is also adequate. While look at us, a small country, even smaller than Zimbabwe, which is our territory, by the way. We will always have a limit to how many people we can have on this small land. So, we need to grow bigger. And if we play our cards right, we will be big enough and spread around the world, with our ports everywhere, making us once again, A TRUE WORLD POWER."

Magnus sounded very positive and enthusiastic. Now only if he was older and was speaking in front of a crowd of like-minded people, he would have gathered loud applause by now and a fanatical fan following.

~Oh my, is this the charm of King Arthur? Is this what those knights at his round table felt like?~ she wondered excitedly. Of course, she remembered the stories from her father, about how strong the British Empire was once. But since World War 1, the decline started. World War 2 put a hole in their sinking ship.

"Okay dear, I will do as you suggested. I will fund education and exchange programmes with all our territories, it won\'t be too much of a problem. It will only earn us more goodwill. But, despite what you said. You have a big problem you need to solve for all these ambitions of yours. We are a democratic country now, the King does not have the say in the state\'s policies." She told him.

Magnus just laughed, "Hehe, you don\'t need to worry about that, Granny. Just wait and when the time comes, enjoy the show in your retirement."

She laughed, "That I will."

After this, their meeting came to an end. Magnus also went to visit the hospital construction site later. It was going at full speed and by the time Magnus would return for the winter holidays, the main concrete building structures would be completed.


2 Days Later.

King\'s Cross, Platform 9.

Adam and Grace had come to see them off. As discussed, they will not be coming to the platform. Magnus didn\'t want some pureblood people to see his parents and have some regretful ideas.

"Ummmah... my two little princesses. Stay safe, okay. And don\'t fight each other. And if you miss mummy then send me a letter... god, I will tell Dumbledore to put a landline in school next time." She complained and dotted over the two. She kissed their foreheads goodbye.

Magnus smiled and kissed Grace\'s cheek, "Bye-bye, mum. Take care and if anything happens, send me a letter. God, I will tell Dumbledore to put a landline in school today."

Grace started laughing hearing him repeat her words, even in a girly voice. She tried to lightly pat his head when Magnus dodged and ran towards the wall to cross to the other side.

"HEHE... I\'m very fast, mum. Bye, love you." He shouted and ran straight into the wall with his luggage.

Next was Ragnar. "Bye-bye..."

He dragged his cart towards the wall. But, he was not going fast. And then all of a sudden he dashed back to Adam and Grace and tightly hugged both their waists, putting his head between their shoulders.

Both of them were surprised by this spontaneous big hug.


He didn\'t wait for any reply and dashed back to his cart and ran through the wall. His emotional state was not very good at the moment and he feared he would not be able to hold back his tears if he had hugged them any longer.

Before they could come out of the shock, Ragnar had left. Grace looked down at her hand, she felt there was something.

She opened her fist and saw a piece of paper. As soon as she unfolded it, a small drop of tear slid down her eyes and she jumped towards Adam, hugging him.

"WE HAVE TWO SONS NOW!" she declared loudly. All the people awkwardly looked at them, but Grace would not let Adam go from her embrace. She was so excited and had overcome with emotions because of this.

Adam smiled and looked at the blank wall.

His mind was saying no, but he decided to take a calculated risk now. "Yes, we do. Want to give them a little sister?"


He received his reply on his guts.

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You can read 21 advance chapters or my Naruto fic and the new Crazy Multiverse Fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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