
Chapter 151 - 151. Dragonmouth

Magnus also wanted to indulge himself in studies but did not have the time because he needed to write rules and things for tomorrow\'s first-ever duelling club gathering.

He sat by his table and wrote. If he was successful, then someday these rules will become applicable in every tournament. ​​

Rule 1. Use of unforgivable curse will land you in Azkaban.

Rule 2. Use of any deadly or lethal spell will disqualify you. Minor injuries will be overlooked.

Rule 3. The use of potions and tricks is applicable. The main point of the duel is to either somehow make the opponent fall off the stage or make them accept defeat.

Rule 4. Third-party involvement in a duel will get you disqualified.

Rule 5. Attacking the referee will get you disqualified.

Rule 6. Attacking your opponent outside the scope of the tournament stage will get you disqualified.

Rule 7. Match-fixing will get you disqualified and jailed.

Rule 8. Use of any enhancing potions before or during the match will get you disqualified.

Rule 9. Coming soon.

He ended writing his rules but left space for more because he didn\'t know what other unethical things people might do in the future.

After being done with this, he made a few more copies of it and headed out to put them on the noticeboards outside each house. The noisiest was of course Gryffindor, nearly all of them signed up for the club, wanting to show how brave and strong they were.

Meanwhile, the crowd in Slytherin was motivated to beat Gryffindor and enrolled in large numbers, a few of them enrolled especially for Magnus though, so they could get a chance to beat him up, legally.

It was obvious that all the useless ones with no real talent in Duelling will quit on day one. All those that may have some talent will be helped and pushed forward.

Ravenclaws were smart people, only those that really had confidence in themselves signed up, and it numbered to just 20. Hufflepuffs were totally unenthusiastic, only 7 from that house signed.

Done with all this, he returned to his room and changed clothes to go to the Slug Club. He wondered if Slughorn added any new members and if he could make them friends. He was still looking for members for the Order of Merlin after all. But it was too hard to come to trust someone enough. Until now, his order included Ted, Adrian, and David, the Obscurus kid. He will also add Edgar Bones if he does a great job in constructing the hospital. Ted might get promoted to the Round Table if he stays faithful and earns Magnus\' utmost trust.

Unlike his earlier plans, he decided not to include his mum or dad in the Round Table, because he understood that sometimes he will need to make brutal decisions, decisions that will decide if someone gets to live or die, and he knows his mum will try to stop him. At most, he will include them in Order of Merlin because Grace was an exceptional doctor and researcher, while his dad is an amazing engineer.

"Ragnar, stop reading that book and let\'s go. Sev is ready." Magnus dragged Ragnar out.

"Aaaaargh... Let me study RUNES..." Ragnar threw childish tantrums.


Magnus knocked on his head, "Even Merlin said it would have taken him too long to develop the runes so he didn\'t. What makes you think you can do it in a day? Your best bet is to study everything and become the best at them, so we can develop the runes faster. Also, make your potions even better, become the Prince of Potions or something. Hell, Professor Slughorn might know a thing or two about runes."

Magnus\' knock on his head worked and his brain restarted. "Hmm... You\'re right. Wait... Professor Slughorn has been teaching for so many years, he should know a few master Runesmiths. Maybe I can learn from them. YES!"

That was all the motivation he needed. But what Ragnar said clicked something in Magnus\' head too.


"Haha... Marvellous, the Duelling club will be worth watching tomorrow. Mr Pendragon, you are a natural duelist going by your previous achievements. I will be watching your career with great interest." Slughorn was, as always, buttering up his students.

"Professor, how good are you at Duelling," Magnus inquired.

Slughorn embarrassingly chuckled, "My hands are for brewing Potions, Mr Pendragon, not fighting. I\'m afraid I won\'t last a day in Duelling"

"What about Runes? How good are you at Runes, professor? I\'m deeply interested in them these days, but good books about them are so hard to find." Ragnar asked him.

Ragnar was Slughorn\'s most beloved Potion student, as all his potions were godly and he knew much more than any common students, Slughorn even confessed to himself that he can not make some potions better than Ragnar.

"A very research-heavy and time-consuming field Runes is. But, I do know a little about it, because there were a few good students in it in the past. This club is also a place to share knowledge and they taught me a few things. I can give you their contacts, maybe they can help you." Slughorn gave Ragnar exactly what he was waiting for.

Magnus simply sat silently, he\'d shut up when they\'d talk about potions. He hated that subject.

"Psst... Mag... Are you going to come to the quidditch practice?" Emma asked him from the side. She had fought for this seat with Lily and finally won it. Her tactics were simple, she started teasing her that she liked Magnus and stuff. Lily got embarrassed and left the seat, not knowing Emma was in the same boat but a little more shameless.

"I will, but don\'t expect me there in each session. I promised you we\'ll win this year\'s Quidditch Cup too and we will." He assured her.

Emma wanted to jump and hug Magnus for saying this, but she controlled herself. "Hehe... You\'re the best, Mag. I\'ll cook your pancakes if you keep this promise."


Magnus felt more hungry hearing about pancakes. ~Professor Slughorn should also keep pancakes here~

"Deal, but if they are not tasty I will not forgive you." He warned her, now making Emma nervous.

"Professor, you didn\'t correctly introduce the new members." Magnus reminded the old man.

"Oh-oh, dear... I\'m getting old. Yes, this here is our lovely Elna Abara, she\'s from South Africa and is in Ravenclaw. She\'s very good at the history of Magic, knows such details about each country\'s history that you\'d be left in shock. She\'s a walking human library." He introduced the first girl.

Magnus greeted her, "Umm... You probably heard my name too many times by now."

She chuckled, "Hehe... Yes, girls in Ravenclaws talk a lot about you."

"OH REALLY?" Emma blurted and quickly covered her mouth in embarrassment.

Slughorn continued, "This here is Doug Flowers, he\'s in Hufflepuff. He\'s good at Transfiguration, just like you, Mr Pendragon."

Magnus nodded at him, "Then let\'s compete someday."

There was no new addition from the Slytherin side this year sadly. But Magnus didn\'t mind.

Their dinner and then dessert went on for a few hours. Then time for bed came and the club meeting ended. Magnus waited for everyone to leave so he could talk to Slughorn alone. Of course, Ragnar and Severus didn\'t leave. Emma too, as she refused to because she was part of the group now. Magnus didn\'t know since when though.

"Professor, I wanted to ask you something. I thought it wouldn\'t be appropriate in front of them." He started.

Slughorn was in his jolly mood, "Fire it, Mr Pendragon. Ask whatever you want."

"It\'s about Voldemort... He\'s an exceptionally talented wizard, that\'s a true fact. It\'s also highly likely he is a graduate of Hogwarts since his reach is so good in the British pure-blood circles.

"You have been teaching here for so many years and ran this club to gather exceptionally talented students, do you know who this Voldemort might really be? Or was there a student named Voldemort in the school, though I highly doubt it." Magnus asked him directly. And from the look of Slughorn\'s face, Magnus seemed to have hit the nail.

Slughorn\'s face returned to normal, gone was his drunkenness. His eyes became as if he was reminiscing about something very dark.

"Mr Pendragon, why such question so suddenly? And to your question, no, I don\'t know any Slytherin student named Voldemort or his real name. And I have seen his drawn face, according to a witness. I can assure you no such demonic-looking person studied here during my teaching years.

Magnus\' eyes narrowed and he talked internally, ~He\'s so shaken. So Voldemort was a Slytherin, kinda obvious though. But this proves Professor knows about his real identity. But why is he hiding? Does Dumbledore know? Should I try Legilimency?... No... That might be counterproductive.~

"It\'s okay, professor. I just wanted to know who this person is that wants to kill me just because I dared to oppose him. He\'s an enemy to mankind, after all, you know that, right?" Magnus said, slightly guilt-tripping him so he says something useful.

And it worked, "I know, Mr Pendragon... I know... But maybe this will help you... Parseltongue... It is known that Voldemort is a Parselmouth, which is why he claims he\'s the last descendant of Salazar Slytherin. Another reason why so many people follow him."

Magnus shrugged at Slughorn, "What\'s so special about that? Even I can talk to snakes. As well as lizards, crocodiles and dragons."

Slughorn dumbly stared at Magnus, shocked but still not surprised.

"Hahaha... Of course... Of course, you can talk to them. Merlin was known to be Dragonmouth. He was the only one in the known world, and now you are the second. Yes, Parselmouth are rare in the world, but you can find plenty in India, but Dragonmouth... There\'s only you now." Slughorn was once again in excitement.

~*Sigh* I guess I will need to butter him up more to get more info.~ he thought to himself and called it a night, not wanting to entertain drunk Slughorn anymore.

[A/N: Magnus will not find out about the Horcruxes anytime soon. Because I have planned a much better plot for that revelation.]

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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