
Chapter 174 - 174. Artists

Magnus arrived at Camelot. Martha was already there waiting for him. She was told that he\'d be bringing a basilisk here today. Knowing how dangerous the beast was, she wanted to make sure it didn\'t harm the other dwellers.

"Grandma, don\'t worry. I talked to Cuddles, yeah that\'s his name. I told him the rules, but I\'m sure it\'ll take some time for him to get used to this environment. ​​

"Duck has decided to teach him, as he\'s able to very easily beat him," Magnus informed her.

"Is that so? Come, I have already designated a cave for him." She said and flew away.

The cave was a good distance away from all the other animals. The XXXXX beasts usually had their homes at a good distance. Only super friendly ones like Duck were allowed to roam anywhere they wanted.

In the cave, Magnus let the Basilisk come out. Martha felt a little surprised.

"Amazing, this is the biggest Basilisk I have ever seen. He\'s most likely the biggest to have ever existed. And to think he lived in the sewers for so many years. Poor thing." Martha sympathised with Cuddles.

They later left Duck to teach Cuddles everything. Magnus returned to the sewage as Ragnar and Severus were still looking for Myrtle.



They looked for her everywhere but she was nowhere to be seen. Magnus also wondered where do all these pipes lead to?

He did search the whole Chamber of Secrets though, but he didn\'t find any hidden secrets there. Maybe there was some cool stuff before but most probably the one who opened it years ago took everything. There was a room behind the biggest Salazar\'s sculpture. But it was empty. He did find some steel cups though.

Other than this, there wasn\'t much. It was wrong to call it Chamber of Secrets. Because only a snake lived there. It should have been called Basilisk Chamber or something.

*Sniff Sniff*

While Magnus was walking in the pipes, he finally heard the sniffs of a girl. Knowing who it was he went to her.

"Hey, let\'s go. Don\'t you want to go back to your favourite bathroom?" Magnus asked her.

Myrtle looked up at him, "Waaaa... where were you? I was so scared. I was lost in this maze."

"Can\'t you just pass through the walls?" He asked her in confusion.

"Yes, but then I might get lost in the dark walls. There are also places in Hogwarts Ghosts can\'t enter, what if I had gotten trapped," she informed him.

Well, Magnus couldn\'t pat her, she was a ghost. "Let\'s go now. I defeated the beast that killed you. It was a 1000 years old giant Basilisk. You looked in his eyes and died."

She seemed shocked, "REALLY? Finally, I have some answer... oh... no wonder I heard hissing sound back then. I guess now I can boast around with other ghosts, that I died not because of diarrhoea but because of a Basilisk... but... they won\'t believe me. Are you going to tell everyone about it? And get your photo taken for the papers?"




Magnus fell silent for the next 5 seconds. His mind was once again cooking a scheme. Something he did not think before, but now he realised he could not only become so famous, he could also tarnish the reputation of the Death Eaters.

"Hahaha... I\'m a genius... No no... I am not... I still have a lot to learn." He bosted and also realised he shouldn\'t at the same time. He wanted to take Merlin\'s warning very seriously.

"Let\'s go, Myrtle, let\'s get you to safety. Follow me." He said and led her to Ragnar and Severus.

"Rag, take her above. Then wait there for me. Sev, you go too. I will explain everything soon. Trust me." He assured them.

With a hint of doubt and confusion, Ragnar agreed. Now when Magnus was left alone, he called George and once again arrived at Camelot.


Magnus saw Duck was training Cuddles, who diligently sat there and nodded his head after every rule was spoken. He had already eaten his lunch so he was in a good mood now.

"Hey, Cuddles, I\'m going to need your help," Magnus spoke in Dragontongue.

Cuddles immediately proceeded towards him at great speed, Magnus somehow saw the intentions and stopped him, "DON\'T. No cuddles, you are too strong and big, my little bones will turn into a paste. Hug Duck all you want."

Cuddles looked at Duck, but then Duck snorted and fumed flames from his nostrils, signifying his anger. That was the cue for Cuddles to not mess with him.

"Hehe, you two are friends already. Okay, Cuddles, I want you to come with me back to the chamber and act as if you are dead. Some people will come to check your body, someone will take a picture of me with you and then leave. When there will be nobody you will come back with me here. Okay?" Magnus suggested.

But, Cuddles seemed uncertain and somewhat scared. Magnus understood his fears. He probably had PTSD from living in that cave for all this time. But thankfully he did not remember all 1000 years, if he did then he\'d probably have gone crazy.

Magnus patted the big snake\'s face, "Don\'t worry, I will not leave you there. I promise. It\'s just a matter of a few hours, by tonight, you will be back, eating a lot of tasty food."

Well, he loved the tasty food. "Hisss let\'sss gooo..."

"ME-ME TOO!" Duck also jumped.

But Magnus denied, "No, duck, this is not the time to reveal you to the world. The day I will show you around will be the day I sit on the throne. You should work hard and grow big by then, so big that everyone will call you the king of dragons."

With this, everything was settled. Magnus brought Cuddles back to the cave. Then, he started creating the battle scene. He destroyed most of the snake sculptures, the face of Salazar was also damaged by him.

Then, in the middle was Cuddles. He still had a scar on top of his head, so Magnus just put a lot of fake blood on it.

"Okay, you need to act as if you are dead. Don\'t move and don\'t open your eyes even by mistake. I will still put a cloth on your eyes. You will be able to hear my voice so stay calm. Understood?" He asked after preparing him.

The big snake nodded his head obediently, laying down with open jaw and tongue falling out. He genuinely looked dead.

"Haha... alright, I am talking off the goggles. And here comes the cloth." He gently places it on the eyes. The battle scene was done. Now what was needed was to get the news out and make Dumbledore anxious.


Magnus made his clothes very dirty, the blood was already on him everywhere. Now it was time for a big show.

He first made Ragnar and Severus\' clothes dirty too and also put some fake blood on them.

"What are you doing?" they annoyedly asked him.

He smiled, "Hehe... don\'t you want to be famous? Don\'t you want your name to appear in the papers, as someone who defeated a Basilisk? This is our moment to shine. Just do as I do and we will be famous in no time. Might even get some appreciation from the Ministry."

"What do you m... AH!" Ragnar stopped in the middle and his face also grew a big evil smile.

Severus had also guessed it and he had a smirk. Of course, who wouldn\'t like to be famous?

"Hehe... good thing we\'re on the same page. Now, Cuddles is all set up. We just need to look cool and walk to Headmaster\'s office. Then we will show him Cuddles and get our photo taken for Magical Daily and Daily Prophet. But need to wait for the morning." He planned.

"What if the headmaster realised the snake is not dead?" Severus asked.

Magnus shrugged, "Then I will just introduce Cuddles to him. He\'s not the same old crazy snake anymore. He\'s probably already sleeping there right now."

"Hehe, I\'m liking this plan." Ragnar was feeling restless due to the excitement.


The three slept in the bathroom and waited for when all students head for breakfast in the morning.

Next thing, Magnus walked in the front, while Ragnar and Severus walked on his side. The three of them had messy hair, torn dirty clothes and a lot of blood here and there.

They purposefully walked through the busiest corridors. Everyone who saw them started whispering, while some boys gawked over how badass they looked, some girls eeked in shock and worry.

All the while the three were gloating inside their heads.

~It\'s working,~ Magnus thought.

~This is so cool.~ Ragnar though too.

Only Severus was different, ~I hope Lily sees me right now.~

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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