
Chapter 182 - 182. The Burrow

The next day, Magnus got ready to head out with Ted. Ragnar denied coming and said he wanted to rest a little like a spoiled fat muggle.

"I\'ve told mum I\'ll be going out. Oh, and feed Summer and Chad, though they will surely remind you if you forget." ​​

Ragnar waved his hand at Magnus as if shooing him, "Yeah yeah... Just go now and let me be lazy in peace."

Magnus then ignored him and went to the storeroom to see what he could bring to gift the Weasleys. Knowing that the couple was still young, there was a high possibility they were going to pop out some more babies. And that means it\'ll be a headache to keep important things such as milk, baby formula and toys.

So, he picked an expansion charmed pouch, it didn\'t come cheap in the market. He then called the Dragon Holdings\' office, where the assistants of Venessa were. They were also supposed to work for Magnus after all.

This time, the girl cried and apologised first. It was a very bad time for the economy. Her even getting a job was God\'s grace, one paying a good salary was heaven itself. So she didn\'t want to lose it.

Magnus first gave her an earful to never talk bad with anyone, whether the person sounded like a kid or a dying man.

"Okay, now I need you to bring me a whole year\'s worth of baby formula, baby oil and 100 pacifiers." He ordered.

It was a strange request but she quickly wrote it down and ran to buy it.

An hour later, Ted arrived at his home, he was wearing normal office clothes, with just a wizard-style long coat. It probably also blended well with muggle fashion. The man looked smart now since he ran a multi-million dollar multinational company now. Magnus was wearing simple pants and a shirt with a green sleeveless sweater.

He knew he was going to be surrounded by Gryffindor folks today and they would probably be wearing red a lot, so he needed to wear his house colour too.

~Ah, I just had an idea for Professor Dumbledore to make money. Hmm, I wonder if he will also come there.~ he wondered.

"Let\'s go," Ted said.

Magnus looked at the clock, "Umm, wait a minute, I have asked an assistant to bring the gifts."


And just as he said that, an SUV arrived at their front gates. It was let enter after guards confirmed from Magnus.

Magnus noticed the car was filled with stuff, all except the driver\'s seat. The girl driving it looked very nervous. And when she got out, she turned out to be short too.

"Sir, here\'s everything." She reported meekly.

"Thank you."

Magnus then looked at the guards at the gate, although they were from the military, that didn\'t stop Magnus from using them for some work. After all, they received tasty food in return.

"Help me, will you? Just need to put this stuff inside." Magnus called them.

Two men quickly came and helped without asking him anything. They wore a normal military uniform with wireless attached to their belts. They even carried guns. The people in the neighbourhood always wondered who the hell was Grant Family.

"Oh, wasn\'t your daughter just born, Alex? Here, take these, children need the best nourishment when they are small. Look at me, so strong and smart, all because my dear mum took good care of me." Magnus handed a few boxes of baby formula and pacifiers.

The man named Alex was first of all shocked, he had never told Magnus about his daughter, and second, this was the first time he was talking to him.

"T-Thanks... sir." He accepted the gift in confusion. He had no idea how he was supposed to address this boy, as he did not know about his royal status. And because that girl called him sir, he did the same.

"Don\'t fret about it. Let\'s put this in place now." He happily picked up a lot of boxes and took them to his living room.

"OYE, come and help me." He called Ragnar.

"Ummm... you\'ve got enough people already," Ragnar replied and continued watching television and eat potato chips. Even funnier was that now Chad and Summer also sat on top of him, getting treats every once in a while.

"You\'re acting like a spoiled brat, here, suck on it." Magnus threw a pacifier at Ragnar displeasingly.

He ignored him and put all the stuff inside. Once done, he sent everyone back. He returned the girl the money she spent on the items though.

Next, he put everything in the expansion pouch. "Okay, let\'s go now, Ted."

Ted had by now grown numb to the Madness of Magnus, a term he and Adrian used whenever Magnus would do something too outrageous as if it was nothing. So he didn\'t say anything about his choice of gift.

"Hold my arm and get ready to see the weirdest house of your life," Ted told him. In just a second, they disappeared.


The house of the Weasleys was called The Burrow. It was in Devon, West Country, England, Great Britain.

This was the first time Magnus was coming here. As soon as they were there, Magnus felt as if he had come to some old mediaeval barn. Pigs and chickens were pecking their way around.

Then, he saw the building. It was ugly. A rarely used word to describe a building structure, because a building can be damaged, or spoiled, but it can only be ugly if it was not designed that way.

"Ugh... Wizards really have a bad taste when it comes to architecture." Magnus commented, remembering what the Diagon Alley looked like.

The Burrow looked as though it had once been a large stone pigpen, which it probably was, but extra rooms had been added here and there until it was two stories high. It looked so crooked as though it was held up by magic, which was probably the case.

There were three mismatching chimneys perched on top of the red roof. The building looked as if it was never painted and the original material used to make it was visible all around, and surely, one single material was not used in making this. A lopsided sign stuck in the ground near the entrance read, THE BURROW.

"Are they really so... unsuccessful in terms of wealth creation?" Magnus asked Ted.

"Sadly, they are. They are pureblood all right but probably the only family without previous wealth to count on. There is a rumour that in the past some Weasley squandered all the family wealth on something. And about the jobs, well Arthur is a clerk in the Ministry and Molly is a housewife. They made this home with any material they found. And with a new kid, they just add more to it." Tom said and looked from the bottom to the top of the building.

"And I\'m sure this isn\'t even its final form." he completed.


"Talk about resourcefulness. Let\'s go in." Magnus muttered to himself and walked forward.

Ted first knocked on the door. There was a lot of noise coming from inside, and as soon as they knocked it went silent.

Soon the door was opened by a man.

"ARTHUR, my friend." Ted was the first to hug the man, who seemed slightly nervous for some reason.

Arthur had bright red hair. He wore glasses and had green eyes, and also possessed a tall, thin build. He had a wide nose and some age wrinkles were visible around his eyes. Man must be under a lot of mental pressure to have such wrinkles at a young age. But, he still seemed like a jolly type.

After hugging Ted, he turned to Magnus, feeling slightly awkward, then he bowed a little with his right hand extending and making a welcoming motion.

"Welcome to my humble abode, your majesty," Arthur said with full seriousness.

Magnus felt embarrassed, he just walked forward and patted Arthur\'s shoulder, "Come on, Mr Weasely. I\'m not a king yet, don\'t make me feel so disassociated now. Just call me Magnus."

"How dare we, that would be disrespecting the legacy of the great Merlin and King Arthur," Arthur replied.

Magnus stopped himself from laughing, ~Those two really have a big fan following. Only if people know how they were in real life,~

Suddenly a laugh came from behind, it was Edgar Bones, "HAHAHA... Come on, Arthur. He really doesn\'t like being called \'His majesty\' I was just pulling your leg."

Now it became clear why Arthur was acting so stiff. He didn\'t want to offend Magnus. He would not have given any importance if it was any pureblood of some family, but this was different.

"See, let\'s go in and celebrate your son\'s birth." Magnus happily greeted him.

Seeing this, all the old Gryffindor graduates present there felt warm, finally knowing that Magnus was indeed different from other Slytherin. He didn\'t even seem like a Slytherin with that positive and humorous personality.

"Mr Pendragon, here, this is my lovely wife, Molly." Arthur started introducing everyone.

Molly gave a light greeting by slightly lowering herself and touching her long skirt. It was a greeting to royals. But Magnus would shake hands.

Then there were the twin brothers of Molly, Fabian and Gideon Prewett. Then a few more people. And at last, Magnus noticed the most important man, Dumbledore. How could he not be here, being a proud Gryffindor he was.

As soon as he saw him, Magnus started, "Professor, I have a very good offer for the school to make money. I can assure you you will be able to make so many repairs to the school, even make more expansions."

Dumbledore\'s face paled, "No Magnus. Hogwarts doesn\'t need money anymore."

Yes, he\'d rather pay from his own pocket and bankrupt himself than agree to Magnus\' plans.

"Come on, that was just a one-time joke, I\'m not going to always sell underwear with your face on them," Magnus replied, but there was still a hint of a smirk on his face. He loved messing with this old man.

Dumbledore took a sigh of relief, but that only lasted a few seconds as the next moment his heart skipped a beat and he found himself dumbly staring at Magnis.

"I\'ve planned Professor McGonagall, Slughorn and Flitwick\'s face printed ones too after all."

[You can see Ted\'s clothes, the Burrow and Dumbledore\'s face on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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