
Chapter 219 - 219. Anything But Cookies

Magnus was very much shocked to see Duck there. The big Dragon slowly descended from the sky into his backyard, it seemed he had grown a few more metres.

Then he quickly rushed to Magnus and stretched his neck towards him. ​​

Magnus understood and laughed, "Haha... Did you miss me, Duck? Sorry for not coming to see you sooner."

He gave Duck lots and lots of pats on his head.


It translated to, "I got bored at home so I came here to meet you."

"Did you tell Grandma Martha about it?"

Duck nodded continuously, "I told her. She said no but I secretly came."

"So you mean she denied you flying to here but you came here anyway. Hahaha... Don\'t come to me when she punishes you next. You\'re hungry, boy?" Magnus asked.

Duck nodded happily. There was nothing better than eating with his dad.

Magnus went inside the house and called Abe and George. He also needed to make sure the nurse at home did not see Duck.

"I am taking Duck with me to the castle nearby, bring a lot of food for him there." He instructed them.

Then he went back, "Let go, Duck. We can\'t stay here for long. I will play with you at the abandoned castle."

"RAAAA..." Duck cheered and let Magnus and Severus climb on his back. Soon after he flew away with them.

Severus wasn\'t much experienced at flying on a dragon so he was holding on for dear life. But when Duck saw that he decided to have some fun and started to make more dangerous manoeuvres. Every once in a while he would chuckle in his heavy voice.

Magnus knew what he was doing but he let him do it, Duck deserved some fun.

"Duck, can\'t you fly properly," Severus complained.


They were just having fun when they suddenly heard a loud explosion sound. The three looked to the side at the same time, there was a Boeing 747, it\'s both engines were on flames.

"What the... Why is this plane flying so flying low?" Severus wondered.

"I don\'t think it\'s flying... it\'s crashing." Magnus corrected him.

"QUACK!" Duck also voiced, which meant, "I didn\'t do anything."

Magnus of course knew it wasn\'t because of Duck. Probably some birdstrike had done this. The plane was slowly crashing down towards the city.

"It\'s probably trying to reach the airport." Magnus deduced.

"Can they?" Severus inquired. They were certainly being too calm about this whole scenario.

Magnus looked towards the side where the airport was. "Hmm, I don\'t think so."

"QUACK!" Duck voiced.

Magnus lightly knocked his head, "You, don\'t try to bet on stuff like this."


"Shouldn\'t we help them? There seem to be a lot of people inside." Severus asked.

Magnus was actually just devising a plan. He didn\'t want the statute of secrecy to be broken and what he was going to do would be on the news. And the ministry was sure to investigate how the flight miraculously got saved. Even if he had the minister in the pocket, if he made any big moves there would be no way to keep the matter silent.

"DUCK, can you stay invisible while I try to lift that plane for a few more miles, so we can make sure it lands on the airport safely?" He asked his dragon buddy.

Duck silently looked at the size of the plane. It was currently bigger than his own body, but he was a mighty dragon, he\'d rather die than admit defeat before even trying.

"YES!" Duck replied in his own tongue. He could use the human tongue too but he hated doing that.

"Alright, fly below that plane then," Magnus ordered.

While being invisible, Duck flew below the giant aeroplane. He slowly aligned himself just low enough so that Magnus could touch the bottom.

However, Magnus knew that just trying to lift the plane from one location could be disastrous as the force would not be distributed around. He might just pierce through the plane.

He immediately took out multiple muggle coins from his pocket and quickly moulded them onto one giant chunk of metal by breathing fire on it. Then, he used transfiguration to create a big sheet of metal that would cover a small part of the area below the plane. Then he created many triangular support bars so that their tip would be aimed at Magnus. By doing this, Magnus made sure that the upward force he would apply would spread out evenly over the whole metal sheet. He kept himself from directly using magic on the plane in fear that his magic might mess up the electrical systems.

"DUCK! Get ready, I will try to lift the plane. Try to push me up as much as you can." he ordered.

Severus was looking from behind, he didn\'t have the superhuman body as Magnus. But he was ready to use magic if the worst came.

Duck pushed his body and fluttered his winds as hard as he could. Magnus meanwhile used the frame he created to keep the plane from falling any lower. He tried not to change its trajectory though.

"VERY GOOD! DUCK!" Magnus praised with clenched teeth.

He exerted all his strength. But, he soon felt that the plane was too damn big and heavy. If this went on then both he and Duck would get injured. So he used his head and decided to use his body\'s fire to thrust himself.

He moved his body so the frame now rested on his shoulder. Then, he put his both arms downwards but away from Duck\'s body.


He released the most intense fire ever. It was like a rocket engine, the loud heavy sound of fire burning. From the ground below, people did see this huge fire. But they only saw the crashing plane and screamed. The fire covered Magnus and Severus neatly.

Duck felt a bit lighter with Magnus\'s help and pushed for more. After flying like this for 3 minutes, they finally saw the airport in sight.

"Just a little more, Duck." He shouted.

They forced the plane to align itself with the runway. Soon, when they felt that the plane could land now, they stopped lifting the plane up and quickly removed all the contraptions Magnus had put on it.

People inside the plane felt a slight bump. They cried and prayed to god. The captain had already told them that they should start praying because he had calculated they won\'t survive. But, miraculously they reached the airport.

Magnus let the plane fly away and saw it land safely, the fire trucks were already waiting for it. The people were also let out safely. Soon after, the plane caught fire, engulfing a big chunk of it.

Magnus, tiredly laid down on Duck\'s back. He hugged Duck\'s neck and praised, "Good boy, Duck. We just saved the lives of more than a hundred people today."

Duck felt a funny yet proud sensation in his body. He cheered happily. But he was also tired so he hastened to the abandoned castle.


Duck landed heavily, immediately lying on his stomach and panting. "QUACK!"

Magnus laughed. Duck just said that he needed to stop eating fried meat back at Camelot.


"Sir, we brought the food." Abe and Dobby teleported.

They were taken aback after seeing their condition, "What happened?" Dobby inquired.

Magnus tiredly replied, "You\'ll see in the news soon. WATER! Give me and Duck some water."

Magnus could be happy with just a glass of water but Duck couldn\'t. So Dobby scaredly went to him and used the water creation magic.

"RAAAA!" Duck got drowned in a stream of water coming from Dobby\'s fingertips.

The good dragon opened his mouth and happily drank to his heart\'s content. "QUACK!"

"This is life," Magnus translated his quack.

Soon, Magnus felt energised. He quickly got up and used his overpowered magic to create a large waterfall-like stream of water to throw and sent it at Duck.

"GHEHE!" Duck chuckled and got up energetically. He started trying to catch the water in his mouth, each time Magnus would change direction and hit his face instead.

They played for a few hours there, Duck was very happy today. Magnus also stopped himself from going to Flamel\'s house. Because he knew that if he didn\'t play with Duck then Duck might start to lose connection with him. He loved Duck as his own family and couldn\'t do that even if he wanted to.

"Are you happy today, boy?" He asked, to which Duck nodded again and again while eating the food Abe and Dobby brought.


All of a sudden a loud feminine voice came. Duck\'s body immediately started shivering and without thinking, he tried to fly away.


But his tail was caught and he was pulled back to land with a loud thud. Martha, a small cat-human was actually beating a dragon as if it was really a little duck.


She knocked her paws on Duck\'s head, making the dragon cry and try to hide behind Magnus.

Magnus laughed, "Haha, good to see you, grandma Martha."

Martha immediately smiled, "Hello, dear. I was going to teach Duck today how to read and write, but he ran to here."

Magnus looked back, Duck was trying to hide his gaze guiltily. But Magnus did not get angry, instead warmly patted his face, "Duck, my dear dragon. Do you want to stay weak?"

Duck shook his head quickly.

"Then you must learn how to read and write. What will happen if someday I can not contact you with magic and have to write a letter? You won\'t know how to read and won\'t be able to help." Magnus said.


Duck exclaimed. He quickly ran to Martha and nudged her to take him. He was ignoring studies before, but now he had a reason. To be of help to Magnus was his life\'s greatest wish.

Martha warmly patted Duck, "Good child. See you later dear Magnus. I will send some cookies later. *POP*"

Magnus and Severus shivered when they heard the word cookies. They remembered eating them until they vomited the last time Martha sent them. She usually goes overboard and sends a few hundred kilograms of them.

"Anything but cookies," Severus muttered with a traumatised face.

[You can see the plane on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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