
Chapter 268 - 268. A Copycat And A Spar

"Argh... what the hell is wrong with all these girls? I\'m just 13, and they are nearly 18. This is paedophilia." Magnus once again ate chocolates he got in a love letter. Though he burned the letter first.

Ragnar laughed, "Well, I bet they\'re all gold diggers. Quite seriously, as you probably hold more gold than the rest of the world\'s gold reserves combined."

Magnus chomped on some more chocolates and scoffed, "Huh, as if I can\'t see it through. That 7th-year girl that Emma made me meet, she was probably wet just after shaking hands with me. How can someone be so lewd."

"Well, Severus was like this too when he came to the school. I think it\'s just a phase. You probably shine like a light bulb in this dark castle. I\'m gonna be honest, you\'re an average guy in looks." Ragnar replied while throwing an underhanded insult.


Magnus jumped on Ragnar\'s back like some ghost. "What do you mean average? Look at my face, it\'s perfect. Once I grow a beard, I\'ll be the most handsome bastard in the kingdom. But, you. Huh, you\'re my copycat."

"What do you mean?" Ragnar asked, ignoring the leech on his back.

"Well, you try so hard to be like me. Let\'s just start with your hair." Magnus pointed out.

Ragnar madly shouted, "I WAS BORN WITH THEM. I didn\'t choose to be blonde. And Blondes are often stereotyped as stupid. Why do you think Marilyn Monroe was so popular? Have you seen her movies and the list of her husbands? They all scream "Bad Life Choices" Huh. If I had a choice, I\'d have some other hair."

"No no no... don\'t try to derail the discussion. I\'m blonde, you\'re blonde, we\'re one of the smartest boys in the country. Also, you copy my fashion." Magnus accused him again.


This time Ragnar threw him away, "BECAUSE IT\'S THE SCHOOL UNIFORM! Come on, make good arguments at least."

"Errr... can I please read my book? Stop fooling around." Severus barked from his table.

Magnus, as if found a new target, skipped towards Severus, "Ah, my brother Severus. How is your relationship going? Did you confess to her yet?"

"That is none of your business." He replied stiffly.

"Hmm, Rag, wanna spar with me? Severus says he\'ll join us too." Magnus blurted all of a sudden. And before Severus could deny, Ragnar jumped. "Sure, it\'s been a while since I tried to cast a number of spells in succession."

"Amazing, let\'s go near old Hagrid\'s hut. He can be our referee." Magnus proposed.

Severus internally took a sigh of relief. He was afraid Magnus would mention the room of requirements. However, what Severus didn\'t notice was that Magnus was constantly keeping an eye on all his reactions and he had purposefully suggested this alternate. And from how Severus sighed, he was 100% sure now. ~Is it Voldemort or someone else?~


They ran off to Hagrid\'s hut. The gentle giant was currently chopping some meat it seemed and he didn\'t look that gentle anymore.

"O, Magnus, Ragnar and... eh... Severus? What are ye doin\' here?" Hagrid put his giant axe down and asked.

"Hehe, nothing. We just came here to spar with each other. We hoped that you could be the referee." Magnus proposed the idea.

"Me? Really? Yeh\'ve so many more teachers. They can help ya better." Hagrid responsibly decided to decline.

"Come on, Hagrid. You even got your wand back. You can absolutely be the referee," Ragnar insisted.

Hagrid looked nervous. "Err... I don\' think that would be good."

"HOW ABOUT I... BE THE REFEREE?" all of sudden a new voice came from the cabin.

They turned around and found it to be Moody. Magnus smiled, "What are you doing here, professor Cyclops?"

A frown appeared on Moody\'s face, but it vanished the next second. "I am a professor in this school if you have forgotten. Come on now, fight each other."

Magnus felt as if Moody just wanted to see them fight for his entertainment. But he relented and went on. Moody was the best referee they could ask for.

"Okay, let\'s do rock-paper-scissors," Magnus suggested.

The three got close and played the silly game. The first one to get out was Magnus, meaning he will be the first fighter. Then Ragnar lost, making him the second fighter. So, it was Magnus versus Ragnar, then the winner will fight Severus.

"Get ready to get recked, Ragnar." Magnus taunted his brother.

Ragnar smirked, "Haha, long gone the days when I used to be weak. With the power of potions and alchemy, I will defeat you."

Magnus raised his brows, "Really? Then let\'s see what you have invented this time."


Ragnar took out his sword from his pouch. This was the famed sword of the Viking king Ragnar. But Magnus noticed some changes to it. Its hilt had some kind of gemstone attached to it, there were five in total. The blade also now looks metallic green, with some runic symbols.

"Hah, you think a sword can beat me? Wishful thinking." Magnus also took out his sword.


Their swords soon clashed and Magnus received an overhead blow from Ragnar\'s sword. So he tried to block it. But that was when Ragnar smiled gleefully. "Haha... Magnus, this is not a normal sword."

"AH!" Magnus gasped. He felt that Ragnar\'s sword had just become hundreds of kilos heavier. Magnus already felt he could not block this much weight.

"Don\'t think this will save you, boy. I\'m winning today." Ragnar excitedly proclaimed.

The next moment, the green stone on Ragnar\'s sword cracked and poured acid on Magnus\'s arms. It immediately burned. Ragnar was not afraid to use this though, as he knew these injuries can easily be cured, and since this was a friendly fight he did not use any powerful stones.

But to Magnus, it did hurt like a "B*TCH!", he cursed.

Magnus was being pushed to the ground. Seeing no way around it, he got serious. "If this is the case, then... I will have to use my ultimate strategy."

Ragnar frowned and opened his eyes wide to look around. But just then Magnus smirked and jumped away, letting his sword fall to the ground. At the same time, he shouted, "MAGNUS STYLE, BLINDING NINJA TECHNIQUE!"

Magnus did something. And its effect also became clear a second later with Ragnar\'s shouting, "AAAAA... MY EYES! YOU BASTARD! THAT\'S CHEATING! YOU CAN\'T THROW SAND."

Magnus chuckled with a raised chin. He slowly walked to Ragnar. "Fu Fu Fu... everything is fair in love and war."

He glanced at Moody on the side. The man was nodding proudly at Magnus\' shrewdness. Indeed, in war, only winning matters.

But Ragnar cursed, "F*CK... This ain\'t no war, we were sparring. And I don\'t love you either."

"Aww... you hurt me, brother." Magnus jumped and swiftly took Ragnar\'s sword from his hand. Then he tripped him with his leg.

"If I had used magic, this fight would have been over long ago. But, if you keep this progress, you will soon be able to fight all wizards with your sword and limited magical capabilities. Aguamenti!" Magnus cast a water charm and poured it on Ragnar\'s face.

His hair soked, Ragnar angrily glared at Magnus. But he couldn\'t bring himself to refute. He knew, when he would fight an enemy wizard, there wouldn\'t be any chivalry. There will only be one winner and it doesn\'t matter what means you use to win.

"Magnus wins, Severus, go and fight," Moody spoke from the side. But when Ragnar came and stood beside him, he ruffled his hair, "You are a genius, lad. Your sword was an amazing creation. When I was your age, I was dealing with how to get rid of my acne."

Ragnar felt somewhat better with this appreciation.

"FIGHT!" Moody ordered.

Magnus and Severus were both proficient in charms. So this time wands were out the second they started.

"Confringo!" Severus cast.

Magnus, not even a second later, just as Severus was chanting, responded with a reply. "Confundo!"

"Protego!" He even cast two spells at the time of Severus\' one. He not only defended from Severus\' charm but also sent a confusion charm.

As it could be seen, Severus looked confused and disoriented. Now, all his spells will be off-target.

Severus got into a frenzy and sent charms one after another. "Stupefy!" "Relashio!" "Levicorpus!"

"BLIMEY!" Hagrid from the side cursed as he nearly got hit by one of the rouge charms.

Magnus had not even moved from his place as none of Severus\' spells was hitting him. So, he cast just one charm to defeat him, "Impedimenta!"

The charm stops the enemy from approaching by knocking them back or tripping. Severus\' body flew a few metres back and fell down.

Seeing Severus was not moving, Magnus quickly ran to him. "Hey, Sev. Get up, man. What happened?"

Magnus felt worried. He took out his wand and cast a minor healing charm, "Episkey!"

But Severus was unmoving. "What the hell? It was a normal fight. Sev, hey." He quickly pried open Severus\' eyelids. His eyeballs were not moving at all or reacting to the light. He checked his heart and pulse, which turned out to be normal. He panicked and quickly picked him up with a Wingardium Leviosa. TO INFIRMARY, NOW!"

"DAMMIT! LET ME TAKE HIM WITH APPARITION!" Moody ran to the rescue. He left immediately and Magnus and Ragnar came running on foot.

"What spell did you use on him?" Ragnar asked worriedly.

"Normal Impedimenta. It\'s much less violent than your potions. I hope he\'s fine." Magnus guiltily said and ran towards the Infirmary.


Severus had no idea what had happened outside. As soon as he was hit by the Confundus Charm, all he saw was that he was surrounded by Death Eaters. So he started blasting charms in all directions and frantically moved.

Then, he got hit by Voldemort\'s curse and became blind.

[You can see Hagrid\'s Hut on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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