
Chapter 300 - 300. Ragnar The Douche

The Yom Kippur War had ended in the Middle East. A ceasefire was imposed cooperatively on 25 October to officially end the war. But, the war had long-lasting effects.

America didn\'t trust the OPEC countries anymore. These few oil-producing countries deliberately choked the economy that was already recovering from the losing Vietnam War. It was now decided that the USA will try to assert its influence in the middle east, as much as possible. The rising Soviet influence in the region gave it even more of a reason.

But, what actually shocked the country was how their cousins across the Atlantic were unscathed by the recent oil price jump. The UK even made money out of this whole situation. It was the only country that increased its working population, opposite of many other countries.

It was 1973, and the US economy was 1.4 trillion and the UK was 192 billion. A huge gap but still, it made them jealous. A bit of digging made them learn that the British had somehow struck a very juicy deal with the Arabs, specifically Saudi Arabia.

After further prying from official friendly channels, the Nixon administration discovered that it was Magnus, the royal prince who brokered the deal. As the president of the United States, Nixon knew who Magnus was, so he was not too shocked.

But he felt frustrated, as it was December now, yet all his attempts to break a similar deal with the Saudi government kept on failing. King Faisal outright denied, saying that if it sides with the US, the whole Arab world will ostracise it, calling it a traitor.

Nixon was desperate. In light of his loss of political support and the near-certainty that he would be impeached and removed from office, he wanted to do anything so he could to garner public opinion towards himself. All his plans were failing. Now, everything seemed bleak, he had no option but to resign in the near future.

~Damn it, those Brits outdid us this time.~


King Faisal was extremely happy. When the war ended, not much was lost for him either. On top of that, nobody had the guts to speak against him, the people were happy too. The subway line under the city of Riyadh was just recently opened, he himself inaugurated it.

It was a beautiful sight to behold. Emrys Construction had been completing various projects in record time. The highways were being constructed so fast that if one were to sleep watching it, the next day they wouldn\'t recognise where they were. The new trans-Saudi rail line to carry oil and goods was nearing completion. A lot of large buildings in Riyadh were also looking very neat.

Seeing so many infrastructural projects taking place, people felt a sense of a positive future. Reaffirming his hold on the throne.

~God is gracious, this boy. God has blessed him it seems, to fight a thousand werewolves alone and win.~ This was his reaction after learning about Magnus\' battle.

Magnus didn\'t know this, but a lot of people in the world had suddenly developed a very positive attitude towards him. This was because they felt Magnus was an insanely powerful person and he could be trusted or relied upon.

King Faisal felt that he made the right decision by making friends with him. The future of the United Kingdom looked bright under him.



"I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR A WEEK! Come on, how is it that your boss never comes to the office?" George Lucas was in the headquarters of MagicMade. He had been waiting here for a week to meet Magnus. Finding out about MagicMade was easy for him, as a few contacts in Warner Brothers told him about the owner being British.

He sat in front of the CEO of MagicMade, Wim Joubert. Wim Joubert was highly satisfied by how their movie turned out to be. But he was getting a headache from how many calls he was receiving from people, wanting to know how he did it.

He didn\'t want to be thrown into Azkaban, so he couldn\'t really tell them. All he could do was say it\'s a secret. The craziest one by far was George Lucas. He wanted to meet Magnus but Wim knew that there was still at least 10 days left until Hogwarts starts the Christmas holidays.

"Mr Lucas, the boss, will not be returning for another 10 days at least. Do you want to see a very private screening of our new moves? It has many times more special effects." Wim tried to lure George\'s attention away.

George got interested, "Oh, what\'s the name of the movie?"

"This is the new project we took over from Warner\'s main studio. As you know, we own both Marvel and DC comics. And our boss strongly believes that with good special effects, these superhero movies can be made into big moneymakers. So we are experimenting with the Batman movie. If everything works out, we might start a whole franchise, based around the DC comics, where all superheroes exist, sometimes even coming together to fight in stand-alone movies. The current movie is called Batman Origins." Win explained.

This was exactly what George had in mind. Explosive and mind-blowing special effects, something that captivates one\'s imagination. He was interested in this movie now. "Sure, I would love to see it."

"But you cannot reveal anything to anyone outside. We have not even announced it yet." Win warned him and took him along.

The movie had the origin story of Batman, much more visually enthralling than any other movie before. Also, not following the previous Batman movies, this one had two villains. Joker and Penguin would work together to bring down Batman. In the end, Batman would have a showdown, but Joker will escape and betray Penguin, leaving him to get beaten badly and eventually dying in an accident.

At the end of the movie, however, a small scene was added. It had Bruce sitting at his home, watching the news on the television while drinking a glass of whiskey. On the television, the newswoman spoke about Metropolis city and its new hero with the red cape that could fly.


The whole movie was filled with large scale destruction scenes, that if done realistically would cost too much. George was even more excited now. "I will wait for eternity if I have to, but I will meet the Chairman."

Wim scratched his head, ~Did I make it worse?~



Magnus, Ragnar, Severus and Gryffindor Four were talking to each other. A small party was organised by the school\'s Board of Governors to celebrate their win.

It was not a feast, but a party where one could walk around with a glass of juice in their hand. Just as their gang was talking, a girl, from the seventh year came.

She was a Ravenclaw and had a blush on her face. She worked a skirt, a little too short for the winters.

"Mr Pendragon, can I get a picture with you?" She asked shyly.

He had no reason to deny. And since she was leaving the school soon, it was fine to give the photo as a memory. She can later boast around with her kids and grandkids that she knew Magnus.

"Sure," he allowed. Quickly a boy from the photography club came running. She quickly held his arm and stood too close, enough that her large developed breast was pressing against his sidearm. Magnus quickly looked around, and there was no Emma.


The camera flashed and the photo was taken. The girl however didn\'t let go and sighed. She looked at his face, "I wish I was four years younger."


Suddenly she pecked on his cheek and left in sorrow. Magnus was dumbstruck, "Wait... was that sexual harassment? And... didn\'t we see her kissing her boyfriend just yesterday? Why did she hit on me?"

Ragnar sighed and took a drink of his apple juice. Then spoke like a wise man: "Someone great, with his name starting with R and ending with R said this. \'A shoulder to cry on, is a d*ck to ride on\',"

"Amen, brother." Sirius swiftly nodded.

"What the f*ck," Magnus cursed hearing his so-called wise words.

Ragnar shrugged, "What? She was a gold digger. She didn\'t hit on you because of you. She hit on you because of your name, fame and wealth. That\'s why I say this, you already got your Bellatrix, now stop looking for other fishes in the water."

"Wise words, my friend," Sirius added again.

Magnus was annoyed and turned around to get another glass of orange juice. But, the glass dropped from his hand. Emma stood there with a shocked face. ~D-Did she see that? Her face says she did.~ he calculated.

"It\'s not what you think, Emma." He said.

"Hmph..." She looked away and went out with quick steps.

"WAIT... IT\'S NOT..." Magnus followed her. But on his way, he questioned himself, ~Wait a minute, why am I even trying to justify myself? We\'re not a couple or anything.~

But Magnus couldn\'t just leave her like that. He considered her a good friend and knew that Emma had feelings for him. Any good girl would feel bad if her crush was snatched from her right in front of her.

On his way, Magnus called an elf and ordered, "Get me a Pizza, quick."


Back in the party hall, Ragnar chuckled at Magnus following Emma, "Look, Bellatrix got angry."

Severus scoffed, knowing too well how Emma must be feeling. "Ragnar, you shall know these feelings when you also fall for someone."

"Haha... nice joke, I will only ever love my potions. Humans are hard to understand and a waste of time. Of course, I\'m not talking about you all, my friends." Ragnar replied.

This time, Remus responded, "True that,"

James and Sirius disagreed, however. So the two put their arms on each other\'s shoulders and walked away, "Come, James, let\'s watch the fishes together."

Ragnar taunted them though, "BE CAREFUL AND WATCH THE FACES FIRST. Lest you might end up with another Sophia Gonrys Antnus."

This was critical damage as it brought dark memories to James and Sirius. James in particular, as he jerked off to Dobby\'s edited pictures. He quickly had an urge to vomit and ran away to the toilets, he only heard Ragnar\'s loud evil laughter in the background. "MUHAHAHAHA..."

Severus sighed and walked away, "I\'m going to go and look for Lily, I feel my IQ dropping by being in close proximity to you."

"HAHA... WAP BOY!" Ragnar taunted him too. But Severus still didn\'t know what this even meant so he didn\'t say anything. If he knew that it meant "Weak Ass Pepe Boy", then he would have surely started a duel.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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