
Chapter 308 - 308. Family Just Got Bigger!

The day of the official opening of the hospital was coming soon. But Magnus wondered if all his plans will go to waste due to Grace not giving birth in time.

After all, he can\'t really give her a shock by announcing the gift to her. It could cause problems for her. So, he asked Grandma Martha to secretly visit Grace and find out when the baby will come.

The result was that Grace would most likely give birth on Christmas Eve. So Magnus let go of all the worry and started to write invitations for the event to be held on 25th December in the afternoon.

Not many people will come, only a selected few and most of the crowd will be the journalists. The names included many famous people. First, there was the Queen, the Prime Minister, Lord Mountbatten, a few more people in important positions in the government.

Then there were his close allies, Adrian, Ted, Tom, Edgar.. There were also many CEOs, most of them were running companies under Magnus. The rest were those Magnus wanted to show that allying with him can get their companies a lot, so sell them to him. From the magical side, Magnus had not called anyone since it did not concern them.

The next concern was about how he was going to reveal his wealth to the world. For this, Ted was coming to help him. The man had decided to let his muggle company run on autopilot while focusing on helping Magnus since that was good for the entire world, and of course, as long as Magnus thrives, his own business will also.

"CHAD! Sit like a good boy. I will be taking you to the inauguration and show you on camera, so you better be good." Magnus trained Chad.

"Meow?" Chad tilted his head in confusion. He understood him all right, what he wondered was why did his lord become so magnanimous to take him outside.

"What meow? I have named one building after your species\'s scientific name. You better be proud of it." He said.

Chad had no idea how to even feel. So he just shrugged and moved to play with Summer.

While messing with Chad, soon Ted also arrived. They quickly use their wand to secure the room, because nobody can ever be sure about such things.

"So, how\'s everything going?" Magnus asked.

"Magnus, I have formed the Dragon Service. It has 10 wizards in total, all of them were selected from amongst the Army of Merlin and my own subordinates. I have made them sign a much stringent magical contract, that even if they think about betraying you then I will know. This way, even if they start doubting you we can fire them. We do not need to wait until something bad happens." Ted revealed while giving him a file full of profiles of all these people.

"Woah, don\'t tell me you will kill them. I don\'t want that." Magnus warned him.

Ted coughed, "NO! NO NO... you misunderstood me, I meant obliviating them of their memory about their entire time spent working for you. They will go back to doing their old job."

"Good, so how do you plan to reveal my wealth and control the media?" Magnus inquired.

"Out of the ten, we only have 9 people, as one has gone to Zimbabwe to help our candidate win the elections. Coming next year, elections will be held in February, if everything goes well, by the end of Next Year, Zimbabwe will join the United Kingdom, becoming Greater Britain, and all Zimbabweans will get British Citizenship immediately." Ted briefed.

[A/N: In our world, Zimbabwe was known as Rhodesia at this point in time.]

Magnus was very happy with this. Britain lacked land, that was one of the reasons the country had limited potential for development, but with more land, everything will change. After all, Zimbabwe, 390,757 km/square was larger than the United Kingdom, 242,900 km/square in Landmass.

Effectively, the United Kingdom will double in size with just an addition of 6 million people in a population of already 60 million in the UK. And this wasn\'t even the end of Magnus\' expansion through the goodwill plan. There were many more Overseas territories that were yet to become officially theirs.

"Good, this makes me happy. However, I have one worry. I am absolutely sure many people will call us colonisers. I can not change people, but I can change what they see.

"This is why I need you to push for international documentary makers to go to Zimbabwe and all the other Overseas Territories where we are working to make everything better. As long as the world sees how good we are, people will automatically stop. The Documentaries need to be translated into as many languages as possible and shown in every country in the world." Magnus planned. He was always worried about the image of the British Crown at this point. Everything depended on the world accepting that what they were doing was good.

Ted nodded and wrote in his diary in codewords. "I will put this on the agenda. Now about your wealth. We will show you as a super genius, most already think this about you already as such but we will push for more.

"Then, we will reveal that after your father and mother made a fortune, you started to invest money and invent. Bobby comes into play here, as he\'s already a renowned young genius. It will help if the world knows you are the majority holder of FutureTek Industries. From there, we can slowly reveal your other investments through Dragon Holdings.

"You are a prince, a renowned genius and a valiant hero who at just the age of 9 jumped into the fire to save his friends."

Magnus burst into a laugh, "Haha... you\'re going to use that to push all this, right?"

Ted smiled wryly, "Well, people will automatically feel that you deserve all this success because you jumped in to save people and have a good heart."

*Sigh* "Well, I will leave all that to you then. I gotta go to the hospital now to mum. See you later. Oh, bring your daughter and wife to the inauguration. Security will be tight there so it\'s going to be safe." Magnus got up to leave.


A few days went by like this, planning and working the whole time. Then, finally, 24th December arrived. Magnus knew Grace was going to go into Labour that night. But he didn\'t tell her about it.

Then, at about 10 PM that night, she said she was experiencing some pain in her abdomen. It was rare for her to feel it so the doctor took it seriously and brought her to the labour room.

Magnus, Ragnar, Bobby and Grace\'s parents were waiting outside the room. Adam was with her inside. However, Magnus also sent his trusted doctor from Saint Mungo inside, not to do anything but to keep an eye. Since there was a Royal gynaecologist present inside, Magnus took all the precautions. And the moment the Saint Mungo doctor noticed something funny, she would blast them with her wand. It was an order from Magnus.

Inside the room, Grace was screaming, Adam was right there, to be Grace\'s pain squeezer. She had actually grabbed Adam\'s collar and had started to suffocate him.


A mix of cheers and cries were coming out of Adam\'s mouth. However, Grace knew this was not as much pain as she felt when birthing Magnus. She had gotten much stronger physically due to magical potions. In fact, she didn\'t even have to hold Adam.

But she still did it just to mess with him. Since everything was being recorded in angles that only showed their faces, she wanted to make it as memorable as possible.

"ADAM, YOU BASTARD!" She played with him.

Adam cried due to suffocation, "Yes yes... I\'m a bastard, now just let me breathe a little, my beautiful wife... OH PUSH!"

After 15 minutes, the baby finally came. The doctor exclaimed happily, "IT\'S BOY!"

"ADAM, MAGNUS AND RAGNAR GOT A BROTHER!" Grace cheered loudly.

Adam felt like crying and he looked at the baby. "So Ragnar\'s wish turned real. WAIT!"

Yes, wait. Grace cried again. They had known for a while now that she was having twins. Ultrasound had shown them this. The nurse delicately held the baby in her arms as the doctor again went under.

She was an extremely professional and experienced doctor and tried her best to make the process as simple and fast as possible. Yet, she was utterly shocked to see how strong Grace was. She was just... like a superwoman from the comics. She gave birth like it was nothing.

After a few more minutes, another baby came. "IT\'S A GIRL!"

Grace and Adam cheered in happiness, "YES! BOTH RAG AND MAG WILL BE HAPPY NOW!"

Adam quickly held his two babies with tearful eyes. His family just became bigger and he was utterly happy. He showed the two to Grace, who also felt tears welling up in her eyes.

Seeing this, the Saint Mungo doctor quickly walked out of the room for a split second to announce.


Magnus and Ragnar were sitting at the two ends of 3 seater bench, apparently, they had an argument on whether they would get a sister or brother.

"YOUR MAJESTY! TWINS! A GIRL AND A BOY!" The doctor announced.



Magnus and Ragnar jumped in happiness and hugged each other immediately. Gone was their animosity. It was time to spoil their siblings.

However, inside the labour room, something happened and the Doctor flutteringly ran back in. "Your Majesty... I think... There\'s more."

"WHAT?! TRIPLETS?" Magnus and Ragnar were dumbfounded.


The muggle doctor Magnus had hired again went under and announced, "THERE\'S A THIRD ONE!"

"WHAT?" Grace and Adam were shocked because the ultrasound only showed twins.

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You can read 20 advance chapters, my Naruto fic, and more fanfics at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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