
Chapter 323 - 323. Grand Plans And Order Of Merlin Expansion

"There is always room for family... VROOOM!"



Magnus suddenly woke up, sweating and disturbed. He looked left and right, seeing it was his room he calmed down. ~What kind of dream was that? Who the hell was that Charles Xavier? And why does he put his family\'s life in danger all the time if he loves them so much? What a dumbass.~


"I\'m okay, Chad. Just a bad dream. Let\'s go and eat breakfast. We\'re leaving for the United States in the evening. But first, I got a meeting with the Order of Merlin to select new members. Do you want to be a member of the order, Chad?" He asked the cat while walking downstairs.

Chad quickly meowed and nodded, "Haha, you are already the mascot of the order, my boy."

They arrived at the dinner table and noticed the full family gathered together. Martha was flying around the three babies and putting some magic spells on them.

"What are you doing?" He inquired.

"Oh dear, you all are going out of the country. I can\'t possibly appear in public. So I am putting protective charms on everyone. Of course, except you and Ragnar." She said.

He nodded in gratitude, "Thanks, grandma."

Soon he had dinner and dressed up in normal clothes. Ragnar also followed behind. They apparated to the Dragon Tower\'s top floor. The order members had already arrived. This included Round Table members as well. Severus and Bobby were here. Emma was not yet a full member so she was not included.

Ted Tonks, Adrian Durand, Tom and Zenrok were here, Edgar could not come as he was in the United States, focusing on the expansion of the company. They sat around a round table, it was nothing special, just glass. All had a similar chair, except Magnus, whose chairs seemed to be larger and more expensive.

Magnus believed that a hierarchy was very important in any organisation. At least everyone should know who the boss is.

"Let\'s start then. Any notable news from the world?" he inquired.

Adrian spoke, "Well, your previous guess was right. Bangladesh\'s political circle is messed up. Gross negligence of logistics is happening, which has caused a famine. 1.5 Million people might die if nothing is done."

Magnus nodded and wrote something in his diary, "Good, I want you to publicise the traitors to the public, provide the evidence to a non-profit health organisation there and make sure the case is filed and honestly judged in the court. Besides this, I will send food to that country, but it will be distributed by Pendragon Foundation. I will also ask the government to urge the European Union to help. Hopefully, we will be able to save most of the lives."

Adrian nodded and wrote points in his own diary. Then Bobby spoke up, "Mag, America launched their first space station, Skylab, in orbit. I want to start working on our private space programme as well. But the British Government has not opened the space industry for private companies."

Magnus nodded and wrote in his diary, "I will tell the Prime Minister to enact the appropriate laws. We can\'t be left behind, not when we are soon going to be a very rich nation with my interference in the economy."

"Got it, ah, you are going to the United States, right? I will be there as well, we are going to showcase a few of our vehicles and guns at Arms Expo there. You can come and see it too." Bobby invited him.

"Cool, I would like that. I wonder what you have been making there. Ted, what about you? How is everything on your end?" Magnus inquired.

Ted read a lot of things from his notebook, "Magnus, I have already caught a thousand corrupt officials in the British government. The audit is a success, however, we have just started. Other than this, the Zimbabwean president is excited to meet you. He\'s already in our ranks anyway.

"Your muggle companies are doing well. You are most likely the richest muggle in the world. And now with your US trip, the market is looking good. But, I am getting some disturbing signals from the US. I hope you are careful there, there are chances that you will be attacked."

He nodded, "Don\'t worry. I will take care of everything this time. And dad will be the big man in front of the world, as he\'s the crown prince. But I will need someone to help me there in arranging a few things."

"Harvard will help you, he\'s been promoted to head of MEDA North American operations," Adrian added.

"Good. What about you, Tom? Are you ready to be the Chief of Internal Security of Zimbabwe?" Magnus asked.

Tom nodded confidently, "I am only waiting for the letter now. I have already studied the local languages, geography and customs. All I need is to do some practice."

"Amazing. We cannot mess this up. The future of the country depends on how we operate in Zimbabwe. If there is even an ounce of racism shown by any British national working there he must be prosecuted with the harshest punishments. I don\'t want the same mess that America is going through right now." Magnus sternly warned him. With the advent of cameras, he needed to be very careful with public opinion.

"As long as I have a team of wizards and obliviators, I can keep the whole region in peace. I will be able to solve all communal conflicts and crimes with that." Tom said, indirectly requesting the staff.

And this was exactly what Order of Merlin was for. Adrian quickly helped, "I will lend you some men. Ted already has a Dragon Service member working there, he can probably help you better."

Ted nodded, "Absolutely, my men there are busy establishing a wide network of informants. The country is huge, we need as many eyes as possible."

It was wonderful. But they had one problem. Criminals don\'t always confess their crimes, sometimes, there are criminals who leave no evidence, but with legilimency, they know the man is the criminal. Yet, due to lack of evidence, they can\'t get him punished.

Ragnar came to help here. The guy already had an automated factory running that made potions. "I can provide you with a diluted, weaker and subtle version of Veritaserum. You can give it to the criminal in food, then the man will slowly start confessing to his crimes if you ask. You just need to get it recorded."

Tom thanked, "That will be of great help."

Then finally, it was Zenrok, the peaceful diary writing Goblin. This was his first meeting like this. He was surprised by how far and wide Magnus\' operations were. It filled him with pride that he was a part of this group, knowing that what they do and decide here has an effect on the world.

"Your Majesty, the entire operation of Gringotts is under our control. But only the Diagon Alley branch is our main base. The branches around the world are subtly under control. We are still in the process of putting our goblins in key positions. Still, if you need anything, we can do it. Knowing your visit to the United States, we have already started focusing on the branch there.

"Other than this, Goblins, in general, have a good view of you after you forgave the werewolves and gave the status of the same as humans. We strongly hope now that you will do the same for Goblins." Zenrok briefed. But his last words were also his requests.

Magnus acknowledged his words, "I understand you, Zenrok. Give me one year, the people are still digesting the new law about werewolves. If I do the same with Goblins now, some might riot. Before I take this step, I will have to do some social reverse engineering. I will be launching muggle televisions soon, and through them, I will subtly change people\'s mindsets."

Zenrok bowed a little in gratitude. His mind was at ease knowing Magnus was already working so hard for his community. There was nothing to fear, he assured himself.

Magnus then spoke about his own agenda. "Okay, everyone. You know my dream is world peace. So we need to specifically focus on the major factors that might someday destabilise the world. Soviet Union, China and North Korea should be our major focuses. All three are communists, we have no way of getting information from inside there as they are hostile to democratic countries. The major threat is that two of them own nukes. I am against these weapons of mass destruction and will in the future dispose of all of them, but until then, we need to make sure no foolish leader dares to start a nuclear war.

"About North Korea, it\'s a small weak nation, it\'s still in its current condition due to the support of China and the USSR. China is not strong right now, they will not stand against the west. USSR is the biggest backer. So, Adrian, I need to know when USSR is at its weakest, that\'s when we will take over North Korea."

"What about the Middle East?" Ted inquired.

"We will soon be a major power in the African region, stabilising the entire African Continent. I will be creating an African Union, similar to the European Union. If we are able to get land in the Sahara Desert we will be very close to the Middle East. With having Saudi Arabia as a partner, I believe we can do something. And if I am able to get India and Pakistan to act like the twin brothers born of the same land as they are supposed to be then we can surely see the rise of the whole middle east and Asia.

"Ted, I want you to create a secret organisation, its only job will be information gathering. Gringotts will silently help you. I want a file made on every single country in the world. Which military general wants to start a coup, which country is about to start a war, which politician is about to die, I want to know everything.

"I know, all that I am saying is pretty big, and I am not asking it to be done in a year. I give you the entire decade, this is my task for you all. We have this whole decade to stabilise the world. Because after a decade, the technology will become too good for us to infiltrate anywhere easily." Magnus said so many words that no one could even reply quickly. They just continued to write everything in their diaries, all except Ragnar and Bobby. This did not concern them.

"We will do it," Ted strongly nodded.

"Good, now, let\'s see who should join Order of Merlin. Everyone, put your candidates on the table. I will start with myself. Lord Mountbatten and Goldruk." Magus put two files on the table.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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