
Chapter 345: Protecting Allies

Chapter 345: Protecting Allies

King Faisal was an amazing king, who had truly opened the country’s economy and made people richer. Although it was still not a democracy with many rights, it was still a big step away from whatever it was before.

However, it was not easy to change people’s mindsets. Only the poor folks appreciate the better life, while the rich and powerful instead hate it, as poor folks are easy to fool and exploit.

When King Faisal instituted secular reforms that led to the installation of television, it provoked violent protests.

Prince Khalid bin Musaid, one of the two sons of King Faisal’s half brother, didn’t like these reforms and joined the protests. Prince Khalid led an attack on a television station in 1966, and he was shot dead by a policeman.

Who could have thought, that matter would come back to bite King Faisal, as the brother of Prince Khalid, Prince Faisal bin Musaid, the second son of the half-brother of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia who had just returned from the United States, decided to kill the King in vengeance.

He confessed to his mother, Watfa bint Muhammad Al Rashid, of his assassination plans. Wafta then informed King Faisal about her son’s mad plans. However, instead of simply arresting and killing the Prince, King Faisal silently replied, “if it is Allah’s will, then it would happen.” He distanced himself from worldly matters.

He was constantly having dreams in which King Faisal’s father would appear in a car and ask him to get in. According to Islamic beliefs, if a dead person takes a living person in a dream, the living person will most likely die within a short amount of time.

Due to these dreams, King Faisal didn’t even try to fight to survive. However, something changed then, he had another dream, in this one, everything went on the same, his father appeared in the car and asked him to enter.

However, this time, a loud roar also came, and soon a mighty giant dragon, likes of never seen before, landed beside him, on its back was Magnus. In the dream, Magnus asked him, “Come on, old man, don’t you want to fly on this good boy’s back?”

And without thinking, in the dream, Faisal decided to go with Magnus.

Later, when he woke up, he called Magnus quickly, unable to understand what that dream meant. However, after he hung up the phone, with his mind changed, he prayed and thought, ~Fate is indeed strange. The heavens favour this young boy greatly, it seems.~

[A/N: It might be a bit confusing, as the King and Prince who attacked both are named Faisal.]

A few days later,

King Faisal was sitting inside majlis(Council). An event where the king or leader opens up his residence to the citizens to enter and petition him. With him sat many more ministers, so they could solve problems instantly.

Outside, in the waiting room, Prince Faisal spoke to Kuwaiti representatives who were also waiting to meet the king. Soon, he was allowed to enter. King Faisal had calm and collected eyes, but he eyed him curiously, wondering how this boy was going to assassinate him.

Prince smiled cheerfully, only focussed on the King, falling to see the new and strange faces in the room.

“Uncle…” The Prince went forward to embrace him. King Faisal leaned in to kiss his nephew in accordance with Saudi custom.


All of a sudden, the Prince took out a small pistol from his pocket and fired point-blank. The first bullet was aimed at King’s chin and the second at the forehead.



However, immensely disappointing the Prince, out of nowhere, a sword appeared between the bullet and the King’s head, blocking the two bullets. Before he could try more shots, two guards had already pinned him down and knocked him with a hit on the head.

King Faisal sighed, feeling burnt by the adrenalin rush. “Thank you, Abdullahi. I will allow MEDA to investigate this matter in detail. Please forward my thanks to King Magnus.”

MEDA head, Abdirashid Abdullahi Tarabi, was prepared for this, they knew who the assassin was so it was pretty easy. Heck, King Faisal was made to put a special protection potion over his body to nullify damage a bit. His clothes too were sprayed with strengthening potions.

~I need to focus on ideological reforms as well, it seems. Even if there is a one per cent radicalised population, it can be a danger to the rest of the country.~ King Faisal felt, now having an even stronger resolve to work.


Just three months ago, the country got its independence after a long war against its colonisers, Portugal. The newly independent nation was on the brink of internal civil war, as now many people eyed the high offices.

Like vultures, they started fighting among themselves to split the country’s wealth. Instead of focusing on building the nation, they were only interested in building themselves.

For Magnus, this was an opportunity. The Dragon Services in Zimbabwe Mega state came with the plan to make Mozambique a good, capitalist democratic country with a strong judiciary that stops corruption. Hence, they chose one single party in the country that aligned with their interests and agreed to cooperate with them after winning.

Well, it was easy after that. The people wanted peace, they were already exhausted and fed up with constant wars, first with the colonisers and now themselves.

The Dragon Service used propaganda to publicise their candidate and brought the entire country’s army under one flag, that only answered to the people of the country, protected them.

The army was made to force an election under the command of their supported candidate. In a month, election results came, and the candidate won with over 90% votes.

Other troublemakers who wanted to start revolts or civil wars were disposed of. Then, Mozambique went on to sign a number of deals with the British Government.

1. They signed a 50 Year Defence Pact, under which the United Kingdom will keep Mozambique safe from all external threats.

2. Mozambique will use British Pounds as their currency.

3. They will spend 50% of GDP on Healthcare, Education and Infrastructure for the coming 5 years.

4. Mozambique citizens can enter the United Kingdom visa-free, study in superior schools and get medical treatment. The same applies to British citizens.

5. Free-trade agreement and preferential treatment of British companies and their local companies.

The population of Mozambique was more than Zimbabwe, a total of 10 Million. With these trade agreements, not only will the British companies get to enter the market of 10 million, but Mozambique will also flourish at extreme speed. However, the sweetest deal was the land sold to Emrys Construction at the cost of just one million pounds, now, a major private port will be made there, and it shall be connected to Zimbabwe through a rail line.


Magnus was informed about the thwarted assassination. He just praised the MEDA staff and focused on his own work.

“How much will it cost to make these Animagus potions?” Magnus asked Ragnar.

“Umm… 20 Galleons each. I recommend we make them pay for all of us.” Ragnar suggests.

“I want to become an Animagi too,” Emma voiced.

Magnus smiled and nodded, “Of course you will, I already counted you in. Though I do wonder what you will become. Tell me, which animal do you most resonate with?”

Emma thought about it, “Hmm… I… I like anything that can fly. Eagles are mighty and pretty.”

He wrote it down, “What about you, Severus? I know Ragnar will be a slimy snake, what about you?”

“OYE! I won’t be a bloody snake. It will be you. I shall become a mighty dragon.” Ragnar argued back.

Magnus scoffed, “Huh, magical beasts can not be animagi forms, that’s a known fact. Now shush… so, what about you, Sev?”

Severus’ face looked as clueless as it could, “I-I don’t know. I never really tried to feel resonated with an animal, it felt dumb.”

“Haha, then it’s not a problem. You will become what your nature is the most similar to. Well, I know what I will become. I SHALL BE A MIGHTY SEXY DRAGON!” He proclaimed.

Ragnar jumped in anger, “NO! That’s against rules, just like you said.”

Magnus smugly snorted, “Fu fu… boy, I ain’t normal. If anyone, it shall be me who becomes a magical beast, a dragon at that.”

“I believe you.” Emma nodded immediately.

Ragnar scowled, “Your opinion doesn’t matter, you’re his Bellatrix.”

However, even Severus agreed, “Quite possibly, it may just happen. From what I’ve seen in the past 4 and a half years, Magnus’ nature is similar to a dragon. Strong, brash, quick to anger, natural love for money and gold. He’s already a dragon in human skin.”

Ragnar raised his hand but couldn’t refute anything. He melted in his seat in anger, “Huh, we’ll see it when it happens.”

[A/N: It’s strange how King Faisal died in real life. This assassination was successful in the real world, he was shot point-blank. But what’s weird is that just 6 days ago, the US Secretary of State, Henry Kissenger met King Faisal. Just saying, the US was pretty famous for doing crazy stuff back then. On top of that, Saudi Arabia and OPEC nations had just made war against Israel some time ago and started an oil blockade against the US.]

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *Julian Rocamora* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Mekhi Bryant*

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