
Chapter 350: Reversal

Chapter 350: Reversal

Today, Emma had booked Magnus to help her in her studies. So Magnus headed straight to the Library. In all honestly, Magnus had started to somewhat reciprocate Emma’s feelings.

He knew he was old enough to date, it was just that his other commitments and aims in life forced him to not act on it. But now, he tried to at least be close to her, so she does not feel like he’s not responding at all.

“Here you are. So, what does my Broomsmith want to study?” He sat beside her.

Emma chuckled, loving the change in Magnus wholeheartedly. She now at least has the assurance that Magnus also likes her. “Umm, I want to learn potions from you.”

The smile seemed to be lost from his face now as a frown took its place, “Emma, I can teach you muggle rocket science if you want, but Potions, it’s better you don’t. But, if you want to fail in the class, sure, I can teach you.”

“Hehe… just kidding. Well, I thought, why don’t I ask the best women charmer in the school to teach me some charms. I want to do well in my OWLs after all.” She flirtingly replied.

Magnus, taking her jibes all too well, reciprocated them, “Fine, what does my sparkling grey-eyed kitty cat want? Charm to make a mind under control, or one to give bad luck. Or maybe a charm to make a mirror that tells you, “Who’s the prettiest witch of all?””

She burst into uncontrolled laughter, “Hahaha… I know that story. I’ve been reading them so that I have something to tell when I meet your cute little siblings again. But, why don’t you be my mirror? Magnus Magnus, on my side, who’s the prettiest witch of them all?”

Well, both Magnus and Emma were borderline adults, and wizards reach biological adulthood faster. Puberty had hit them hard and nice. Magnus had now lost the baby fat from the face and some facial hair was growing. He was growing tall, broad and muscular.

Meanwhile, Emma was like a rose. Beautiful, yet thorny. Her face too now had the charm of a grown lady, her eyes always giving her a unique look, while her body, well, Magnus’s reply was sufficient to appreciate that, “You are one fine wine, Emma. The more you grow, the better you become.” [A/N: For those who don’t know, Emma’s looks are based on Alexandra Daddario.]

Emma goofily punched his side, “Let’s study now. So, can you teach me how to impress my charms examiner? Teach me something that can leave them shocked.”

Magnus thought about it, while intentionally sitting close to her that their shoulders would touch. “Hmm, if you want, you should register yourself as an Animagus and then show them your transformation.”

“NEVER! I want my form to be a secret. The last thing I want is for some assholes to kill all eagles they see in the sky, hoping to get to me.” She rejected the idea.

“Then, you should try to learn the Patronus charm. Now that you have an Animagus, it’s 99% likely that your Patronus will also be a Golden Eagle. So, now you just need to focus on happy memories while chanting it.” he suggested.

Patronus is one of the toughest charms that was sure to shock the examiners, even more so when coming from a magically normal wizard like Emma. She sure was superior in everything about brooms, but she was average or above average in most subjects.

“Yes, let’s try this. Will you teach me?” She asked with puppy eyes.

“Of course,”

There was a new gang in town now, it was called Marauders. It comprised Remus, Peter, James and Sirius. Their goal? Well, it was to get revenge from Magnus, bring back honour to Gryffindor and prank Magnus, and the school.

But, for this, they needed a method to sneak around the school. Hence, they started researching a new invention. A map that can show where who is in the school. A map with which they can sneak around openly.

It was not going to be easy, as they will need to mark every single place in the school and also get access to the school’s name registry. But then they came face to face with a great spell, called Homonculous Charm. The Homonculous Charm was a charm that, when cast onto a map, would enable its possessor to track the movements of every person in the mapped area, through labelled dots that moved around the parchment.

The charm had such a powerful effect that it was not fooled by various methods of concealment and disguise, such as invisibility cloaks, the Polyjuice Potion and Animagus transformations.

The four went ahead to work on it. Remus was, of course, the brain behind the entire thing. They would turn to their Animagus form to travel around and check out the entire castle and its surrounding grounds to map it on the map.

It took them some time, but the fruits of their labour were sweet. Using Remus’ old map that he got in his first year, they created a detailed map that not only shows every classroom, every hallway, and every corner of the castle, but it also shows every inch of the grounds, as well as all the secret passages that are hidden within its walls.

After long hard work and their combined strength to cast the final charm, they were able to do it. Once made, they started to openly sneak around at night and plant pranks around the school.

Still, they were mindful this time, keeping well in mind what happened when that last time they went overboard and Magnus ended up teaching them a good lesson.

“Hehe, look at this. Emma and Magnus are sitting alone in the library. What do you say, we mess with the love birds?” Sirius grinningly suggested.

Remus was less than excited, “Come on, not him. Every time we go after him it backfires on us. Let’s just aim at others.”

James, seemingly having forgotten his date with Dobby, took Sirius’ side, saying, “Let’s do it, Remus. It’s never fun to prank small fishes. Magnus is the biggest, fattest and juiciest fish in the school. Pranking him is the highest honour for us.”

Inside the library, Magnus was teaching Emma about transfiguration, it was a serious study time, they were not joking or flirting with each other.

“Umm, then can I transfigure one thing three times in a row?” Emma asked.

“Sure, but doing it the third time will require much more concentration as your previous transfiguration will try to fight to revert back to its original fo… *SNIFF SNIFF* Hmm, why do I smell 4 pests closing in on us?” He suddenly looked left and right.

“What do you mean?” She asked him.

He put his finger on her lips, “Just follow me and do as I say.”

She nodded. Magnus and Emma then jumped above the book cabinets and secretly looked.

“They are here, the map is showing it.” James was excited, their plan was to pour slime on the two, which was a permanent glue that would make Emma and Magnus stick together for a week.

“We need to jump on them.” Sirius stopped from taking the last turn and looked at his friends to prepare. He lifted his hand to signal, slowly counting to three.

“go” he whispered loudly.


“GOT YOU NOW, MAGNUS!” James and Sirius roared as soon as they emptied the bucket of green slime on that two figures sitting by the table.


However, they realised that they were fooled, as two watermelons and wigs similar to Magnus and Emma’s hair rolled down on the floor.



Magnus and Emma jumped on top of them, Magnus keeping down Sirius while Emma keeping down James. They had their wands pointed at the two’s heads.

Magnus quickly took the paper from their hands and realised what it was, “Interesting, a map that shows people’s movement. Nice, maybe I can use my greater magic to make it cover the entire cities. Haha, thank you for the gift, you four. I can’t help but say, you are my best friends. My birthday is still more than a month away and you gave me such a nice advance gift. OH, what’s this… Madam Pince is coming. She’s going to go crazy after seeing this mess. You poured slime on books.”

*WOOSH* Peter tried to run away, but Magnus swiftly sent a freezing charm his way. He did the same with James and Sirius while eyeing Remus, “You won’t run, I know.”

“Emma, let’s go, we got a new toy to play with.” He held Emma’s hand and walked out proudly while avoiding Madame Pince using the same map the Marauders used.

When they were out, Emma asked, “How did you know they were coming?”

He replied while checking the map, “I can smell cancer, Emma. I intentionally memorised their smell due to their mad brains.”

“Then… do I have a fragrance too?” She inquired.

He nodded and replied without much thought, “Of course, Ragnar’s is similar to liquid luck, Severus’ is the same as a healing rotten wound and yours is a mix of roses and a few more flowers.”

~I needs to buy more of those perfumes.~ Emma quickly made a mental note.

[You can see the Marauders map on my Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 Advanced chapters and Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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