
Chapter 363: Bad UN

Chapter 363: Bad UN

Both brothers participated in a dozen sports, each time they would end up in a tie. Only it was in races that they were having a clear winner. But even here, once Magnus would win and the next Ragnar would.

Their madness had amused the world and the athletes. However, after a week of participating in games, they got bored. “Man, this is pointless.”

“Agreed, I’m going home, wasted enough time here playing. I should be researching a potion.” Ragnar said.

*Yawn* “I will return home as well and work maybe.” Magnus got up to talk with the organisers.

After returning, he had a few things to do, one of them was to join the Army Cadet Force for starters. He was 16, and although he could join the army as a soldier, it was a waste of his talents. He needs to wait until he’s 18 to become an officer.

Other than this, a few developments occurred in the field of the recent political storm. Easy to say, people had lost confidence in the government, and Magnus’ previous suggestion of putting his people in places didn’t work anymore, because new elections will take place.

Still, an interim Prime Minister was selected to lead the government for now, and that was Magnus’ guy, the former Crown Prosecutor. Now, what he needed to do was boost this man’s image so high that he becomes the next Prime Minister.

Soon, he led the Whistleblower act to be passed and be made into law. According to this, any whistleblower can come forward or secretly send their material directly to the Crown. A committee will then check the data, and if it’s true then the whistleblower will be provided safety. It was now being suggested that people come forward if they know something.

This calmed people down a bit. However, just then, to divert too much attention, Queen called for a press conference. Adam had already done his job of conveying his desire not to sit on the throne. So a few analysts who were into the Royal business had guessed that the new heir would be announced.

Now, most would think Charles was the right choice since he was the second son. But no, he had not many achievements under his belt and he was known to go out to parties and just have fun. While there was Magnus, a genius in their brain and a man with high morals.

So the queen usually does not talk to reporters, she only says what she wants and leaves, letting the media coordinators handle the question. She did the same this time.

“I believe that I have this great duty to this nation to ensure that the next person to sit on the throne truly deserves it. A person who can take all the responsibilities that come with being the monarch and face all the challenges with a calm head.

“I wanted Adam to take the place, his military experience and scientific mind could have done great, but he seemed to not want to do this and rather focus on his engineering projects, serving the nation in other ways.

This is why I have decided on the new Crown Prince. He may be young, but not for too long, his deeds have already proven to give us a hint of his sophisticated mindset. I announce today, from here on, Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon shall be the Crown Prince. And he shall take the throne whenever he’s fully ready. Thank you for coming.”

That was it, she left after that. None of the reporters asked her question, knowing they wouldn’t get any.

“Woah, this is pretty neat, what even is this?” Magnus looked around inside the FutureTek research division. Bobby was being his tour guide.

“Mag, this is the Thorium Reactor, it’s the first fully functional prototype, it is pretty safe as well, and since the world has so much more Thorium than Uranium, running it is cheap. This is the key to green energy.” Bobby said.

Magnus nodded in awe, “This must have cost a fortune to make.”

Bobby nodded, “Of course it did, but thanks to you, we were able to do it. We would like to thank you for your generous allocation of 70 Million pounds for the project.”


Magnus looked at Bobby’s cheeky face, “Ummm… 70 what? When the fuck did I sign that?”

~I know that feeling, pal.~ Bobby thought and answered, “Well, you signed it last year, did you not sign on a paper called “Money for the green energy?” I clearly mentioned that it was for the reactor.”

Magnus closed his eyes and remembered, “Hmmm… AH! I remember, now, wait… I thought it was research for the Nuclear Fusion reactor. You told me that it’s the ultimate thing needed for infinite green energy for mankind.”

“Well, you only read the second page then. I told you about the future prospects in it, and now that you have shown us the evidence of Helium 3 on the moon, our research on Fusion Reactor has already started. But, until then, the world shall use these cheaper reactors. Fusion Reactors are going to be crazy expensive even if they are made.” Bobby explained it.

Magnus shrugged, “Fine, I want a Fusion Reactor in 10 years then. You have 1 Billion Pounds as funds to use, hire whomever you want but I want it. However, security is a must. Our secrets should never reach outside.”

Bobby nodded in excitement, “I can’t be guaranteed it will be made, but we can surely make considerable progress I think. Ah, I forgot to tell you, we are also working on a Cryogenic Engine for our space rocket. If we can prove Helium 3 is the ultimate tool, then we will need to start mining the moon.”

How crazy it was, it had not even been 10 years since Man landed on the moon, and here they were, planning future missions to mine it. Magnus smiled, “Hehe, Ragnar is excited about going to the moon. I bet he’ll be happy to know this.”

“Well, I’m going to go too. I want to feel what it’s like to stand there.” Bobby also dreamt.

*Ring Ring*

Magnus picked it up. It was from Ted, the head of his Dragon Service. Soon, he had a frown on his face, so he went to Bobby’s office to talk privately. “Yes, speak now.”

“Magnus, our people have found something disturbing happening in Africa, by the United Nations. It was found that UN officials and soldiers have been forcing children to commit oral s*x in return for food. The higher-ups received the information but the file went from one table to another, eventually being lost. 3 journalists have been silenced by them, 2 were silenced institutionally and one was murdered. What do you want to do?” Ted asked. [A/N: This is a real crime committed by the UN, you can search on Google. However, in our world, it’s recent.]

Magnus boiled in anger, “So this is where those bastards were spending the money aid we sent? Is this how they are removing world hunger? Bloody Degenerates. Gather all evidence and use my media channels to destroy all those who were a part of it, I don’t care if it’s the Director-general, a soldier or even a president of an African Nation.

“I want all of them to be trialled right in Africa, in a country where capital punishment is valid. All of them must be sentenced to death, as long as they knew about it and did nothing while having the power to, they must die. No need to worry about international pressure, if any country tries to pressurise to release their nationals, then publicise these countries as well, telling the world what messed up paedophiles they are. I will start publicly condemning the UN as soon as I take on the role of Crown Prince.

“One more thing, take over the UN, brainwash whomever you need to, it’s damn time the United Nations starts uniting the countries.”

After getting the support, Ted hung up and got to work. It was about time Tonks & Tonks cracked a huge case and became a completely global company.

However, one would think, how can Magnus be sure that his people will not be the same? Will they not exploit the poor children? Well, the reason was simple, all thanks to the busiest department under Magnus, the Audit department.

However, it was not about auditing money, it was about auditing minds. It was directly under MEDA, meaning Adrian. Their job was to do random audits on all the top and any other person working for them that had the power to cause harm.

“What happened? You look angry,” Bobby asked him.

Magnus sighed, “Nothing, just the usual, evil corrupted world. Ah, you brought a sandwich? Thanks.”

[A/N: Umm, I just had this thought. Some of you must be feeling that Magnus is so easily able to do everything, there is no opposition. But I thought about it and realised, the opposition does not exist. He killed the biggest capitalists, the Illuminati. And I feel that even in our real world, rich folks do a lot of stuff behind the scenes, like how Magnus does, by controlling the media and public sentiment.]

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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