
Chapter 371: Holy Texts

Chapter 371: Holy Texts

They didn’t wake up the next day until afternoon. Holding on to each other in arms and feeling the warmth, they felt too comfortable. Not to mention, they didn’t rest the entire night and felt sleepy.

“Wake up, Mag. I will make lunch, you take a bath.” She suggested.

“Huh, not so fast.” He lifted her in his arms and went together to the bathroom, “It’s time for some morning exercise.”

She sighed, “You know what, you’re going to break me, but… I dared to love a dragon, I should prepare to face his wrath as well.”

And they went for a few more rounds. 2 hours later they came out and got dressed in normal clothes. The two were enjoying this calm, secluded life a lot. They stayed there for 3 more days, having fun at any time of the day, basically, they only rested to cook and eat. It was too good to be so young and full of energy.

On their 5th day in the resort, Magnus got a call from Adrian that the Thai King wanted to talk, so he had to return with Emma with a sad heart. But, the two were in 6th year and had their own rooms, there was no way they would leave each other alone on any day anymore.

At the royal palace, once again he was face to face with the King. The Soviets had scared him shitless as they had no idea why they were doing this. They couldn’t even suspect Magnus as he stood against everything that the Soviet Communists believed in.

“So, what have you decided?” Magnus asked.

“We have had some discussions and we agree with most of your offers. However, we cannot allow you to interfere in the affairs of our land…” Magnus stopped him right there.

“Thanks for wasting my time, see you maybe never. If your people had the ability to make something out of a nation of untapped resources with a population of 40 million, you’d have already done it.

“You all are incapable, that is why you are facing all the protests against you. Here I am offering to turn your country into a middle-income country, but you want to reject. Tell me, why should I invest in a country whose policies don’t align with the future prospects? Policies that will harm my business?

“What I am offering is the greatest deal there is, you will become a ceremonial monarch, just like Queen Elizabeth, and live an awesome life. Your government will become a true democracy, communism will be rooted out and your army will be under the government at all times. Does this sound like I am harming your nation?”

“No, but how do you believe that I trust you? Your nation has a history of subjugating other nations, enslaving them in the name of colonising and taking away all the wealth.” King Adulyadej said.

Magnus knew this would come someday, “How can you trust that your generals and advisors will do good and bring prosperity? Every single nation in the world has a bad past, but that past does not define today. I abhor what happened in the past and colonising a country is the least of my interest. If I wanted to colonise you I’d first pay your enemies to cripple you, then come as a friend but with devilish intentions.

“Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe, Bhutan, Mozambique are benefiting from partnering with me. Well, the final decision is on you, I may sound bullish, but I will be the one spending Billions on your nation, so if you don’t agree to my terms then the deal is off.”

Too bullish, that was all King Adulyadej could think of. But this was the truth, Magnus would be spending what was 14 per cent of his country’s total GDP. “Regarding the lease of the island, we cannot make it 300 years, 100 at max.”

“Hmm, you are being shrewd now. I am providing your nation with a security umbrella. Fine, 250 is all I can do.” Magnus returned.

“The best I can do is 150.” King Adulyadej haggled.

“Okay, 400 years, deal?” Magnus replied, bringing his hand forward. In the illusion that his number was accepted, King Adulyadej shook it, only to realise it soon after.

( ̄▽ ̄)”

~Wait a fucking minute,~ he looked at Magnus’ face that was uncontrollably holding laughter, “That’s absurd, King Magnus,”

“Hahaha, exactly, you’re haggling too much, it’s absurd. 300 years was a well-calculated number, but I agreed to bring it down to 250, and you still want more.” Magnus sounded like he was friends with the guy.

King Adulyadej sighed, “220 is the last offer, it’s a small island but 500 Thai people still live there. You must ensure that they are not harmed.”

Magnus nodded, this was acceptable, “Sure, we will give each of them 1500 pounds, it’s enough to help them buy a nice home and even land in any place in the whole country. I don’t want any conflicts between locals and my people, so they will need to move. Happily, of course.”

Magnus would have agreed for 200 too, but King Adulyadej himself wanted to make it 220 so who was he to ask? It was his strategy from the start, 300 was a crazy number, he just played with his mind. First, he made him feel friendly, then made him feel like he was winning the game.

Magnus shook hands with him, the rest was to be done by the diplomats, all the documents will be generated and then signed. Edgar was already here, so he was able to make documents for the Canal deal as well.

His signatures were not needed as he was just a crown prince and had no authority. However, what he did indeed sent shockwaves throughout the west, especially the UK and the US. The US was more shocked though, as they were trying so hard to stop communism from spreading in Asia, and here was Magnus, who had brought Thailand into the Western influence so easily. CIA and the President also knew who was behind the recent bomb blast and killing of the Cambodian dictator and subsequent formation of democratic government.

They decided to turn a blind eye to everything as it served their best interests. Meanwhile, in the UK, people were happy that the UK was stepping up its world game, while the economists were positive about the trade agreements and the investments. The most shocking, however, was the military alliance and the lease of an island close to the canal. The island practically would give the UK a view of the canal to see what was entering and leaving.

In the coming days, more shocking news will come from Thailand. The King will give up all his powers and play a role similar to the British Queen. Not just that, he also amended a new law that a King can only marry one wife at a time and that the right to the throne was to the firstborn, be it a male or a female.

A few generals disappeared overnight, the rest took retirement. New democratic political parties were formed, communist ones were banned, with its leaders being brainwashed by obliviators to become socio-capitalists. Yes, Magnus could be called an authoritarian at this point, but the world needed a push, or else it just wouldn’t move.

Their trip came to an end with this. Magnus and Emma boarded a private jet to return to the UK. They had the entire plane for themselves as it was owned by FutureTek. If the US had IBM and Hewlett-Packard, then the UK had FutureTek, which was much more than a mere computer company.

They had spent their whole week on a holiday, Magnus was very missed in the school, especially by the Slytherins, as he was their star. After returning, he quickly went to his room, left his luggage and gathered with Ragnar and Severus in the Slytherin Common room.

“Anything worth mentioning that happened this week?” He inquired.

Ragnar answered while reading a book, “Umm, Gilderoy Lockhart proposed to a 7th year Hufflepuff, he was turned down in front of the entire school in the common room. Sirius tried to make James and Lily break up because he was jealous. I was able to figure out a way to decompose plastic into a thick paste that can solidify and become very strong. Severus was able to create a truth-detector suitcase for MEDA and the UK Police’s new secret special wizard division.”

“Damn, Gilderoy tried his luck on a 7th year while being in the 2nd year? Is he that stupid?” Magnus muttered in shock. Nothing else was too shocking to him, he knew how Sirius was so that was expected, and about the new inventions, well they happen now and then.

However, just then his eyes fell on the book Ragnar was reading, he snatched it, “What the fuck is this? ‘Sun Tzu, The Art Of Whores’ what is this about?”

Ragnar shrugged and drank sherbet “I don’t know, I just found it in Argus Filch’s trash collection room. The dude’s pretty chill with us, told me how thankful he is to you.”

Magnus nodded and read the book, it had some really weird quotes, “The supreme art of whoring is to subdue the enemy without touching.”

“Appear horny when you are calm, and calm when you are horny.”

“Let your ass be impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall on dicks like a hammer.”

“Victorious warriors fuck first and then love, while defeated warriors love first and then seek to fuck for eternity, only to get scammed.”

“A shoulder to cry on becomes a dick to ride on.”

“To know your whores, you must become a whore.”

“Treat your men as you would your own beloved whores. And they will follow you into the deepest valley.”

“When you surround an army of cocks, leave some asses open. Do not press a desperate foe too hard, let them COME.”

(⊙o⊙) (°ー°〃)

He and Severus looked at Ragnar’s face. Then Magnus laughed loudly. “BWAHAHAHA… what the hell is this, damn this is funny. Ah, my stomach hurts, burn this holy text, my brother… in your mind”

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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