
Chapter 376: DIA?

Chapter 376: DIA?

Slowly, as time elapsed, Magnus kept on studying, training himself to get better in all things magic. At the same time, he studied a few muggle subjects, mainly those related to technology.

His next plan was to ensure that the country believes in him. The first step was to generate a good amount of goodwill and trust. For this, the people needed to feel grateful to him. The biggest problem was that the majority of the people around the world had a short term memory.

So it was important to somehow make them store his image inside their permanent memory, and for that, something big was needed. Something that would take over the minds of all the people, something that would stay in buzz for years.

For starters, the first of its kind report was published by Dragon Holdings, revealing to the world what the company had done for the nation. It turned out, Dragon Goldings, since its inception, has provided jobs to 3.5 million people in direct or indirect ways.

It has brought up the Country’s GDP at least 0.34 points, which is a lot actually, considering it’s just one company. Then there was all about how the company invests in various universities around the country, various researches and other things. Zimbabwe literally got changed because of the company.

At the top sat Magnus, the sole owner of it. This time it was revealed that Dragon Holdings was completely owned by Magnus, created from scratch with no help from any royal contacts.

Magnus’s looks helped him in making people believe in him as he was very tall and looked older. Of course, there were people who were jealous that a kid made more money than then, but a majority was happy.

December of 1976 started to come to an end, it was time for holidays and also to wrap up their unfinished projects. But, the four decided to not go home this time and rather focus on their studies and whatever they were doing. Magnus never had any restrictions on going out so it wasn’t as if he was not misusing that and going home to meet his family every now and then.

“YES! I have finally finished my research. Behold, the flavour potions. You can even pour it on shit and the shit will taste like your favourite food with the tastiest taste in the world.” Ragnar proclaimed loudly.

Severus scowled, “You made it taste like shit?”

“Ugh… no, you dumbass. I made it so I can make food taste like your favourite food. Here, try this piece of bun and tell me how you feel.” Ragnar passed on a small plate.

Severus had his suspicions, but Ragnar would not joke around at this time since he was trying to prove that his potion works. So, he picked up the bun and took a bit. Initially, he didn’t feel anything, but then… “THIS IS SO GOOD!”

He started eating as if he couldn’t take the bun away from his mouth. He was licking and biting it at the same time. Heck, his face started to sweat. Just then Magnus entered and paused after seeing the scene.

Smirking, he took out a camera, *FLASH* And the scene was now immortalised forever, “What’s happening?”

“Here, taste this, I made a new potion that makes food better.” Ragnar handed him a bun as well.

As soon as he took a bite, his eyes shined and he gulped the whole thing down in one go, “God damn, that was the best taste I have ever experienced. It was like heaven on my tongue.”

“Hehe, it’s all about the brain. I read the books about human biology you have me. I learnt about the part of the brain that handles taste, then I just tried to influence that part of the head. It seems I was successful.” Ragnar cheered.

Magnus was proud of him, “You are crazy, I don’t think even the muggle medical science has done this.”

“Hehe… I am a genius, of course. Anyway, take Sev away, he’s weirding me out, still licking the bun.” Ragnar narrowed his eyes at Severus.

Laughing, Magnus took him with him. It took him a few more seconds to end the bun, “It was magical.”

“It WAS magic indeed. Anyway, something new?” Magnus inquired.

“Well, Lily’s sister is marrying some guy named Vernon Dursley next year, he’s a fat guy, works at a drill-making company. A dumb woman, I warned her to get better in life or she’ll end up under some fat guy, just living her life satisfying her man.” Severus distastefully said.

But Magnus fell into thinking, “Hmm… I think I have heard that guy’s name somewhere but can’t remember. Meh, must be worthless. Anyway, come with me, Emma is making my favourite pancakes.”

“You two act like married couples. Turn it down a bit, man.” Severus suggested but didn’t reject the invitation.

Magnus put his arm around Severus’ shoulder, “Oh come on, I love that girl. Besides, the school is empty now, I can be as open as I want. By the way, maybe someday you can become a teacher here and teach my kids.”


“You’re 16, already planning kids?” Severus was dumbfounded.

Magnus embarrassingly rubbed his hair, “17, I’m turning 17 next month. And to be honest, I’m the hottest bastard alive right now, and Emma is also really pretty. I’m kinda interested in seeing what our kids will look like.”

“Huh, I guess I should congratulate you, by this speed, you will probably be a dad before you even graduate.” Severus mockingly said. He didn’t know about Magnus’ problem.

Hiding it from him was wrong at this point as others knew, so Magnus replied, looking a bit sad, “That’s the part where you’re wrong, my friend. *Sigh* Do you know about the theory of Magic Reproduction Theory?”

“Yes. It says that the stronger the wizard is, the lesser chances he has to have a child and reproduce… Wait!” He realised something, connecting the dots.

“Yup, all the power I have, all this inheritance, this is the cost. I can’t become a father, Merlin couldn’t, King Arthur couldn’t. But, I am not going to quit trying, one day I will fix myself and have a sweet little daughter and son.” Magnus firmly promised himself.

*Sigh* “Sometimes, I envy your optimism. But if I can help, I will. And if you really are someday able to have a baby, I will absolutely become a teacher in the school. After all, there needs to be someone to pass on all the embarrassing stories about you.” Severus joked.

“HEY! Your turn will come someday too,” Magnus said. But he had no idea whom Severus would even end up with.

Somewhere in the UK,

Secret Underground facilities were across the entire country, most of them were made and owned by FutureTek Industries. In one of them, Bobby lived these days. He was going hard on his research and building of a rocket engine. Being a great physicist and engineer, he knew that if anyone, he could do it.

He would give the United Kingdom its own homemade Cryogenic Engine. This engine will one day take him to the moon. Initially, Bobby was in no hurry to make this, but after Helium 3 was found there and the Fusion reactor getting such a big money backer as Magnus, he knew that he needed to do it.

Another reason was that he wanted to test Magnus’ theory of magic. If they were able to use the portkey on the Moon, then they can set up mining on the moon as fast as possible. Everything will change if that happens.

But, right now, he had his own worries, only the USA had this complex technology right now, the USSR had just developed it and was testing it. The tech was so important that one would kill for it. And that was his worry. Bobby had instructions not to rely on the United States as much as possible. However, the USA was putting pressure on the British Government to push FutureTek to start a collaboration with NASA.

For Bobby, this was unacceptable because his tech development had too many secrets, like Magic and much more. He just ignored the Americans and kept on working on his engine, hoping that NASA will leave him alone soon.

However, what he didn’t was that he invited someone even worse than NASA now. The CIA was an agency that had no oversight, it worked with the power vested into it by the US President’s office. In fact, the CIA was allowed to conduct missions without the US President’s nod if it’s an emergency. All the political problems will be handled by the President’s office for them.

However, one could only hope that they did their homework this time. Or they might end up becoming DIA, Dead Intelligence Agency.

[A/N: This is real, there are suspicions around in a few countries that the CIA got some scientists killed because they would not join them and only work for their own country.]

[You can see the Severus on my Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 Advanced chapters and Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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