
Chapter 382: Ultimate Fan

Chapter 382: Ultimate Fan

Adrian burst into laughter, “Hahaha… I told you James, do not use that usual introduction, first, it’s too narcissistic sounding, and second, I knew he would make fun of you.”

James Bond embarrassingly drank the tea, “Thank you for meeting me, Your Majesty. I am investigating the death of the Prime Minister. We have a suspicion that…”

“I killed him,” Magnus blurted.


James Bond looked confused, left and right, Adrian didn’t even react and continued to drink, while Magnus seemed too relaxed, “Sir, are you confessing to a crime?”

“Hah, am I confessing to killing a man that was selling secrets to the Soviets and getting our men killed and if his crimes came out to the public it would have caused so much trouble? Yes, I am confessing, Bond.” Magnus said.

“Don’t you fear that I will tell someone?” Bond asked.

Magnus waved his hand and the door opened, “Go ahead, I’m not stopping you. But before you even take a step outside, you will die. And even if you do walk out the moment you blurt it to anybody, we will know, and then you will get a visit from people whom you can never defeat. Adrian in particular. You will kill him, right Adrian?”

“In a heartbeat,” Adrian nodded.

Bond looked at him, “We’ve been friends for 2 years, you would kill me?”

“Sorry, brother. But if you stand against my boss, even when he’s right, I will do my duties. Stop using too much of your brain, the matter is clear, if we had not killed the Prime Minister then it would have done more damage. People would have lost trust from the government.” Adrian told him.

Bond nodded, accepting the fact for now, “How much do you control the nation?”

“Not much, I am just trying to push for a better economy, safety and equality, everything else, I don’t care. The men in the house of commons can keep playing their little games. My agenda is totally different, it is the security of the United Kingdom and peace around the world.” Magnus answered and got up.

“Anyway, I am not on holiday, I have limited free time. See you later guys.” And with that, he left.

Adrian also headed out, “Let’s go, Bond James Bond, lunch’s on me.”


“Okay, sweetie. You got permission to roam around the world, but you know the rules. Not being seen by the people and never harming anyone.” Martha packed Duck’s cute little bag and tied it to his back. It had a lot of items that would help him in his adventure.

It was Duck’s wish to travel the world, he said he was old enough already, even fought Magnus over it. After many attempts, Magnus agreed on the term that he will have a lot of trackers and charmed objects to help him and Portkey him away.

“I know, Grandma. I’m not a kid anymore,” Duck proudly nodded.

“To me, you will always be a kid. Okay, have fun and take care.” Martha left a kiss on Duck’s forehead and let him fly away.

The little boy had grown up and was going on his own adventures now. He also had a few personal missions, such as meeting other dragons.

The United States,


Harrison Ford was in no way or shape related to the current US President. He only had the same last name, everything else was different.

Harrison was a powerful wizard and the current President of MACUSA. While Garold Ford was the man who became the President because the previous one fucked up and had to resign.

Now, Harisson was a bit worried about his nation. He was officially 90 years old and had seen all kinds of wars in the US, mostly started by no-majs.

The only time wizards were involved was way back in the American Indian Wars, also known as the American Frontier Wars because of the extensive use of magic by natives.

The natives had weird magic as well, and since experienced no-majs couldn’t understand it, wizards were called in. MACUSA tried to stop this exactly, use of wizards in no-maj wars and matters. Or at least extensive use.

But now, Harrison was feeling that this policy needed to be changed. Instead of outright banning wizards from participating in no-maj matters, it was better to regulate and sanction it.

“I have decided that I will be running for elections.” He declared to his office council members.

He gave the example of Magnus, how he was using a healthy balance of magic and no-maj influence to make his country better. He told that no-majs have tried and failed again and again, so he should try.

In the end, he got approval. Now all he needed to do was make new real documents for reducing his age and then establish himself in politics. He was not giving up his position as the President of MACUSA either and would instead try to become the first person in history to be the President of wizards and No-majs at the same time.

Magnus had to return to school as he was technically still there, but he was called to Magic made Studio by Wim Joubert, the CEO. He said that he needed to talk to him about a new movie, George Lucas also wanted to talk to him about something.

So he apparated directly to his office in the building that remains closed from inside. The studio had a lot of wizards anyway so there was nothing to fear about.

“What is it, Wim?” Magnus entered, but he was taken aback when he saw Bobby was also there.

“What are you doing here?” He inquired.

“I was asked by George here to come and talk to him about a new movie. George, why don’t you tell him.” Bobby passed the bucket.

George fixed his glasses and started, “Mr Pendragon, do you know that there are more than 3 million crazy fans of you around the world? I am talking about crazy ones, not the normal fans, those are in hundreds of millions. Anyway, I had a thought, why don’t I make a nice movie on you with special effects?”

“Where did you get these fan figures?” Magnus inquired.

“Umm, you don’t know? Bobby is the manager of your Fanclub.” George blurted.

Magnus eyed his old friend in suspicion, Bobby tried to clarify, “I-I just tried to make sure that no ill-ideas are spread about you in these clubs.”

But Magnus didn’t take his words, “Bobby, you were supposed to fight them, not join them.”

George’s eyes shot open as if an inspiration appeared in his head, he took out his notepad and wrote those words, “I will use them in a movie someday.”

“Regarding your movie, when will you release the next part of Star Wars? Don’t let the fandom die down. People are going crazy about it and the merchandise are selling like hotcakes.” Magnus asked.

“That… Well, there are going to be more sets in this part so it’s taking some time. Once we have that we will move on to shooting it. With magic, the least time goes into shooting and the max time goes to set creation. You will need to give your voice again, however.” George told him about the roadmap.

This earned him a pat on the head, “Good boy, keep earning money for me. Well, gentleman, I need to head back. See you later.”

After these busy 2 busy days of holiday and rest, the four returned to school to work on their respective projects. The next semester would start from January 1st but they didn’t care about holidays anymore.

This was the thing about growing up, you slowly start to realise that those Sundays aren’t for you to rest, instead they are for you to invest in something greater.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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