
Chapter 387: Assassination Uno

Chapter 387: Assassination Uno

Well, since there was a crystal that could tell if Magnus was lying, there was no harm in at least talking about it, even better if his people can live a better life. “What kind of trade do you want?”

“Umm, what currency do you use?” Magnus inquired.

“We use barter, not currency.” King Chibuez answered.

Well, this was a pickle, he couldn’t give them money either as they had nothing of value to trade it with. “What is the most precious thing you produce?”

“Jewellery, we are experts in creating jewellery.” the king responded enthusiastically and even went on to whistle loudly, soon another merperson came, the king ordered him in his language and soon he brought a big box full of jewellery.

Simple to say, most of these were made of precious stones, as gold and silver can’t really be worked on inside the water. “Umm, can you produce them with gold, silver and platinum as well?”

“We’ve only had a small amount of gold and silver in our possession and we used it to make the crown and a few pieces of jewellery for the king. But we do possess the tools and mastery to work with that.” Chibuez said.

Magnus used his big brain, ~Damnit, here I go making a company again.~

“Okay, barter system does not work in the real world, you will have to make real money. You probably don’t have any means right now but I can provide you with a business proposition, I shall bring you gold, silver, diamonds and gems.

“In return, you shall make my jewellery, you will get paid in cash, and that cash you can use on whatever you want, I will open an outpost in your city where you can buy everything. In fact, you should buy televisions, they can provide you with entertainment and also a glimpse of what the outer world is like, especially the muggle world.” Magnus proposed.

“Will there be some sort of target to fulfil?” The King asked.

“Not really, you can decide on how much to make, it depends on how much money you want to earn in return. Since I will be providing the material, out of the profits made from selling them, you will get 70 per cent and I will get 30 per cent.” Magnus laid down the terms.

Well, this was super palatable. It was a win-win for both of them, “I will give you an answer after talking with my council. Until then, you are free to look around in our shops but do not enter any location without my guards, we are not really friendly with humans.”

“Cool, I will keep that in mind.” Magnus, Peter and Chad quickly left the merperson and roamed around the colony. Calling it beautiful was an understatement.

“I wonder if we’re the first people to see this,” Peter muttered.

“Not the first, but surely the first in recent times. Let’s go back now, Emma must be looking for me. And Peter, you just saw it, that guy was ready to kill me, this is the life I live. Sure, I am enjoying a great many things, but they were not free. Some cost me my real blood.

“So, just focus on yourself, work hard and shut your haters yourself. Remember one thing, nobody will try to help you if you yourself are not trying to help yourself.” Magnus advised him, hoping Peter’s life would get better.

Peter genuinely nodded, “Thanks, Magnus. Talking to you and going on this… adventure really helped me freshen up. I will try to do as you advised,”

Soon, they reached the surface of the lake and walked back to the castle, “Yup, see you later, bud. If you ever need any help, you just gotta ask.”

Whistling, he headed back into the Slytherin common room, it was his second favourite place to be in the school, first being whichever bedroom his girl was. Speaking of girls, Emma was in the common room as well, watching the television with other girls, watching some romantic movies. Meanwhile, the boys played chess on the side, some studied as well.

Life was beautiful.

The world had changed, trust in the US dollar was decreasing day by day as it was found out that the US was printing more money than it should have. This threatened the Dollar reserves across the world, because the more cash the US printed, the lesser the value of the Dollar would get. And since countries buy dollars, the investment was a loss-making one.

This was an opportunity for the United Kingdom, if they don’t take advantage of it now then it would be never. It was important to break the Dollar monopoly, the British pound sterling needed to take over slowly. So, they first started with a few Asian and African nations. The US had a history of forcing countries to accept dollars, but that would not work anymore since Magnus was the ultimate boss nobody wanted to pick a fight with. Besides, the UK was not a weak little country anymore, it was big in economy and land, and at the same time, it was growing at a steady 10%(In the real world it was 2.91%).

The UK was producing so many goods, be it high end or low end. For example, Range Rover was expanding manufacturing like crazy and selling cars everywhere. Purchase of the land in the Sahara desert was also done by the UK and the map was updated.

This created a new state, it was named Arthurland, named after ancient King Arthur. Though the business name of the place was Desert Super State, DSS. Not many companies were interested in entering this region since there was nothing. But as soon as it was revealed how Magnus’ companies were growing food underground, the place became important.

Breaking a monopoly was never easy, the US was the absolute uncrowned king of the world. For now, the UK was able to go on without much trouble, but soon policymakers in the US congress will realise the threat of the British economy, they would try to do everything in their power to harm it secretly.

But the plan of Magnus was to become so big before they even notice that they feel scared of doing anything to you. Sometimes, to beat a bully, you just have to become a bully.

Besides, the UK was earning too many good points around the world right now. Bhutan was a textbook example of how a bigger country can help a smaller country, heck, Magnus was not a country, he was just rich and he uplifted a nation on his own.

What happened to Bhutan, many others hoped would happen to them. So slowly, not the British Government, instead Dragon Holdings started to receive invitations from various nations and regions, such as Ghana, Venezuela, Taiwan, Greece, Hong Kong, Fiji and a few more.

They were not ignored, a few got visited by representatives from the company, and a few got dates to when Magnus himself would come there. But, there were a few things that a lot of people failed to realise, when a person becomes so wealthy and influential like Magnus, many people desire their death.

In July of 1977, after reaching home from school, he headed straight to Taiwan, where it was decided that he would buy a stake in their semiconductor startups and provide them professional help of FutureTek.

But, during one of his charity visits to a school, something shocking occurred that enraged a lot of people and nearly started a war. A sniper bullet came out of nowhere and hit Magnus in the back.

It didn’t pierce him, it couldn’t have even if it had hit his head, but it did throw him off, he fell to his knee for a split second, then secretly cast a charm towards the direction the bullet came from.

Dragon Team members, as well as British soldiers in civil clothing, surrounded him. The attacker was eventually found, he turned out to be a Chinese man, but he worked for the Soviets.

It was easy to understand that they hoped to put the blame on the Chinese. But, what a few didn’t understand was that there was no mistake Soviets didn’t know about Magnus’ hidden background. So why did they do it? Magnus had the answer to that, “It’s a warning,”

“Warning for what?” Adrian asked, concerned for Magnus’ safety now.

“To stay out of their country. Anyway, send a few men and kill their General Secretary, I warned them not to fuck with me or I will kill them. They seem to be believing that their size will scare us, they are just a furry malnourished cat at this point. Kill their Minister of Defence as well.” Magnus ordered deaths as if they were nothing but snapping fingers.

But, Adrian had people trained just for such assassinations, “It will be done,”

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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