
Chapter 389: Proud Ragnar

Chapter 389: Proud Ragnar

*sniff sniff*

“What’s this smell on your shirt?” Grace asked Adam who had just returned from work.

“Oh, I had to go to a party with a few CEOs, it was decent, but I didn’t eat much so I could eat with you,” Adam replied, unsuspecting that his wife’s instincts were active.

~Hmm, that smell is that of expensive female perfume, why does he have it on him? UNLESS… the woman was very close to him.~ she cooked up a theory, but didn’t say anything.

“Oh, then let’s go and eat dinner, dear.” She smilingly left the room.

Grace quickly arrived in Magnus’ room and told him to do some digging, “Sweetie, can you help me a bit?”

“Sure, what is it, mum?” he was always ready to help her.

“Well, I think your dad met a woman outside, closely. Can you see if my intuitions are wrong?” Grace inquired.

However, just then the door of the bathroom opened and Emma came out in her bathrobes and a towel tied on her head. Magnus glanced at his mum from the corner of his eye to see if she had any problem with him and Emma being so close. But Grace just smiled.

Emma had heard everything, so she chimed in, “Mrs Grant, I don’t think Mr Grant can cheat on you, just look at you, if I was a man, I would cherish you like the most precious diamond for my entire life.”

Grace turned red in embarrassment, “Oh you, too good with words, no wonder you were able to get Magnus, he loves it whenever someone praises him.”

Magnus blankly stared at her, “That’s not the case, I’m not narcissistic.”

Emma coughed, “Anyway, I’m sure there is a misunderstanding, Magnus, you should find the people Mr Grant was with and see what happened without anyone knowing, I’ve read that misunderstandings are often the cause of relational problems.”

“Already on it,” Magnus got up and left, he had already sent a message to Ted to get him Adam’s whole day’s schedule.

Apparating out of the house, he arrived at a major 5-star hotel, he was told that the meeting took place here, then, with no reservation, he looked into the memory of the waiter that was serving them. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but if Adam did do something that damages the family then that would be catastrophic.

When he looked at the memory, he couldn’t help but smile ear to ear. True, Adam could do anything but never cheat on Grace. At the party, a woman drank too much and fell down. Adam just helped her get up and then get to the medical staff, that was why he had so much fragrance on him.

~Argh… women and their suspicions, I hope Emma does not do this.~ he muttered and returned home.

“Mum, you were worrying for nothing, he just helped a lady, that’s it. Actually, he was talking so many good things about you, he said he’s blessed to have a genius like you as his wife.” Magnus told her everything, with of course a few sugarcoats.

Grace felt very guilty for even suspecting him, she quickly went to talk to Adam in their room, leaving Emma alone in the kitchen who was learning how to cook.

Seeing this opportunity, he swiftly put his arms around her waist from behind and then lifted her skirt from the front to dig fingers in, “Hmm, don’t worry, I will teach you how to cook now.”

She giggled, “Of course, master chef Magnus.”


The noise of glass dropping resounded, they both turned around, Ragnar was standing at the door with his face looking annoyed and mouth open, “Argh… leave some places in the house pure, guys.”

Magnus smirked and walked to his brother, tap, he poked his forehead with his index finger, “Embrace the horny, Ragnar. This is the way,”

“Pfft…” Emma squeaked and returned to cooking.

Office of Inspector General of Police,

Tom Redfield was to soon leave his job and take over the office of Secretary of Home. But his problem was that he was not an elected member of the house of commons or a lord. There were no elections either so he could not get elected.

However, since he was so amazing and famous in his job, Magnus ordered for him to be given a lifetime peerage, it would be non-inheritable. He would be given the rank of Baron. He won’t get anything from it other than a small salary for being a working lord.

With this, he would be eligible to get appointed as the secretary of home, from this position, he would be even more powerful as he’d be controlling all the police and some security agencies.

However, as he was preparing to leave this office, he found a major scam. This was related to government housing and education policies. Every year, the government spends a lot of money to help build affordable housing and send worthy kids to foreign major schools on scholarships.

However, he just learnt that the housing was now being given to the undeserving instead of the people living under poverty or on the margin of poverty. The department of housing was taking bribes to make fake certificates of poverty to give people homes.

Many homes were even owned by officials, rented out to make money. And in education, bribes were being taken to send kids to major schools that cost too much money, officials were also sending their kids. The truly talented ones were being ignored. Even admission in British top tier universities were rigged.

This was a recent corruption scam as a purge occurred not too long ago. This case even came to light because of a whistleblower.

1 week ago, a police inspector was put on a case to investigate fraud, as some parents came to complain that they gave the money but their kid didn’t get into college.

When he fully investigated, he was many times forced to stop or make a false report, but he continued and unearthed the entire corruption happening. It was all happening under the direction of the Secretary of Housing and Planning and Secretary of Education. Money was going from the bottom to the top.

But, when the inspector submitted his report to his superintendent, it was destroyed without his knowledge. Not only that, he was blamed for some outrageous crime, “misuse of power” and forced him to quit the job. It didn’t take long for him to connect the dots.

Seeing no other option, he packed all the copies of evidence and sent it to Buckingham Palace’s Whistleblower Post Box. The letter was then redirected to Tom to act on it within a week as per the Whistleblower Act.

And surprise surprise, Tom received threats from the Secretary of Housing and Planning, and Secretary of Education. Fools did not know he was a partner of Magnus. Soon after he got a call from the new Prime Minister, who was Magnus’ guy and an Order of Merlin member, there was only one line said, “Mr Redfield, it’s Secretary Moss and Cuntray, he wants me to fire you, you can go ahead, I will start preparing for the PR disaster.”

Soon after Tom went to arrest them and dozens of other government officials, the total scam was calculated to be about 58 million pounds, it was a lot of money. All this money was to be earned back by seizing all property and money of the criminals.

The inspector who lost his job was compensated and given a medal for his honesty. All this happened without Magnus even finding out, this proved that all his reforms worked.

“Bobby, when are you going to introduce me to your girl?” Magnus asked his bro.

“Haha, what girl? I am single and happy,” Bobby denied.

But Magnus pressed, “Really? Then why are you always texting someone on the phone? I can only think of a girl.”

“That… well, it’s the 5th secretary, we’re going to soon launch the next generation of cell phones, it needs a lot of preparation,” Bobby replied, still texting.

Ragnar grunted, “Then why did you even join us if you were so busy?”

“Like hell I will not go out with you guys and enjoy life, always working is too boring. And I know Mag would have complained later if I had not come. Oh, why is Emma not here?” he asked them.

*Sigh* “She went shopping with my mum. I hope mum doesn’t tell her embarrassing stuff about me.” Magnus was full of worry.

“Haha, like when you used to lick your bugger and tell everyone it tastes good?” Bobby blurted.

Ragnar burst into laughter, “Bwahaha… really?”

Magnus defended, “I was just 5 back then, and I was better than you, who used to pee in bed and then shout to his mum proudly about it like it was an accomplishment.”

“Great, I’m friends with bugger eater and piss-boaster. *Sigh* I guess only I am the cultured one.” Ragnar shook his head, but the truth was, he was worse, but they didn’t know anything about his childhood. Though that didn’t stop Magnus from shaming him.

“Says the guy who has a whole cupboard full of dirty magazines and wanks 5 times a day.” Magnus shamed him.

Ragnar was a shameless guy, “No, Magnus, you are absolutely wrong. I don’t wank 5 times a day, only 3 times a day actually.”

“So it’s like eating food for you? You are one horny guy, Rag.” Bobby scowled, unable to imagine what it must be like to wank so much.

Magnus added, “Yes Rag, you need to stop, or by the time you date someone your pipe will be rusted and just a heap of loose flesh.”

“Hmph, I am the greatest potioneer in the world, you think such things will stop me? I can populate entire planets each day if I want.” Ragnar boasted, not that it was something worth boasting about.

“Ah, we’re here, let’s go in.” they arrived at Severus’ mansion.

[A/N: Sorry for the delay, I was spending time with papa and mama gorilla.]

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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