
Chapter 391: The Incident

Chapter 391: The Incident

There was something wrong with Asia and Africa, for some reason, too many of these nations were suffering under some corrupt dictator. After deep studies, it was found that the reason was the past. The most common thing about all these suffering nations was that they were all previously colonies of some European power.

Now, all these European powers had only one focus in colonising, to suck out as many resources as possible and keep the population subservient. For this reason, all the laws, judiciary, administrative systems created in all these nations were focused on keeping the colonised as servants and the colonisers as masters.

After getting freedom, sadly, the system remained and in place of previous colonisers, the power-hungry local rich men took over, exploiting the same system as before, but instead of wealth going out of the nation, now it was filling the pockets of a few.

When Magnus fixed almost all of South East Asia, the Philippines was having some problems. The man ruling the nation like a dictator was an “elected” president, named Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos Sr.

He was a Filipino politician and lawyer who became the 10th president of the Philippines in 1965. He ruled as a dictator and started martial law in 1972. His rule was “constitutional authoritarianism”  under his new Society Movement. He was one of the most controversial leaders of the 20th century, as his rule was infamous for its corruption, extravagance, and brutality.

Marcos gained political success by claiming to have been the “most decorated war hero in the Philippines,” but many of his claims were false, with United States Army documents describing his wartime claims as “fraudulent” and “absurd.”

He placed the Philippines under martial law on September 23, 1972, shortly before the end of his second term. Martial law was ratified in 1973 through a fraudulent referendum. The Constitution was revised, media outlets were silenced, and violence and oppression were used against the political opposition, suspected communists, and ordinary citizens. From the top to the bottom everyone was corrupt.

The only reason why he was not being hounded by the US was as always, the Soviet Union, at this point in time, US was willing to share its bed with anyone as long as they were anti-communist. This was bad for business, Asia needed to be peaceful as a whole for business activities to increase.

“And? Did we get the green light?” The Dragon Service regional head asked Ted eagerly.

“Yes, His Majesty has authorised for regime change in the Philippines and then placing a better government with few reforms,” Ted replied, allowing the operation to go ahead.

With that, the sad life of Marco started, it was a magical operation so the US was helpless about it. This was the magic of Magnus, no other muggle and wizarding government has ever in history worked as closely as Magnus had made it happen in the UK.

Here, as soon as the wizards get rid of the old government and bring a new one, the muggle government of the UK will send their envoy to sign a lot of deals.

In Africa, although most of the countries were no longer colonies, a new kind of colonialism had taken over, it was corporate colonialism. There was a term called Blood Diamond and Blood Chocolate. This was because of forced slave labour used in diamond mines and forced child labour used in harvesting cocoa.

Magnus, seeing Africa as his biggest investing region, refused to accept this mess. He sent wizard investigators inside these systems and they shot a lot of photos. Then these photos were circulated around the world on televisions and papers.

The United Nations was finally used under Magnus’ bullish force, the UNHRC, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​United Nations Human Rights Council did something. All the companies were fined heavily, forced to pay the slave workers for the damage they did, forced to pay up to educate kids used in child labour. Not just that, many criminal cases were opened.

A few diamond mines were taken back from corporates and regional companies were erected to handle them.

A long way from the muggle world, the efficient system Magnus had placed was working just fine. He was in school, enjoying his last year in Hogwarts as a student. Winter had already started and the temperature was a bit extra chilling this year.

“Can’t believe I’ve spent 6 years of my life in this castle already.” He muttered, walking down the hallways rarely walked upon. Beside him were Ragnar and Severus, Emma was in her room, sleeping after a long night’s fun activities with Magnus.

“I remember when I came here for the first time, I was such a weakling and a wuss,” Ragnar added, remembering how he met Magnus for the first time.

“And I was a total WAP boy,” Severus said, accepting Ragnar’s given tag as a badge of honour. But the badge was gone now.

Magnus chuckled, “And Emma, she used to think I was an asshole too because I talked with Lucius. From him I remembered, I wonder how sister Narcissa is, she was genuinely a kind person,”

“Yup, haven’t heard from her ever since she left school. I hope she’s okay,” Ragnar too felt bad for her.

“Look, Gryffindor’s perfect couple,” Severus pointed towards the outside, Lily and James were holding each other there, in the middle of the grass field.

“Not gonna lie, they do look good together,” Ragnar muttered.

Severus agreed, “Can’t believe I am saying this, but you’re right.”

Magnus was looking at Serverus’ face the whole time to see any hint of envy or sadness, but there was none, Severus was totally over her by now and he couldn’t be happier.

“Let’s go and disturb them,” Ragnar evilly moved ahead. As soon as they came close by, Ragnar shouted, “Oye, yeh got a licence for that?”

Lily embarrassingly moved back and ran away in shame, also the guilt of not being able to look into Severus’ eyes. Magnus pitied James and whispered a piece of advice to him, “Wards can only tell names and not look inside rooms,”

As if a light bulb lit up in his head, he nodded with a wide grin, “Good day, Magnus.”

“What did you tell him?” Ragnar questioned him, always interested in knowing everything like some neighbourhood aunty.

“Nothing, just that you wank 5 times a day,” Magnus blurted. He paid no attention to Ragnar’s yelling after that.

Their destination was the Forbidden forest, they wanted to fly around in their Animagus form and also meet the Centaurs.


However, just as they arrived near the forest, they heard the sound of slaps from behind a boulder. Curious, all three moved to see. “What could it be? Stick?” Ragnar wondered.

But what they saw was so appalling that it angered them to no limit. There lay a beaten tired Gryffindor girl, Mary Macdonald, her hair dishevelled and dirty, her shirt and skirt torn apart and thrown away, her underwear and bra half removed.

She wanted to cry for help, but she had probably been doing it for too long now and had lost all strength. In front of her stood Mulciber II, one of the last members of Gang of Slytherin, a truly sick bastard. His pants were missing and his instrument was half out, dangling.

“Confering…” Mulciber II tried to cast a spell from the wand he picked up from the ground.

But Magnus was supremely faster, Ragnar and Severus as well. “CRUCIO!” Magnus sent an unforgivable curse. While Ragnar threw a freezing potion and Severus sent Sectumsempra, creating deep cuts to his body.

“AAAAARGH!…” Mulciber II cried as loud as he could, destroying his own voicebox, his body laid in his own pool of blood.

Magnus meanwhile quickly ran up to the girl, cast a few spells and covered her in a sheet. Ragnar took out a rejuvenating and calming potion, “Drink this, sister,”

However, as soon as she returned to her senses, she screamed, her mind was still in panic and seeing so many boys around scared her, “AAAA… HELP! HELP!”

“SEV! Apparate and bring Emma, quick!” he shouted.

Moments later, Emma arrived, in her regular night pyjamas and untied hair, “W-what happened?”

“Calm her, Emma, she was possibly or nearly r*ped by that pig,” he told her and backed away with his brothers.

Emma just hugged the girl tight and shushed her. Magnus turned to Severus, “Let’s call professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.”

He waved his wand, generating a Patronus that could send a message, then swiftly sent it to the headmaster’s office.

[A/N: This whole case of Mary Macdonald getting viciously assaulted by Mulciber II is canon, although there were not many details given, Severus and dark magic were also involved. But considering he was a known pervert, a senior year student and a Slytherin, while Mary Macdonald was a Gryffindor, it must have been brutal. At the same time, because in the canon the Ministry and board of governors were so corrupt, he got no punishment.]

[You can see James and Lily on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]

Lemme kiss your stones.


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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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