
Chapter 396: The Pope's Secret

Chapter 396: The Pope’s Secret

It turns out, programing a chip to make a house was painful as hell, it took too much time and brain, Magnus had the brain but not the time, hence he outsourced the work to Bobby’s special computer team that had been working with him since this school days.

He meanwhile decided to spend time with Emma, she wanted to go shopping, so he straight up took her to Italy, Milan, the fashion capital of the world to be precise, so she could buy the most authentic clothes.

“What about this dress?” She changed into a nice black leather short skirt, soft cotton white shirt and black heels.

“Honestly, I feel like jumping in the changing room and thoroughly checking you out.” Magnus shamelessly said, not minding the Italian saleswoman with them.

“Stop messing around and answer the damn question, Mag. Honesty, you’re turning into what Ragnar would be if he had a girl,” Emma pouted.

Well, that was insulting, “You’re looking stunning, why are you even asking when you’re going to look hot in anything you wear. And we have a dinner reservation, so be quick now,”

She hastened a little, though she still asked him every now and then. Only stopped when Magnus asked her to try out a bikini.

After that, they went to a nice beautiful restaurant in a building that used to be the headquarters of some Nazi General back in the days of the war. It was an old and beautiful building, Magnus could feel the hint of magic around the entire city. Most of the cities in Italy and the entire region like Greece had a long history of civilizations rising and falling, back in the day wizards used to live together with muggles and magic was often utilised. That was until the development of conservative thinking and the emergence and dominance of Abrahamic religions. Although they loved magical miracles but were against wizards for some reason.

The Holy Crusades, Inquisitions, Islamic invasions and many more forced the wizards to go into hiding slowly. Truly, if these two religions were open to wizards then the world would have been so different. Maybe much more advanced and magic-tech would have been the norm.

He sat beside the girl that was causing all the envy around. The men turned to look at Emma, she had worn a complete black knee-length dress, looking stunning.

“Heh, you know, hanging around with you makes me feel proud,” He said, grabbing her hand.

“Proud of what?” she inquired.

To that, he just kissed her openly, “That you are mine,”

Emma giggled shyly, her blushing cheeks telling all that this girl was taken and mad in love, “You thug, stealing kisses. Okay, tell me honestly now, why did you bring me to Italy?”


Emma smugly smiled, “Don’t make that face, Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon, I have been with you and have seen you for the past 7 years, I know you very well.”

“Umm, truly, Emma, I wanted to spend time with you, if not here then we’d be at home, cuddling. Though when you said you wanted to go shopping, I made this plan. I just need one day to meet with the Pope and get some things sorted.” Magnus confessed.

“I KNEW IT! Your mum told me about what happened. *Sigh* I dared to love you, now I must accept your responsibilities as mine as well. When will you go to meet him?” She asked him.

“Hehe, I love you too, my dear kitty cat. And I will be heading to Rome tomorrow. You will be staying in the Roman Palace that is run by a wizard now, it’s a resort that used to be the home of some big Roman General in the past.” Magnus said. He had planned for everything beforehand.

“Try to make your meeting quick, it gets really boring to entertain oneself.” She grunted and focused on the food.

The next day, as planned, Magnus arrived at the Vatican, it was inside Rome in itself. As this was not a state visit, no big welcome was organised, heck, the meeting was not even supposed to make headlines. He was just on holiday here.

The current Pope was Paul VI. The man was 80 years old, so half foot already in the grave. The man could not come out to meet him due to this and Magnus had to go in himself.

He arrived inside the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter, and man oh man, he was mesmerised by its beauty, the building built in the renaissance period was made to look as beautiful as possible. The beautiful engravings, the arches, the dome from the inside and finally the St. Peter’s Cathedra.

The scale of the place was massive and even gave Magnus, one who owns a castle many times bigger than this place, a sense of being small. ~No wonder the Pope is considered no less than a king. I want a throne room grand like this in Buckingham Palace too.~

He was then taken to the Pope’s office, where the old man was already seated and couldn’t even get up easily, he just kept watching Magnus helplessly and with a smile. “It’s a please to see you, your highness.”

“I didn’t know his holiness was to call me highness,” Magnus said in a questioning tone.

The old pope chuckled, “I believe in a higher plane, and for a man to achieve so much in such a little age like you, it can only be the divine will of his. You are a blessed soul from what I see. All blessed souls deserve respect.”

~He seems like a real deal, a real religious man.~ Magnus felt.

“Now, let’s have some tea and talk privately, I was given the file you sent me, I am deeply appalled and concerned by what is happening in Ireland. At the same time, I have a favour to ask,” Pope Paul VI spoke, his eyes looking sad for some reason.

~Did something happen?~ Magnus wondered.


Italy was the land of the Mafia, Sicily was too close and it was the home of most of the Italian Mafia. They were most active in the US and treated Italy like a holiday trip where they can lie low until the heat dies down in the country.

There were a lot of gangs. There were also a lot of extremist groups, such as the extreme-left terrorist group called Red Brigades. The Pope’s worry was related to the last one.

Emma was enjoying her time in Rome, sightseeing and watching various plays in theatres. What she did not realise was that around 400 men worked around them to keep them safe. Out of them, 50 were wizards of varying powers.

They would take care of all threats to their boss and his loved ones. So, Emma didn’t even know and these security staff had already bagged down men from the Italian Mafia left and right.

The Mafia was involved in everything, from day to day life to the governments, so it was easier for them to get away with things and also commit crimes. In return for all this, the Mafia fed the politicians a lot of money. But this was a cancer that, if not treated, would destroy the nation.

Magnus was speaking to the Pope at the same time. He knew about what happened in Ireland and had agreed to intervene. While he had his own problems, one that worried him day and night.

“The ex-Italian prime minister, Aldo Moro is a close friend of mine from early school days. He was kidnapped by a far-left Italian terrorist group known as the Red Brigades 2 weeks ago. His whereabouts are unknown and I have tried to negotiate with the terrorists. But they demanded the release of 16 Red Brigade prisoners. The government does not seem interested in saving Aldo, they are still trying to find him in a manhunt.

“I do not feel he will survive for too long, your highness. The government does not trust wizards and stays away from them, the Church too is against wizardry for they say it’s demonic powers. So I can only ask you to save him.” Pope Paul VI requested sincerely.

“What are your thoughts about wizards?” Magnus asked him in return.


Out of nowhere, the Pope made a ball of fire in his hand, it was wandless magic that shocked Magnus, “Y-You’re a wizard as well!”

“Yes, none know of this, however. My father was a lawyer, journalist, director of Catholic Action, and member of the Italian Parliament. He knew very well what would happen if the Church found out about my gifts. So after consulting a wizard healer, it was decided that I would get secret lessons so I don’t die as an obscurus.

“Wizards are blessed people in my eyes. But sadly, we here at the Vatican try to look for miracles everywhere while ignoring the true miracle of God, this magic.” Pope said fervently.

Just then, Magnus’ mind came up with a scheme, ~Maybe I can use this guy,~

[A/N: Only one today because I spent too much time writing for the other fic.]

[You can see Emma and Church on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 Advanced chapters and Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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