
Chapter 404: Hugs

Chapter 404: Hugs

900 AD, Camelot

“Gahaha… Arthur, you are still as crazy as ever, you should have been a Gryffindor if you were not a Magbob(A nicer term for Muggles in old times.).” Godric Gryffindor was in the Camelot and meeting King Arthur.

“Just call me a king, you redhead crazy witch. I don’t like being called magbob. And why have you come here? You want Merlin again?” Arthur asked him.

Godric shamelessly took a seat and poured himself some ale. “Yes, I need his help in finding two blonde boys. They are wizards and highly proficient in magic. We’ve never seen them and they were wearing a different Hogwart’s uniform.”

“Pfft… why would I help you all? You didn’t even allow me to enter your school when I asked.” Arthur crossed hir arms.

Godric frowned, “You know the rules, only wizards were allowed inside the castle. You should help me because we founders believe the boys are from the future. If they remain in this time for a long time then it can be the end of the world.”

Arthur looked at his face to see if he was serious, and he reckoned it to be true, “FUCK, last time you came to me to get help tracking runaway dragons, now you brought another bad news. I’ll just ban you next time. Fine, go and meet Merlin, he’s probably in his sex dungeon,”

Arthur called all wizards’ lab a dungeon, it was his way of feeling superior, despite being jealous of all the cool things a wizard could do.


As soon as Godric left, all of a sudden the door opened and Sir Lancelot entered, “My King, the Scots have attacked, they lied about sending their king to talk. They have been smuggling their soldiers into Wales for a month now and have regrouped with their king. They are calling you a heathen and say they have the mandate of the Church.”

“Argh… when will these fools learn it’s pointless fighting against me. Fine, let’s go then, it’s king hunting season.” Arthur got up and wore his armour, then picked up his big sword.

*Cough* “Do you mind if I also join?” Ragnar appeared.

“Who the hell are you?” Arthur asked, seeing him for the first time.

Ragnar smartly answered, “I am the brother of Magnus, proficient in swords,” he also showed his sword that once belonged to the legendary Viking king.

Arthur laughed and nodded, “Good, if you’re his brother, I know you’ll be good. Follow me, Sir Lancelot, get this boy armour and a horse,”

Godric Gryffindor went straight into the dungeon to meet Merlin, a jug of ale was still in hand while he muttered something to himself and laughed. ~Haha… true, Merlin being that snake’s student, this place does look like a sex dungeon.~

He entered the room without knocking, “Merlin, boy. Help me find a blonde runaway… IT’S YOU!”

As soon as he entered he noticed Magnus doing some experiments for Merlin silently. They were alerted by Godric’s voice, Merlin even picked his staff, “*sigh* It’s you, professor. What brought you here?”

“Him, you know this boy? I saw them appear near Hogwarts and then easily apparate away. Are you from the future?” The burly man interrogated.

Magnus looked at Merlin to check if he should tell him, he nodded, “Yup, I am from the year 1977. A proud Hogwarts student who is hailed as the greatest wizard of his time,”

“Salazar Slytherin is a piece of turd?” Godric voiced as if he was questioning.

Magnus nodded, “And much more, a whole lot of evil wizards follow his teachings so yes, he was a piece of turd and a dumbass.”

“Gahahaha…” the large man laughingly walked forward and patted Magnus’ head, “Good good, a true Gryffindor then,”

“Actually, you’re a piece of turd too,” Magnus added. This time Merlin laughed and Godric coughed.

“Who the fuck decides to divide a perfectly normal society into 4 different houses based on their background and personalities. You four caused so many problems in the future. How can you make kids see each other as enemies? According to your methods, a slimy evil boy will always be paired with other evil boys. Kids need to mingle with each other to build a unique personality,” Magnus cursed openly at Gryffindor about their decision to make four houses.

Merlin totally agreed, “I knew it, I told Salazar that this would create a problem, I was in the first batch of students and still could see the problems.”

*Sigh* Magnus shook his head, “Anyway, don’t do anything to change things now, I have sorted them out in the future. At least you’re seen a mighty kind wizard in the future.”

“I am? Cheers to that,” Godric emptied his ale jug. Then continued, “You need help returning to your time, kid?”

“You all are seriously so calm about this. Don’t you worry this will cause too much damage to the timeline?” Magnus asked them.

Godric laughs heartily, “We’re wizards, Magnus. We see crazy things every day, nothing is too strange to us. And we know so little about time travel that no matter what we do, we can not be certain that no bad things will happen. So, we can just do our best by obliviating the entire country,”

“DONE!” Merlin exclaimed loudly, shoving the Time-Turner to him. “I fixed it, now you can put the date you want to go to in it. There is a rune for returning to the original time as well. But, remember, it only remembers the last location from where you jumped in time. This means that if you were to use this Time Tuner to go further into the past right now then you will never be able to return to your real-time.” Merlin explained to him.

Magnus looked at a few changes, the Time Tuner was in the shape of a clock, but the clock had three hands now, one signifying date, then month and the last one year.

“Did you just make me a Time Machine?” Magnus interjected.

Merlin shook his head, “No, it feeds on the power of its user. A normal wizard can never jump as far in the back as you did. It’s my advice to destroy this device. No matter what happens, never use it again. I know it’s very tempting when you feel like you’ve lost a loved one. But saving even one person’s life by going back in time can do damage beyond repair.”

Magnus took this warning seriously. He had already understood most of what he needed with his Time-Turner so he had no need for it anymore. And it was better to destroy it because if it reached the wrong hands, it could be catastrophic.

“Got it, I just need to find Ragnar now.” Magnus wanted to hurry back as well since he had no idea how the time was working and if he had missed too much.

“I will take you to him,” Merlin stomped his staff on the floor once, all their bodies turned into bright light and vanished. Soon they appeared in the middle of a battlefield, although the battle was over.

“It was amazing! What kind of spell was that?” Magnus was awestruck.

“Hah, you will be learning it soon enough, kid. But for now, we need to see how much damage your brother has caused,” Merlin sighingly said, looking at Arthur, beside whom Ragnar sat, sharing a drink.

Magnus too facepalmed, “Why can’t he sit in one place? Did he kill people? What if he killed the ancestor of… Einstein, Hitler or me?”

He rushed to him and pulled him to the side, “What the hell, why are you fighting in a battle?”

Ragnar grinned, “Ease up, I didn’t kill anybody, I just clashed the sword. All the killing was done by others.”

“That can still be catastrophic, you fool. Because of you, the entire placement of the battle could have changed and wrong people could have been killed by the wrong men. Shut it, we’re leaving. Merlin will handle everything. Say goodbye,” he took out the Time-Turner and grabbed Ragnar’s shoulder. Taking one last glance at Merlin and Godric, he nodded.

He first apparated away to stand in the same spot they appeared. After that, he pressed the switch on the Time-Turner. The surroundings beside them changed slowly, trees, grass, school everything went through a change. Eventually, they found themselves in the Room of Requirement. However, it was all dark right now since nobody was using it after they left.

“NOOOO… I wanted sword practice session with Arthur,” Ragnar cried.

Magnus silently stared at his face, making him shut up, “Fine fine… let’s go out and see if everything’s fine.”

They quickly reached the Headmaster’s office, nobody was there except McGonagall, she told them that everyone was at the Ministry. Before she could ask for more, Magnus and Ragnar apparated away.

He sensed Emma’s presence due to the ring he gave and directly reached for her as he had already mapped the entire Ministry in his head long ago. *POP*

Inside the Time Chamber of the Department of Mysteries. Emma, Severus, Dumbledore, Adrian and Moody had gathered to get Magnus and Ragnar back. They were making the Unspeakables use their instruments to check for any kind of disturbances in the past. Since Magnus had gone a thousand years in the past, it was taking too much time.

“What are you guys doing?” Ragnar voiced from behind everyone.

Emma without realising replied, “Finding Magnus,”

However, realisation soon hit. She turned around, saw Magnus and jumped to hug him. Ragnar, meanwhile, looked at Severus and opened his arms, “Come on, I know you want it, little rascal.”

“Ugh… wherever you went, you should have left him behind,” Severus sneered.

[A/N: Soon, the reason behind Ragnar’s weird surname “Oroborus” will be explained.]

[You can see Arthur on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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