
Chapter 406: Larry

Chapter 406: Larry

Soon, about 50 men, all clad in dark hoods covering their heads, were brought to Magnus. They all seemed as if they had not seen the light of the day in years and looked scared of him.

“These are all of them,” Moody reported.

Magnus nodded and started looking into their minds one by one. A few of them had a bad life, abusive childhood, that pushed them deeper into their studies and that was their getaway from all life problems.

However, Magnus soon started to find out things more than he asked for. The knowledge these men gained, what they saw and what they worked on was all received by him. He realised what these men even do and honestly, he was amazed by a few.

The first person to meet his Legilimency was from the Brain Room. It was a long and rectangular room, lit by low-hanging lamps. It contains a tank of encephala, or brains, that swim in a green solution. What they did was amazing, these wizards were trying to create what humanity had already done, computers. Yes, these men wanted to use human brains as programmable minds that can work like a much more advanced artificial intelligence. Until now they had tested it on a few homes that could be automated by this mind.

The possibilities were just endless. Keeping this in mind, he moved to the next batch of people. They came from a place called Space Chamber. It was a dark room full of planets floating in mid-air. Surprisingly, these buffoons in the Ministry were researching space while muggles had put a man on the moon. At least they were doing it. But again, what if they had the help of NASA, for example?

Space is one area in which if both muggle and magical sides cooperate right, it has the most potential to bring something good. Furthermore, the room had a big model of the Solar System and the chamber even had anti-gravity charms. When Magnus learnt this he felt this could be revolutionary for training for space, or maybe somehow this charm could be reversed to create gravity when absent.

Other rooms included the Hall of Prophecy, Love Chamber a.k.a. Ever-Locked Room, Time Room and at last the Death Chamber. And honestly, he knew what went on in the other rooms but the Death Chamber interested him a lot.

It was a large, square room that somewhat resembles Courtroom Ten of the Wizengamot. It was dimly lit, with stone tiers leading down to a pit in the centre. In this pit was a dais, upon which stands a very old stone archway with a tattered black curtain hanging from it. This arch separates the world of the living and the dead, or so it was believed.

After checking everyone and finding no more spies, he went to see the so-called Veil of death. He wondered if this truly separated the world of the living and the dead. Since he had already seen Hell with the help of that weird red mask in Merlin’s vault, he at least knew it existed.

“Now, don’t jump in there, Magnus. We know you’re crazy but please don’t prove yourself a fool.” Emma held his hand.

He smiled and cupped her waist in his arms, “I won’t, and my dear Emma, you have no idea how much I missed you. Let’s go back to school, you need to continue your special classes for NEWTs.”

“HORNY… huh,” Ragnar sneered.

A vein appeared on Magnus’ forehead, “Actually, Emma and Severus, I have a really funny memory I want to show you. Do you want to see how this fool fell for a Viking clan head girl?”

“I’m ready to buy tickets for that with gold,” Severus muttered.

Emma was already hugging him tightly, “Quick, I can’t wait to see the crap he pulls.”

Smugly, Magnus faced Ragnar, who now had a frightened expression. But, today, no matter what he tried to bribe him with, it was not going to work.


The Hungarian Horntail was a species of dragon native to Hungary, which was considered to be one of the most dangerous dragon breeds, if not the most dangerous.

However, when the real daddy arrives, all fake ones hide their necks. That was the case when Duck landed in the Dragon Reserves. He was a mighty giant dragon eclipsing any other ever born. His fierceness and intelligence only made him fiercer. But, he was too kind most of the time.

“Why? Why won’t you come with me? My dad is the best and the strongest wizard out there. The secret land is so safe that even the Phoenixes live there. My dad can also understand dragon tongue and speak to us.” Duck tried to convince the dragons of this reserve to go to Camelot. But they were too shortsighted and stubborn.

“Huh, no human can speak our royal language, they can only speak the language of those slimy snakes.” A Hungarian Horntail, who was also the leader of the Reserve, said.

Duck had enough of this bullshit. Here he was, trying to save the Dragons by bringing them to a better home, but this fool was not allowing him. There were just a few hundred dragons left in the world anyway, Duck wanted to make sure those few hundred don’t turn into a few dozen.

“That’s it, I challenge you to the position of leader of this reserve,” Duck voiced loud and clear.

Hungarian Horntail sneered, “You, an outsider wants to rule over us? Nobody will support you,”

“I support him,” said a Hungarian Horntail, who seemed to be chewing on some dead sheep.

“SHUT UP, LARRY! Nobody asked for your opinion.” the leader shouted.

Duck moved a few steps back to prepare for the fight, “Okay, get ready now, Charizard. I’m gonna defeat your ego down.”

Charizard prepared, though he was nervous as there was no doubt in his mind about the strength of Duck. The dragon was an absolute unit, jacked with muscles and strong shiny scales.

“Here I come,” Duck straight up slammed his tail in the face of Charizard, knocking him out cold.

“Oooo… That’s gotta hurt,” Larry interjected.

Duck looked at everyone and announced, “I am Annihilus Grant Emrys Pendragon. Come with me if you want a better life, freedom to fly around and more friends to play with. Stay here if you want him to be your leader and always live under the grace of humans.”

Out of the 25 Dragons there, all agreed. Even the defeated Charizard agreed since what was he gonna do here all alone. Duck happily decided to fly them away to Camelot.

But, as they lifted off, a few wizards came on brooms and tried to catch them to put them back in the reserve. Duck warned them in human tongue this time, “HEY! Get your dirty hands off me, my dad’s Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon, talk to him if you got any problem.”

However, other than acting shocked, they did nothing but catch all the Hungarian Horntails. He could not really kill the humans, as it would be bad for his dad. So he also landed down and refused to leave until they get their country’s wizarding community’s manager.

And this way, a small European nation found itself in a political mess that spanned both, muggle and magical sides.

Seeing this, Charizard was all smug, “Hah, I guess you couldn’t ‘Free’ us,”

Duck scoffed, “Really? You’re feeling proud of getting saved by humans? I thought they were beneath you. Remember, the ability to speak does not make you intelligent, so shut up.”

“Ooo, that’s brutal. Critical damage, Charizard. Your honour is zero now.” Larry enjoyed it from the side, lazily.

[You can see Veil of death on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 Advanced chapters and Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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