
Chapter 409: King Of Dragons

Chapter 409: King Of Dragons

The exams that were called NEWTs, aka Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test, were exhausting. But wizards had different reasons why they called it exhausting. For normal wizards, it was the tension and the fear. For Magnus, Ragnar and Severus, it was exhausting because they were bored out of their minds. The ten exams were to be held across the whole month and they felt it was too much time, it should be over as soon as possible.

Emma, meanwhile, was doing decent, she was neither scared nor in tension as Magnus had taught her everything that might be asked in the exams after analysing each year’s question paper for the past decade. It was a known fact that the Wizards were less prone to changes, so as expected, most questions in exams each year were nearly identical with minor changes.

“Gah… it’s so boring, man. I could have done so much more this month than just sitting here and giving these useless exams. We’re already rich, just pass us already,” Magnus grunted, whining like a kid.

“Don’t say this out too loud or you might get lynched by a crowd. You have no idea how stressed everyone is.” Emma warned him.

Ragnar had similar feelings as Magnus, he was a boss on the theoretical side of magic and it helped him clear exams fairly easily. “Wait, we should cheer them all up,”

Yup, that was a good idea, Magnus agreed with it, “You know what, let’s just do it. All of the 7th years are in the study hall. We can call a few Phoenixes to come and sing a few nice songs to cheer everyone up.”

Soon enough, Fawkes led a group of phoenixes to sing songs in the sky of the great hall that was turned into study hall for now. Everyone looked up, initially annoyed but slowly they felt relaxed, their shoulders fell and their minds got refreshed.

Appreciatively they looked up at the phoenixes flying over their heads. They had no idea there were this many even alive, all thought Fawkes was the only one.

Books got closed and they laid back on their seats to relax.

“I should charge money for this,” Magnus muttered.

“Honestly, they might even pay for this drug,” Ragnar agreed with the plan. Here they were being drugged dealers, the Phoenixes were waiting for their payment for doing all this. It wasn’t money, but tasty food.

NEWTs for the Care of Magical Creatures. Except for Magnus and Ragnar, nobody was attempting to take this exam. The major problem came when no worthy examiner could be found for this subject as nobody took it in recent years.

In the end, they had to agree with letting Hagrid be the examiner for being the best at caring for beasts. The beasts in the exam were Acromantula and a troll. Both of these were easily taken care of by Magnus as he could simply talk to them and his mere presence scared them. Meanwhile, Ragnar used a fragrance potion to calm them and become docile.

They passed the exam with top grades. Sadly for Ragnar, it was tough to pass the Charms and Transfiguration exam. It took him multiple attempts to cast a charm, but what helped him was that all were high-level charms.

Emma was good, she was an above-average student and highly consistent in whatever she studied. So even if she did not pass with the top marks, she would not fail.

Severus achieved amazing grades meanwhile, getting great marks in Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, DADA and a few more subjects. The only subject he scored lesser on was Potions, because Ragnar was the boss there.

Of course, the result was not announced yet.

June 30,

The last exam was over, all 7th years threw away their wizard cone hats in the air, signifying their reducing tension. Even those who didn’t have very nice exams were cheering up. The last day of Hogwarts was coming up the next day.

It was depressing, girls hugged each other, even those who used to call each other enemies not long ago. Magnus didn’t feel very sad, his best friends were his brother who lives with him, Severus who was family at this point, Emma who was soon going to be family.

Living in a castle? He can come here anytime he wants, and he owns so many castles. Yes, he will miss the daily scheduled life but there was so much more outside to accomplish and experience.

“Ugh… why are they crying as if this is the end of the world.” Emma sneered at a group of noisy girls.

“Aw… does my Emma feel jealous? Do you want a group hug too?” Magnus asked her, teasingly.

She chuckled, “You hug me enough already. No more, what I don’t understand is why they are acting like it’s the end? They can meet outside too.”

“Just forget them, let’s prepare to head to Norway after tomorrow’s graduation ceremony. We’re not going home this time,” Magnus said, planning to send the luggage home and then Portkey to Norway.

Severus agreed, “It’s time we found out where Ragnar’s horniness originated from.”

“Hey, don’t forget Magnus’ ancestor. Arthur told me about his sex drive and how he slept with 5 women at the same time. Emma, be careful, get stronger or you might have to…” Ragnar always did this, dragging Emma into it.

She scoffed, “Well, his ancestor is also Merlin, so I trust him. I hope not to hear any suggestions from one who keeps dirty magazines with him.”

“And you don’t think Magnus ever looked? Don’t be naive,” Ragnar blurted.

“Okay okay, shut up you guys. Let’s go and see how Duck is doing with so many new friends now. There is nothing left to do here anyway. We will wait for tomorrow’s feast.” Magnus suggested.

And so, when evening came, they all sneaked out and went straight to Camelot.

“Grandma Martha, how are Duck and his new friends? Are they behaving?” Magnus asked her as soon as they arrived.

“Oh, it’s much more than just being good. Come, why don’t you look at it yourself?” She giddily took them to the mountain range that was designated for dragons recently.

They arrived near the bottom of the tallest mountain. Initially, they were confused as Duck was missing and other dragons were present. However, just then, with a loud roar, Duck came flying. He looked happy seeing Magnus.

But, shocking them, as soon as Duck landed, all dragons in the vicinity lowered their heads as if bowing down to him. Ragnar, amazed, wondered, “Did he just make them submissive?”

“No, they call him their King. Our little Duck has become the king of Dragons it seems.” Martha clarified.

Magnus felt ticklish in his stomach, he walked to Duck and bopped his nose, “So you became a king even before me?”

Duck giggled, “Dad, isn’t it cool we’re both kings?”

“Haha, of course, it is. From now on, I will not try to keep you hidden from the magical world. You have earned this, but remember, always be careful about bad wizards. They are going to want to catch you. I am giving you this little chain that will let you talk to me.” Magnus hung over a gold chain around Duck’s scaly neck.

Excited about getting a present, he lowered his head for some pats on the head. Duck considered himself the luckiest boy in the world for having such an amazing family. He heard there was someone called God above all beings who made the world, he regularly thanked God for this happy life.

And surprisingly, whenever he did it, he would get a twinkle from a star in the sky, as if it was a response.

That night, Magnus flew around with Duck, they all ate together in the newly enlarged dinner hall of Camelot. Although the dragons eat a lot, they don’t eat every single day, so it was manageable to feed them.

That night, the entire gang even slept together beside Duck, making him feel like he was a close part of the family, which he absolutely was.

Morning came, the day was the last in Hogwarts for the four. In the afternoon, a giant feast will be held, then in the evening the leaving ceremony. A few awards were also going to be passed on to the best students.

These awards represented the best students among those of the same passing year. The achievement was calculated from the first year to the seventh.

Because it was Magnus leaving the school, teachers were particularly saddened. But they hoped to see his siblings at school soon.

The hall was decorated, the House Cup once again went to Slytherin, just like the past 6 years. With this, Magnus completed the streak. Dumbledore was speaking from the podium and finally called the name of the Best Wizard of the Class of 1978.

“I suppose there is no need for suspense, for we know who it is. Magnus, come here, son.” Dumbledore happily called him, clapping at the same time.

These past 7 years, he had earned respect from every single student and teacher. No matter which house one was from, they all clapped and whistled for him. Some felt indebted to him as well because he had not only given them jobs, but often times solved personal problems after asking for help just once. Even the Marauders clapped because they acknowledged his strength. No other student could boast about battling a thousand werewolves and winning.

Peter Pettigrew was the most energetic among them, as his life had changed completely because of him. He may still not be very handsome, but he was not a fat and ugly meatbag of depression anymore. He was confident and average.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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