
Chapter 417: Something Big

Chapter 417: Something Big

“Bobby, you damn slow goat, run faster.” Magnus, Ragnar and Bobby were preparing for their moon mission.

Ragnar and Magnus were already superhumans, it was Bobby who was still a mortal, although he was much better than any normal human, he was even better than common SAS soldiers, but against Magnus and Ragnar, no matter what he did it would seem less.

Ragnar has been pumping some special strengthening potions into him lately, but the effects take time to appear. By the end of the month, Bobby is going to be Captain America from the comics.

“Ha… Ha… you two are monsters,” Bobby was panting heavily, his face red and sweaty. His t-shirt was dripping wet.

Magnus slowed down to give him some breath, “My friend, if you want to reach Mars someday, then you need to be a monster as well. By being a monster, you will be doing a service to yourself. Imagine, less need to sleep every night, more focus on work, always peak health.”

“Hmmm, that does sound amazing,” Bobby hummed.

Ragnar, meanwhile, had not slowed down and dumbly ran a few miles before realising he was alone. He returned angrily, “You could have called me, people were looking at me like I was some mad man talking to himself,”

“I see no lapse in their judgement. Let’s go, breakfast’s on me,” Magnus walked away after taking a jibe.

They went to the cafeteria where many other engineers of the space programme were eating. The three took a healthy salad and sat down, talking about their lives and what they were doing.

Magnus then asked, “Bobby, you’re also 18, you look good too, you’re filthy fat-rich, there’s no way you’re not dating someone.”

The moment Bobby made an embarrassed face, Ragnar caught it, “Fuck, he’s dating. I can’t believe now only Severus is the remaining pure one,”

“Who is she?” Magnus was more interested in knowing.

Bobby told them about his little love story, “Here name is Veronica, met her on a night in New York last year. She was being held at knifepoint by two men telling her to give them fellatio. I beat them to a pulp, I think one of them lost his eye permanently and the other had to get his arm amputated. Anyway, I bought the girl a nice dinner to cheer her up, and she told me about herself. She’s trying to become a dancer and just moved to the city with little to no money. She’s actually coming to the UK this evening for an audition in a theatre,”

Chomping on the veggies, Magnus applauded this girl, “She’s brave then, but sadly, no matter how brave you are, you can seldom fight two men holding a knife. We need better laws against sex offenders. I’ve got things under control here with the use of wizards for prosecuting rapists and sex offenders. But what about the rest of the world?”

“I say, chop their dicks.” Ragnar commented, always the crudest and violent one.

“I agree, but this isn’t practical. What we do need to do is make society much safer with technology. *Sigh* Anyway, Bobby, take us to the airport when you go to pick your girl, I’d like to meet her, she needs my approval to date my best bro. I need to keep you safe from gold diggers,” Magnus said jokingly, making a serious face.

Bobby smiled happily, he used to think that now because Magnus will live in Hogwarts their friendship will take a break, but who knew, things would get like this. “Sure, you will like her, I can guarantee,”

“Oh, so much confidence? Fine, I just hope she’s not as crazy as Emma,” Ragnar muttered.

They talked a bit more and finished breakfast. Magnus had to go to his dad’s company campus, he needed to talk about new locomotives. Bobby said he’d tag along to see what Adam was developing, hoping to use the new inventions in FutureTek’s products.

“Dad, whatcha doing?” he entered his dad’s office jovially. Adam had grown a beard now and looked like a true scientist. He had stopped appearing in public too much but his research papers and journals were regularly circulating around the world’s scientific community. He was an expert in batteries, engines and other mechanical technology and already a recipient of the Nobel prize, even Grace has one. Magnus too might soon get one with how much his depression curing pills were selling.

Adam smiled; he too had received special potions from Ragnar for years and was borderline superhuman. Magnus was never going to allow his parents to die of old age unless they wished to. He loved them far too much to see them grow older.

“What do you need now? I know you only come here when you want something,” he caught him right on.

Magnus cheekily grinned, “Oh, dad, who else would I go to if not you. I was planning something major soon, so I came to ask for your new locomotive designs, how fast and strong they are.”

Adam nodded and brought out his file with designs for locomotives. He showed one that was possible and tested, “This one, it’s better than one being used in Saudi Arabia, it’s faster, sturdier and more efficient.”

Magnus nodded and looked while Bobby talked. But then he started turning the pages, only to stop at one design that made him pause. Immediately a thought appeared in his mind, “WAIT! Dad… oh boy, I’m such a dumbass. Dad, can you make this?”

Adam looked, he frowned, “Umm, it’s a theoretical design, son. The locomotive is not the problem, it can be made, what we’re missing is the engine.”

But Magnus had already decided, “Dad, do you have any idea how revolutionary this can be. Only Hitler tried to make it back in the past. They call it Breitspurbahn. We can do this in reality now as we have the materials and the tech. A real broad gauge 9-foot wide train (current broad gauge is 5 ft 6.). Just imagine giant trains that can carry double or triple the number of goods and people. With this, the trade inside continents will become much cheaper. With Wizards making it, the cost can be brought down to bearable.”

Adam rubbed his chin and thought about it, “Hmm, it can be made if you really want it. We can change it from having a small nuclear reactor to a big electric engine.”

“Thanks, that’s what I want. Build a prototype and we’ll start testing it.” Magnus clapped.

But Bobby left them speechless, “Ah, what a nice design. Actually, we can make a small nuclear engine, America built a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in 60. And with the thorium reactor, we can make it portable and smaller for the locomotive. We originally had plans to make smaller thorium reactors but abandoned the research as we only focus on research of fusion reactor nows.”

Adam, for some reason, stood up in shock, he rushed to his secured file cabinet and took out a thick file with the cover titled, “AM Engine,”

“Are you building fusion reactors?” He asked.

Bobby nodded, “Yes, thanks to Magnus’ a billion pounds as funds. Actually, even bigger help from him was lending us a few loyal wizards. We originally thought that making a Fusion reactor would take us at least 50 years, but because of wizards, everything has become much faster. They can use magic to create things, change metal into whatever shape we want, their spells can create extreme testing simulations and, best of all, their ability to reverse any damage done in an experiment. Due to this, the cost of research has decreased by tens of millions and the pace of work has increased more than ten times. So what was going to take us a hundred years would take 10, and what would have taken 50 years now would take 5.”

Adam became too excited, he looked at Magnus, as he was the richest person, “Son, I know you’re not well versed in this level of science, so I will try to explain this thing in the simplest words,”

Magnus grunted, “I know dad, I’m a dumbass, what is it?”

Adam coughed, “What if I told you, I can turn humanity into a real spacefaring civilization in the next three decades?”

This left Magnus and Bobby stunned and excited. They were soon going to the moon with the aim to establish a base later. If Adam was proposing this offer, it must not be a simple space mission for experts but real space travel for humanity.

Magnus looked at the watch, it was lunchtime, but it could wait, he could sit here the whole night if he had to. Space was a pillar of his plans for world peace, after all.

[You can see the locomotive on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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