
Chapter 435 - 435. Graveyard Of Empires

Chapter 435 – 435. Graveyard Of Empires

This time, no wasteful tea parties or such nonsense were included in the work of the monarch. Magnus had real work to do.

He apparated to Brunei to check the development of the new Hogwarts. The main building was nearly done. The first priority was to finish the classroom, living quarters and the great hall. The rest can be built slowly as students start their semesters.

Severus was already assigned to this place, not just as a teacher but also as the Deputy Headmaster. The new Headmaster of the New Hogwarts was going to be Professor McGonagall. Magnus purposefully ensured that the names of the two schools were no different, his aim was not to divide the two into different identities. At first, he thought of calling it East Hogwarts, but then remembered what was the condition of Germany. It was also divided into East and West Germany.

"So, what\'s the progress?" He entered the headmaster, Professor McGonagall\'s office. Severus was there too.

"The school is running as any normal school would. There is not much to do other than that. The quidditch field is to be completed soon. I have asked professor Sprout to help build a herbology lab here too. Other than this, Severus is experienced enough to set up the potions class and also handle the Charms. We will need more teachers quickly in order to run things smoothly.

"One thing we are happy about is that a lot of students have enrolled. About 300 students have enrolled in the first year. Next year there may be more, so we\'re looking at there being 2500 students at any one time. If it becomes more than this, we will send some to the UK, as Hogwarts there has extra space." Professor McGonagall briefed him. Magnus was not here as her boss, he was the Chairman of the new Board of Directors of Hogwarts management committee.

"Hmm, in that case, I think I need to start futureproofing the school. If we are unable to cater to the wizard population of today, how will we do it let\'s say 10 years from now? The world population is increasing after all. As for teachers, I have asked my people to scout for talents from across the world.

"One more thing, once the quidditch field is done, start practising. We are going to have a yearly Hogwarts cup where teams from both schools will compete." Magnus suggested them.

Severus joined the conversation, "Are you planning on building more schools in the future? Because there are many more wizard kids out there who aren\'t able to get formal education due to lack of a system."

He nodded, "That\'s the plan, Sev. I have planned to open one more school in Zimbabwe for African kids, then one in Belize for the Caribbean and South American kids. The Hogwarts will become a multinational school chain then."

"And who will oversee them?" Severus asked.

The answer was obvious. "I will, as I don\'t trust most wizards, to not fu… I mean mess up. We can not afford any kind of mismanagement anymore, we don\'t want another Voldemort."

McGonagall sighed at that, "Truly, we cannot afford that. The wizarding world is finally at peace because of you. Peace brings more prosperity, more marriages and births. It\'s good for wizards."

"And that\'s why I am doing all this. Well, see you later then, I need to head back. Bye-bye," Magnus used apparition to leave. He was good enough to reach any corner of the planet with an apparition these days.

Months into the year 1979 passed slowly, every day he\'d make a trip to some part of the world to check on a company or make new deals. For the year, the GDP of the UK was projected to be 775 Billion. Meanwhile, the U.S. was at 2.62 trillion. There was a large gap, but the pace the UK was rising was staggering and at this speed, they were to hit 1 trillion by 1981. If that happens, it would be an economic miracle.

In October, news came from James Potter, one good and one bad. His parents got Dragon Pox. A potentially fatal contagious disease that affected wizards and witches. The symptoms were presumably similar to Muggle illnesses like chickenpox. It was incurable and they would have died if not for Ragnar. There was already a cure for this disease in the market because Ragnar made it a year ago with the help of Duck\'s skin sample.

The good news beyond this was that Lily was pregnant. And honestly, nobody was surprised. They saw this happening from miles away.

At the same time, something problematic occurred on the world stage. In December of 1979, USSR invaded Afghanistan. This scared a lot of western nations, including Saudi Arabia and many other middle eastern nations.

The US quickly contacted all allies to decide what to do with the situation. The threat of communism was seen as the biggest danger by the western world.

In the UK too, a small meeting was held where Magnus was also involved. It had the Secretary of Home, Tom. Secretary of Defence and the Prime Minister.

Magnus didn\'t waste any time with them, "Okay, I won\'t waste too much time. Take my advice to your heart, NEVER ENTER AFGHANISTAN. Never, no matter what the US tells us, do not agree. I will deal with the Soviet Union, they are losing power, weakening each day. They are desperate, but fools don\'t know that there is a reason why Afghanistan is called the Graveyard of Empires.

"I will not allow that peaceful and beautiful nation to be used by stronger nations and turned into a deadland. (He\'s talking about Afghanistan before the American and West funded various terrorist groups.). Just stay back and watch,"

Yes, he only needed them to wait and watch. He was playing big hands in the United States, it was going to have an election next year, and he would not help any party that was not already under his grip.

Buckingham Palace,

Magnus was in office, Elizabeth was also there, sitting. There stood only one man, it was Charles.

Magnus sighed and slammed his table, "I told you to stay careful. So why were you seen kissing a girl who is just 18 years old? Look at yourself, you look like a man who is 60, not 31. All your careless acts have caused shame to the crown. I will destroy you if you dare to step on my legacy. Here I am working day and night to change the nation and all you can think about is going to parties. I have decided that you are to head to Belize Naval Base and work there for the coming 2 years. Or, you will have to get married to someone."

"But… you also get seen by people kissing your girlfriend," Charles argued.

Magnus glanced dangerously, "She is the same age as me, I have been dating her for the past 4 years and the public has known about it ever since. My and your case are much different."

Elizabeth sighed, "Magnus is right. Your actions can cause harm to the image of the crown. So, you will have to go and serve in the military. That rank is not just for the show."

Charles scowled, surely not satisfied by this. But Magnus was not going to tolerate the nonsense anymore. "My decision is final, you can leave,"

1979 also came to an end with major changes occurring to the world. From the moon base to the invasion of Afghanistan, the calendar was filled with something happening.

However, the biggest things often occur away from the common eyes. Something was happening in the life of a boy that Magnus considered his little brother, The boy was stuck, alone and in fear. He could only hope that somebody would hear his plea before it\'s too late.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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