
Chapter 448 - 448. New Order Member

Chapter 448 – 448. New Order Member

Next Day,

"Oh, someone\'s in a good mood this morning," Emma giggled as soon as she felt Magnus spooning her and fondling.

"Who wouldn\'t be after killing a blood supremacist magical Hitler that looked like a snake? Life has never been so refreshing. Now I just need to focus on the world and of course, you. The year\'s coming to an end, I\'ll be 21, just a few more years before we get married." He whispered in her ears, turning her on. She turned around to face him, her hand going straight into his pants.

"Oh, look. The little dragon is also up and saluting. And dear, getting married will be just an official thing, we\'re already way further than a married couple." She replied.

He was in pure ecstasy, the morning wood being treasured was the best feeling in the world. "Then I wouldn\'t mind if my unofficial wife allowed me to explore her this fine morning,"

She kissed his lips, "Who is stopping you?"

And that was it, he couldn\'t be a strong boy anymore, he melted and went beast mode.

The morning exercise went on for 2 hours, they got out of bed at 9 AM, took a bath where they exercised for another hour, and then got dressed for their daily activities.

Magnus always ate with his family. Now at Buckingham Palace, Elizabeth and her side of the family didn\'t stay. Magnus didn\'t feel comfortable with them being around him, and he wanted privacy.

"Magnus, will you be busy today?" Grace asked.

He was eating his favourite pancakes made by none other than his dearest mother. "Umm, I\'ll be going to the moon this evening to instal the new living units. But I\'m free until then, what is it?"

"I got a call from the school that Maximus and Aurelia beat some kid up," Grace revealed.

They were five and had become old enough to go to playschool. Magnus also wanted them to get a muggle education before they head to Hogwarts.

The two shrank their necks and looked at Magnus scaredly. They knew that Magnus was strict when it comes to education and public image.

"Why did you hurt another kid? I want the truth," he asked them, not showing an ounce of anger.

They dropped their spoons and fiddled with it, not meeting his eyes. Maximus tried to speak, "I… We didn\'t want to…"

At that, Aurelia blurted, "Huh, we did nothing wrong. Big brother, that bad Richard was bullying Clementia and he pushed her in the playground. She fell too. So we beat Richard up."

It was Magnus\' turn to drop the spoon. Out of nowhere he unsheathed the Excalibur sword and stood up, "How dare he? Nobody can hurt my Clementia."

Adam facepalmed, "Grace, I will go."

Magnus didn\'t budge, "Don\'t worry, dad. I will deal with this madness. Rag, you pig, why are you still hogging down the food? Stand up and raise your sword."

"It\'s… It\'s okay, big brother. I think he learned his lesson." Clementia spoke in a low voice. Magnus melted right there, dropping his sword and hugging his tiny dear sister, "Okay, if you say so. But I will tell MEDA to investigate and give the principal proof that she failed to ensure no bullying happens. I will warn her that I shall stop all funding to the school if she still keeps a blind eye."

"Uh-hun…" She nodded her head. Clementia was the sweetest child, always considerate about others. She didn\'t like troubling people and hence avoided talking about her personal problems. That\'s why Maximus and Aurelia were so protective of her. She was, after all, the youngest of them, even if it was just by a few minutes.

"Dad, you should go. I don\'t think I will be able to hold myself back. Rag, you are coming with me to the Belize space station. We\'ve got work to do." He caught Ragnar by the collar and dragged him away.

"Nooo… My chicken. Unhand me at this very instant, Magnus. Have you any idea how energy-consuming it was to torture that bastard?" Ragnar protested.

Magnus did stop, "Oh yes, is he still alive?"

"Yup, you said you wanted to end him yourself," Ragnar replied.

This got Magnus thinking. "Rag, what if Voldemort had made more Horcrux? Won\'t killing him create more problems? Let\'s just impale him further until only his heart is beating. We will force him to tell us the truth as we did with Rodolphus."

"A great idea. I finally just killed Rodolphus. Now Voldemort has lost all hope of ever escaping." Ragnar agreed with the plan.

Hence it was decided. They would later go to Camelot. They soon arrived at the Space Centre. October had ended, and a decent enough time had passed since the last space missions.

Magnus\' step on the moon was a major event in world history, as the United States had stopped sending people to the moon back in 1972. So what he brought was a reignition of interest of the world towards the moon. Now, all major powers, be it the US or the USSR, both wanted to go there.

However, the funniest part was, the mission Magnus, Ragnar and Bobby completed was not even funded by the British Government, but a private company, FutureTek Industries had defeated the biggest nations in the world.

Magnus had used his connections to spread the word around the world\'s wizarding community that wizards were needed to work in space, not just wizards, if any wizard had a parent or relative who was good enough physicist or engineer then they could also get a job.

Soon enough, about 69 wizards joined, and about 100 muggles were chosen from a list of 300. After that, a small team of 3 wizards and 1 muggle were prepared to head out. Of course, the rocket would go without people in them. For this, they had to make a lot of muggle sign various contracts to keep their mouth shut or face obliviation. All this was done with the agreement of ICW, International Confederation of Wizards.

The 4 astronauts, in Magnus and Ragnar\'s leadership, used Portkey to arrive at the moon just in time when Rocket landed. This was the second consecutive successful moon landing, a lot of nations around the world were envious of it. But for now, Magnus had no plans of collaborating with them.

On the moon, they set up a bigger and upgraded housing unit. The best part about this one was that it was highly modular, like lego, so you can keep on making it bigger. Stack it one above another or put it beside each other.

In the end, they built one big facility with such modular boxes, allowing enough space for the astronauts to sleep, eat and work. A few more pieces of equipment were soon going to be brought in, these will be small scale mineral extraction units. Currently, their biggest need was Helium-3, after all, once they are able to build a real Fusion Reaction, then everything will become much easier.

Diagon Alley,

Rita Skeeter finally had the perfect content and title for her last book in the series of Magnus vs Voldemort arc. The book she named "The Dragon King, The One Above All."

In it, she further went on to immortalise Magnus. Honestly, Magnus himself didn\'t read her books at this point as they just told things about his life but with a few more dramatised scenes.

But the people loved it for some reason since money kept rolling and the books became more and more famous around the world as Magnus entered different countries.

Once she was done, Rita felt panicked, not knowing what to write now. There was no Voldemort, there will be no more fighting. ~Oh god, will I be jobless now,~

But then she remembered, ~WAIT! I\'m rich, I don\'t need to work anymore for the money.~

And so, she slowly ended up relaxing down. All these years she was writing something every single day ever since Magnus had made her his slave writer. Although he had freed her later she insisted on working.

Only now she had found some time to relax, ~Maybe I should marry and pop some babies. I\'m sure they will be able to help me write more amazing articles later.~ She decided.

November first week passed and a major meeting was to be held. Magnus had called all Order of Merlin members to come and meet so they can set up an agenda together and work on it.

This was the first of its kind meeting and many of the order members will be for the first time seeing who else was in it. This would be very helpful for them to improve their business or work towards their goals.

New York, 1981

Magnus was busy greeting the last members before finally starting the meeting. However, then the last man arrived. For this, Magnus stood up to greet, "Everyone, greet Mr Harrison Ford, he was my DADA professor in the first year at Hogwarts, he\'s also the President of MACUSA and just recently became the President of the United States of America."

[You can see Harrison Ford on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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