权力的游戏 在线

Chapter 255 - Next Order

Anastasia was covered with three thick blankets. However, she was still shivering as though she was stuck at the top of the tallest mountain. While flying to the village they were currently in, the blanket that she was wrapped in wasn’t able to keep the chilling breeze from getting to her.

And as a result, no matter how many blankets were layered on top of her right now, the freezing wind that had managed to penetrate her heart was making it really hard for her.

‘Maybe I shouldn’t have brought her here with me. The soldiers could have taken care of those damned werewolves, couldn’t they? I panicked for no reason and now look where it got her!’

Caspian grabbed his blond hair with both of his hands and then cursed himself for acting like someone weak. ‘I should have stayed put!’ he screamed in his head again.

The royal guards were standing outside the room, and some were patrolling the house they were taking shelter in.

A young couple was kind enough to let them stay in their house for the night.

John and Henry, who were patrolling the house, stopped in front of the main door after making sure that there wasn’t any danger lurking around.

Henry then asked John, “How much time has it been since we arrived here?”


“I think about half an hour?” John looked at Henry and answered while giving a shrug.

And Henry mumbled to himself, “It took us around an hour to reach here. And we rested for half an hour. That means, the battle should have been over by now, don’t you think?”

John agreed with him. “I think so. At most, it should have only lasted for about half an hour. They all must be cleaning up the mess by now.”

After thinking about the situation for a while, John looked at his companion and then said what he was thinking, “What should we do then? Shouldn’t one of us go back to inform them about our current location? We haven’t decided where to regroup yet. And considering how they attacked us out of the blue, it isn’t good for us to stay separated for too long. If another horde of those wolves come at us again then the five of us won’t be enough to defeat all of them.”

Henry couldn’t agree more. He frowned and then mumbled, “The King should have given out his order by now. But… I guess he is too busy taking care of the Queen. How about you go and ask the King for his next order? We should regroup soon and leave this cursed land.”

John gave a nod and said, “You stay here on the lookout. I will go and see the King.” After saying that, he immediately ran inside the house to find the King.

Before entering the room, he asked those who were standing outside the room in a whisper, “Has the King given out his next order yet? About regrouping?”

Isaac shook his head and said hastily, “I was also thinking about the same thing. Why don’t you ask the King?”

John gave a nod and then announced himself, “Your Majesty, may I see you for a minute?”

“Yes, John. Come in.”

John opened the door and then bowed to the King. And he asked after taking a few steps inside the room. “Your Majesty, I think it’s about time that one of us went back now. What is your order?”

Caspian cleared his throat and nodded. “Yes. The battle should be over by now. Go back and give them our location. They might already be on the move, so be mindful as you travel there. Try not to miss them.”

John gave a deep bow to the King and readily accepted the order, “Yes, Your Majesty. I will be back with them.”

Caspian took a deep breath and said before the guard left, “And in case something happens and we are unable to regroup here, don’t bother looking for us again. Head straight back to the Kilerth Castle. We will also head there if another problem arises.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I will do as you say.” John then swiftly left the room.

As he was running back at the normal speed for humans, he almost collided with the hostess of the house.

“Oh! Please excuse me.” John gave a subtle bow and immediately left.

The young hostess took a deep breath and then made her way toward the room where her guests were staying in.

She stopped after reaching the door that was guarded by three tall men. She bowed to them and asked in a very polite voice, “Umm… I wanted to check up on the lady. She looked really weak when she came here. So…”

“I think she is doing fine.” Isaac gave a nod and tried to dismiss her, “Just your good thoughts are enough. Thank you!”

The lady took a deep breath in and insisted, “There aren’t any doctors around this area if things get worse for her. So, I wanted to make sure that she is really okay. Please.”

“We already saw the doctor before coming here. You don’t have–”

“Let her in.”

They heard Caspian’s voice from inside the room.

Isaac took a deep breath in and opened the door for the lady.

The lady smiled and walked inside the room. She looked at Anastasia and asked in a worried voice, “How long has it been since she started to shiver like that?”

Caspian grimaced in pain and replied, “She has been like that since we arrived here. No amount of blanket seems to be working.”

“May I?” she pointed at Anastasia and asked.

Caspian looked at her and gave a nod.

The lady then walked close to the bed and felt Anastasia’s forehead with her palm. A deep frown line appeared between her brows. And she mumbled, “She is too cold.”

“Can you do something about it?” Caspian asked, hoping that she knew some home remedies or something to bring Anastasia’s temperature back to normal.

The lady hastily replied, “Let me get some firewood. I will light a fire for her. The heat from the fire will help her more than the blankets.”

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