
Chapter 335 - 335 - Lying For Good

They had finished eating but Soo Yin didn\'t want to leave yet even though the weather looked unfriendly. So that the cold air immediately seeped into their pores.

 "Come here, honey," Dae Hyun called while patting his lap.

 "What\'s wrong?" Soo Yin asked while frowning.

 "Well, just come here," said Dae Hyun.

 Soo Yin did as Dae Hyun told her to get up and then sat on his lap.

If they were relaxed like that, they were like a couple of uncle and niece. Soo Yin\'s face looked much younger without makeup. Soo Yin\'s height which was only about Dae Hyun\'s shoulders made her look like a child.

 After Soo Yin was in his lap, Dae Hyun hugged her tiny body so she won\'t feel cold. Soo Yin kept pointing to some scenic spots to find out where she was.

 Without boredom, Dae Hyun continued to answer question after question that Soo Yin asked. Soo Yin looked very enthusiastic and wanted to visit the various places that had been told. It was a shame because some places looked foggy so it was not clearly visible.

They were outside long enough for the weather to slowly start to snow. Made their bodies freeze even though they hugged each other

 "Honey, let\'s go in. The weather is not friendly," Dae Hyun said.

 "Okay," Soo Yin said as she stood up from her husband\'s lap.

 Dae Hyun grabbed Soo Yin\'s waist so they could walk side by side.

After entering the room, at the same time, Dae Hyun\'s cell phone rang. So Dae Hyun rushed to answer it. Hopefully it was not someone who intended to cooperate with him because today he really didn\'t want to be disturbed.

 It turned out that it was Park Soo Hyun, he couldn\'t help but have to answer. Maybe he had something important to say.

 "What is wrong?" Dae Hyun asked briefly.

 "Hyeong, Soo Yin is not in the office. I\'ve called her but she didn\'t answer. I\'m really worried about her," Park Soo Hyun said in a voice that sounded panicked.

 "Really? Maybe she\'s reluctant to come to work because you\'re so annoying," Dae Hyun said casually, followed by a small chuckle.

 "Of course not, I treat her very right and like a princess. You might not even treat her as well as I do," Park Soo Hyun said, making Dae Hyun put on a sour face to hear that.

"Maybe I should visit her house because a few days after you left she said she couldn\'t sleep at night. So when she came to work she often looked pale. I\'m afraid that Soo Yin is now sick," continued Park Soo Hyun without pause.

 "Do you know where her house is?" Dae Hyun asked.

 "Of course, I took her home every night," said Park Soo Hyun.

 Dae Hyun glanced at his wife who was standing behind him. She looked calm as if she was not tired of looking at the waves on the beach which was a bit far away.

 "Okay, then let Chang Yuan find out her whereabouts. All you need to do is stay in the office," Dae Hyun said.

 "No, Hyeong. I can\'t stay like this before meeting her. Sorry to interrupt, I\'m going to look for her right now," said Park Soo Hyun.

Before Dae Hyun could answer, the phone line was cut off.

 "You stubborn bastard," Dae Hyun grumbled.

 Hearing the curse of her husband who seemed to be annoyed, Soo Yin turned to him.

 "Who called you?" Soo Yin asked curiously with a frown on her forehead.

 "Honey, does Park Soo Hyun often take you home when I\'m not in Seoul?" Daehyun asked.

Soo Yin nodded her head while biting her lower lip for fear that Dae Hyun might get angry.

Dae Hyun took a deep breath. His chest felt tight and it was difficult to breathe with the jealous snort he felt at this moment.

 "Where did he take you? Looks like he wants to go to the house you showed him," Dae Hyun said. He knew that it was impossible for his wife to ask to be taken to the Pyeongchang-dong villa.

"What? That can\'t be happening. If he goes there then he will know if I\'m lying," Soo Yin said worriedly then bit her fingernails.

 She then rushed to find her cell phone which was in the bag that was on the table. Luckily she didn\'t leave her phone behind. After checking it, it turned out that there were more than ten missed calls. Soo Yin quickly contacted Park Soo Hyun. But it was a shame that her call was not answered.

 "How is it, Park Soo Hyun is not picking up my calls?" said Soo Yin while pacing here and there because she felt very restless. She kept trying to call but still no answer.

 Dae Hyun approached Soo Yin who looked very anxious and hugged her from behind.

 "Don\'t think too much about it. Sooner or later everything will be revealed. It\'s better for him to know now," Dae Hyun said to calm his wife down.

 "He just asked me to meet this weekend," Soo Yin said as she covered her face with her palms.

Dae Hyun tightened his embrace and rested his chin on Soo Yin\'s shoulder.

 "Calm down, honey." For him, it didn\'t matter if it had to be exposed now because his goal of making Park Soo Hyun the main director had been realized.

 Now Soo Yin\'s phone was ringing again so she quickly picked it up, after looking at the phone screen, it was Park Soo Hyun.

 "Hello, sir," Soo Yin said, tried not to be nervous.

 "Soo Yin, where are you now? Why haven\'t you called me back since earlier? Do you know that I\'m really worried about you?" said Park Soo Hyun.

 "Sorry, sir. I went to my grandfather\'s house because he suddenly got sick," Soo Yin said, stammered.

 "You\'re really okay, right? I\'m worried if you are sick," Park Soo Hyun said.

 "I\'m really okay right now."

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