
Chapter 107 - Taking Charge

There was also another pack member she needed to check on; expanding her mind, she reached out into the mind-link, "Chiara?" Her voice echoed, and nothing returned. She needed to know what was happening at the packhouse as well.

Stepping to the side, Aila searched her surroundings again, only to see Finn begin to rise from the side of the building. She instantly ran to his side, taking note of a black panther out the corner of her eyes, charging towards one of the modified werewolves. When she made it to Finn, her shoulders sagged down in relief. He shook his head and body, letting tufts of fur shake out.

"Aila?" Finn asked in a dazed voice.

She smiled brightly at him, hoping to ease the radiating tension coming off him. His eyes shifted to the four wolves behind her, but after a few moments of confirming they were her protectors, he rested them back on her, "What\'s happened?"

"A lot. I don\'t have time to explain, but Finn, I need you to do something for me.. If you feel up to it?" 

"Of course, anything," Finn\'s response was quick without any signs of doubt.

"I need you to go back to the packhouse. Chiara hasn\'t replied to any of my mind-links. I want you to check up on her," Aila glanced back to the battlefield that has become of the small town. There were no more humans left around to view such a sight nor to be used as hostages. That was something, at least.

Finn whined in response to Aila\'s command, "Aila, I should be by your side. Can\'t you get Ajax to check up on her? I\'m sure he would be happy to.."

Aila frowned and looked out for the panther, who was just swept away easily by a smack of the modified werewolf they were still fighting. He rolled over swiftly and returned to snapping at the wolf\'s heels. It appeared from Aila\'s position that he was keeping the beast distracted while the two other wolves attacked it simultaneously. The trick worked, and it was on the ground, its head removed from its body.

It seemed the only ways to kill the beasts was by removing its heart or head from the body. 

"Ajax," The panther instantly whipped his head in her direction. His emerald green eyes gleamed from a distance, "Check in on Chiara. I don\'t know if she is hurt or even alive." Her heart sunk at the thought of her friend dead, something she was finding was the norm for the day. Which, of course, really shouldn\'t be the case. All of this was crazy, she decided. 

Without even responding, she heard Ajax\'s mighty roar that was only distinctive to a panther, echoing across the street like a whip on skin, and dashed away in the direction to the packhouse. He looked lethal and elegant, with his legs almost leaping across the ground.

With her eyes still fixed on the beauty of which was Ajax\'s panther form, she realised too late that her little band of wolves guarding her were growling and left her sight. 

"Aila, stand back," Finn growled, causing her to turn on her heel and widen her eyes at the four modified beasts charging towards them.

Aila took a step back and reached her hands forwards after her little party sprinted towards them. Rooted to the spot as she watched the events unfold before her, she tried to mind-link the pack, anyone that could help. Five against four of those things was impossible. Just as she took a step forwards and opened the mind-link, Darren jumped in her way, growled back at her and raced towards one of the giant beasts. 

This time, she joined them without hesitation and pulled the wolves into a brief mind-link, hoping to take these things down efficiently without too much injury. One already caused Finn to be knocked out for however long they had been fighting for. "Try and decapitate them or rip their hearts out. It\'s the only way they will die."

"And you know this how?" Darren grunted back, causing Aila to roll her eyes at his grating voice. 

"Because I took the bitch down earlier by ripping its heart out! Now concentrate!" She shouted as the beast knocked Darren to the side.

Aila was about to shift and run in and help them when something smacked her in the back of her head. She flew from the side of the building to the opposite side of the road. Landing in an awkward position, the back of her head hit the pavement. Her vision blurred and went blank for a few seconds before it cleared again, and she could see the clouds moving in the sky above.

Lifting herself up into a seated position, she rubbed the back of her head with a hiss and looked at the terrifying beast charging towards her on all fours.


Panicking, Aila scrambled backwards on her hands and bum; she decided to turn and try to run. There were no tactics in her thoughts but survival via fleeing. Her head was pounding in pain, along with the clouding her thought process. Even with her speed, she was too sluggishly slow, or was that because she hit her head? The beast caught up with her easily, biting into her leg and dragging her back towards the street. Her arms and stomach scratched against the surface of the road.

Aila held in a groan from the pain, but with renewed energy coming from somewhere deep inside of her, she crunched her body forwards, grew her claws out and scratched the beast in the eye. It released her and stood up on its hind legs with a roar. She stood immediately and jumped forwards; her hand extended towards its chest.

But unlike last time, the beast guarded its chest and grabbed her by the throat. Its giant claw wrapped around her neck, lifting her up, so her feet were dangling. Aila began to choke and gripped onto the forearms of the black furry creature, her eyes locked with it as she tried to breathe more air into her lungs. Her face was going red, and the beast growled into it when all of a sudden, a howl so deep and loud, vibrated the ground and shattered the glass windows nearby.

Aila turned her head as much as she could and instantly felt the inside of her body flourish with warmth and love. Her mate, Alpha Damon, stalked forwards, baring his teeth, eyes glowing and fur bristling at the scene before him. 

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