
Chapter 237 - The Queen's Schedule

Over the course of the next three weeks, Aila fell into a routine, preparing for the upcoming ritual and coronation. She felt much better being home, feeling her pack\'s happiness at their return and the light mood surrounding them. Their Alpha and Luna\'s presence seemed to put them at ease.

Within that time, Aila had to learn how to dance with Damon. She often daydreamed of a \'Dirty Dancing\' scene between her and her mate, but it didn\'t take much for them to get hot and sweaty after their lesson. Mainly him carrying her off to another room or even lovemaking on the piano in the grand hall where they trained. They couldn\'t help themselves; learning how to waltz was still skin on skin contact. Plus, who didn\'t like a man who could move? Especially one who looked like Damon.

Training also returned to normal, and Aila joined in, sparring with Chiara, Kane and occasionally Damon. She had significantly improved, and the only one capable of defeating her now was the Alpha; he still had more experience than her and knew how to defend himself against her swift blows.

Aila also received news from Chase within that time. She sent Finn and Ajax out to meet with Sariah, who was skilled enough to slip out without notice and report on their findings.. Aila became anxious when her Delta told her that Clint and a few others had gone missing or had yet to return to the Hunters Association. Chase was also in the process of being accepted as the new head of the organisation; there were trials he and others had to go through.

Apparently, it was obvious Chase would win with his\' set of skills\' along with his lineage of being the founding family of the Hunters Association. Aila was still anxious but felt much better after hearing from Sariah. But she was now more apprehensive about Clint\'s location; would he return for her? She decided to put such thoughts to the back of her mind, ensuring their borders were well protected and other packs were aware of a dangerous, psychotic hunter missing.

She could not live in fear of a man she would happily meet again only to put an end to his life. Aila never imagined the day she would think such thoughts about someone. The day she was kidnapped truly did change her life; up until now, attacking humans was from self-defence. Again, she put everything to the back of her mind and enjoyed every little moment with her friends, mate and family.

The day after the bonfire, her parents decided to stay in the packhouse, commuting to work until Aila was crowned queen. She spent a few days comforting them and receiving a scolding for her reckless behaviour. But Aila could also see they were proud of her now helping run the Silver Crescent pack by Damon\'s side.

Aila was included in pack matters, gaining more insight and helping Damon with decisions. He let her lead in some matters and pointed out issues in other decisions that she had not thought of. Their partnership as an Alpha couple was blossoming, and the pack were more in awe at the \'power couple\' who took down Silas Hunt and a small band of the hunters.

There was also quite an urgent matter that was brought up, one Aila was shocked by and found it challenging to come to a conclusion. When Chiara returned to the pack with the children the hunters kept captive, most of them were able to return to their parents except the young shifter girl, who the Gamma ended up taking in. But there was another, a young boy who was the child of one of the servants in the packhouse.

Damon and Aila were in the middle of discussing a minor punishment suitable for one of the \'younger\' warriors who misbehaved when the servant, Diane, came forwards, knocking on the door to their study, her head bowed with the young boy clinging onto her leg. Aila was leaning against the wall with Damon seated in front of his desk as Diane nervously came forwards, Finn behind the mother and child acting as their guard. Aila dismissed Finn, who went back to stand guard outside the study.

The Alpha and Luna were dumbfounded after the servant profusely apologised; she wept in front of them before explaining herself. Aila walked around the desk and handed Diane a tissue, trying to smile at the boy who hid behind his mum more.

"Please take a seat and calm down. What has you so upset?" Aila asked and leaned back onto the desk while Diane and the boy sat down. Aila watched the boy\'s concerned face, who wouldn\'t meet her eyes and watched his mum with tear-filled eyes.

Diane sniffled and held the tissue against her nose as she glanced between Aila and Damon. "I have made a grave mistake.. One that has put the pack in danger." She began. Aila looked at Damon, a quizzical look in her gaze, but his steely gaze was burning holes into the top of the servants head. "My boy, he was kidnapped by the hunters and.. and-"

"Why did you not say anything?" Damon\'s commanding interrupted what she had to say. Diane gulped and looked at Damon in fear before glancing down to her hands, squeezing the tissue into a ball on her lap.

"I would have. I really would, but they blackmailed me and said if I didn\'t help them with providing intel, then Lennox would be tortured and never returned and.. and.." She couldn\'t hold back the tears and covered her face. The young boy, Lennox, hugged his mum, hiding his face from the bristling Alpha.

Damon clasped his hands together, leaning his elbows onto the desk. Aila could feel his temper rising and watched his hardened face. But he spoke calmly, "Did you help the hunters in the recent attacks on the pack?"

Diane nodded her head, "Yes," She croaked, her head still bowed in shame.

Damon\'s jaw ticked in response, and he looked at Aila. "What do you want to do? Normally she would be put on trial in front of the pack, and such a betrayal would end in her execution.." He mind-linked her. Aila\'s eyes widened, and she looked between the mother and child.

"I don\'t want to put her on trial. She was blackmailed, Damon.."

"Many pack members died.." Damon replied, his tone patient. She was also reminded of Hollie\'s death, but it didn\'t mean this servant needed to die.

"Her child was abducted.." Aila murmured back in their mind-link. Damon nodded his head, confirming already where her thoughts were leading her.

"We will not put you on trial in front of the pack." Aila began, and Diane lifted her head in surprise, her red nose and glassy eyes staring at her and holding her breath at the Luna\'s decision. "But you cannot stay in the pack. Another pack may take you in if they wish. Otherwise, your lives will be as rogues.."

Diane\'s mouth dropped open, and tears ran down her eyes once more. Her son began to cry in her arms, but Aila couldn\'t do anything more for them. This was the best outcome; she could only hope that maybe another pack would take them in. But she knew the chances were slim; Diane betrayed the pack aiding in the deaths of many.

Once she was banished, the other packs would be alerted. What pack would take her in?

"You have one week to collect your possessions and leave," Damon added.

"Thank you so much!" Diane stood up, holding Lennox against her hip and bowed her head, she began to turn away, but she stopped and looked down at her son. "If I cannot make it into another pack.. Would you take Lennox in?"

Aila\'s eyes widened, and she looked at Damon, unable to respond to such a request. "Your Luna has been merciful and-"

"I only ask because I do not want my son to grow up a rogue! He needs an education and to grow up in a pack! Please, please!"

"Silence!" Damon snapped, standing up and glaring down at the servant. Oh, he was pissed. Diane interrupted him, the Alpha of the pack. Finn burst into the room then at Damon\'s raised voice, but he held his hand up. Finn glanced between them all but stood off to the side instead of returning outside. Aila heard the young boy whimper, and she placed her hand on Damon\'s heaving chest.

"Damon, you\'re scaring Lennox," Aila said gently, then looked at Diane, who was baring her neck. "We will accept Lennox into the pack if you cannot find somewhere suitable within the next three months for him."

Diane gasped and bowed even lower, still holding Lennox in her arms. "Thank you, thank you."

"Get out," Damon commanded, and she scrambled out of the room. Aila fidgeted nervously, she didn\'t regret her decision, but Damon\'s actions made her wonder if she could have done better. He looked back down at Aila, whose hand was still placed on his chest, interlacing their fingers, and kissed her hand.

"You will be a great Queen."

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