
Chapter 49 Giving A Mission

"Senior, during the process of verifying your identity with this round ball object, we noticed that your location was shown near us as a massive red dot. We were not informed about this by the Great Elder or senior Yue Jang, and we assumed that this information was supposed to be confidential," one of the men stepped forward and explained. He then expressed confusion and asked, "But senior, I have never seen you before. Could you please tell us who you are?"

Wang Chen had mastered the Celestial Thief Technique, which allowed him to conceal his cultivation realm completely. Not even a single trace of his Qi seeped out, making it nearly impossible for anyone to detect his true strength.

As a result, when the other disciples tried to sense his cultivation base, they were unable to do so and assumed that he must be a senior with an extremely high cultivation base. This is why they referred to him as "senior" and showed him such deference.

Now Wang Chen understands why these disciples were calling him senior and being so polite to him, he thought to himself. \'They didn\'t consider the possibility that I might have killed all the other disciples and taken their round ball objects. Carrying them around like this is making me stick out like a massive red dot, visible to anyone who happens to detect me from the round ball.\'

"I kept my identity hidden in the secret realm, so there\'s no need for you to know," Wang said with a nonchalant expression.

He realized that the other people in the realm were unaware of his true identity. However, if he were to reveal his name, it would be clear that he was from the opposing faction. After all, his name had become quite well-known after he defeated Yue Mingluan and was personally recruited by Su Chen. It was likely that his name was quite famous in the sect, which made it a risky move to reveal his true identity.

Wang couldn\'t use a fake name either, as the other disciples may doubt him if he gave them a name that didn\'t match up with the senior names that they were familiar with.

"Forgive me, senior. It was my mistake to have asked about your identity," the young man who had previously inquired about Wang Chen\'s identity apologized with a bow. He knew that in the world of cultivation, offending a senior could bring disastrous consequences and he didn\'t want to risk his life for a moment of curiosity.

Wang Chen, on the other hand, was contemplating his next move. He knew that his true identity could not be revealed, as it would jeopardize his mission. He needed to come up with a plan to achieve his goals without arousing suspicion.

"I have a mission for you," Wang Chen said in an authoritative tone. "I have discovered a treasure cave where a valuable inheritance may be kept. I need our most skilled disciples to explore the cave. You must gather as many of our faction disciples as you can within two days. We will meet here, and I will assess your performance. Depending on your success, I will reward you with treasures."

Upon hearing Wang Chen\'s words, the nine disciples felt elated. They could impress this senior and gain some valuable treasures as well.

However, what was the mission? It was merely to gather their faction members in one place. It seemed like a simple task, and they wouldn\'t have to risk their lives.

"Senior, we will complete the mission," they exclaimed in unison with excitement.

"You may now depart and carry out the task," Wang Chen replied, rubbing his chin in contemplation.

"Thank you, Senior." They bowed respectfully and left, cupping their fists as a sign of respect.

Wang Chen watched as the disciples left, their figures disappearing from his sight. A sly smile crept across his face as he realized that what he had said was all a lie. He hadn\'t found any treasure cave or valuable inheritance.

At first, he had wanted to kill the disciples as they had ruined his plan to impress the second protagonist. But upon hearing their misunderstanding, he saw an opportunity to use it to his advantage.

By giving them the task of gathering their faction members, he could avoid having to personally eliminate them in the secret realm. Soon enough, they would gather happily, unaware that they were eagerly waiting for their own demise.

"Now I should start looting opportunities from others." Saying this Wang Chen also left from there.


Zu Ming slowly opened his eyes and groaned, his hand throbbing with pain. He looked around and saw that he was lying near the entrance of a cave. He was surprised to find that the red miasma that surrounded the Abyss did not seem to touch him, but beyond the cave entrance, there was a thick wall of red fog that obscured everything beyond it.

"How did I survive the fall?" Zu Ming wondered aloud. He noticed his hand was bleeding and held it tightly.

Zu Ming sat up, clutching his injured hand, and surveyed the scene before him. The thick and dense miasma blocked his view beyond a few meters from the cave entrance. There seemed to be no way out other than to explore the cave.

"I need to find a way out of here," he muttered to himself.

As he stood up, he felt a twinge of pain shoot through his leg. He winced and sat back down.

\'I must rest for a while and let my body heal,\' he thought.

Then, Zu Ming remembered the third order mushroom herb for which he had attempted suicide. Slowly, he opened his eyes and reached into his storage bag, pulling out the herb. He examined it closely, making sure that it was still intact after his fall. He knew that he would need its healing properties if he was going to survive in this place.

Carefully, he placed the herb on his tongue and closed his eyes, letting its medicinal properties flow through his body. He could feel his wounds healing and the pain in his hand and leg subsiding. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and smiled.

"I am lucky to have this herb with me," he thought. "But I cannot rely on it too much. I must find a way out of here soon."

He glanced at the cave entrance and wondered what lay beyond. "I must go inside and explore," he muttered to himself.

With a deep breath, he slowly got up and limped towards the dark depths of the cave, hoping to find a way out and escape this cursed place.

A/N:- I hope you guys point out my mistakes and will let me Correct it and also please leave a review so I can know how my readers like my story and what I need to improve in the story.

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