
Chapter 107 The Mission Begins

Being scolded by his son, Han Dai felt embarrassed. But he knew Han Cai was right. He was a cultivator now; there was Qi in his dantian, and he could go days without sleeping. All the impurities in his body were removed. There was no reason for him to feel itchy.

But How could he explain to Han Cai that old habits die hard? Even if there was no itch, he felt it in his mind.

Han Cai had turned his father into a cultivator with his resources and pills. Han Dai\'s talent in cultivation was worse than Han Cai, but with the power of equal exchange, it was not difficult for him to get pills that made up for Han Dai\'s lack of talent. They were just a little more expensive. Han Dai was already at the foundation establishment.

Han Cai changed the topic," Have you begun what we had planned? How far have they reached?"

Han Dai spoke yawning: " They crossed the Jinyu islands."

Han Cai nodded and said, "Ask them to use the teleportation medallions I gave; they can use as many as they like. If they need more, ask them to contact you. I will give them more, but they need to move faster. "

Han Dai tried to explain, "Caie\'r, the sea is very vast; it covers millions of miles, maybe more, and even if they use the medallions you gave, they will end up somewhere in the sea. How can they use those medallions in the sea? You know how dangerous it is already as how many strong beasts are in the sea."

"And there are Earth immortals and ascension realm cultivators on that ship. You have no idea how much it costs them to get on the ship. Even if you are strong, you can not show up before the earth immortals and Ascension Realm cultivators."

Han Cai shook his head and spoke, "You underestimate me, be it earther immortals or ascension Realm or even golden immortal cultivators; they can\'t catch me if I decide to escape."

Han Cai thought something and spoke, "What about the island? Did they find the island that I wanted?"

Han Dai nodded. "Yes, they did; they added the formation as you asked. It is empty; only beasts live on it."

Han Cai looked at his hand, and a talisman appeared in it. He walked towards his father and stood in front of him. Han Cai spoke, " Show me your arms."

Han Dai obediently raised his right arm. Han Cai spoke, "Not that arm... you were using it to scratch your...raise the other arm and pull your sleeves."

Han Dai coughed and raised his left arm, pulling his sleeves up.

Han Cai brought the talisman near Han Dai\'s left arm; when it touched Han Dai\'s arm, it turned translucent and melted into the skin, entering Han Dai\'s body.

Han Cai nodded in satisfaction. He turned and  looked at the side of the bed where Han Dai lay; more than one hundred talismans just like the one used appeared beside Han Dai, and Han Cai spoke," Use those special talismans on the family members you think are most valuable to the family."

Han Dai gave him a curious look and asked," What do those talismans do?"

Han Cai looked at the other corner of the room, and thousands of talismans appeared in the corner, but these talismans differed from earlier ones.

Han Cai pointed at a hundred talismans on the bed and spoke, "You don\'t need to know. Just make sure to use those only on the members you trust most. It is a very grave matter. Think of it as if the person does not have the talisman imbued in their body, they would die soon."

Han Dai\'s sweat formed on his head, "What are you talking about? Is it related to why you sent some members out of the continent?"

Han Cai looked at his father and spoke," I will be honest with you. Even if the whole family dies, I might not feel any sorrow. I only care about family because of you. So I am doing this. Tell the others who you deem not very valuable that they need to spread their wings in six months, leave Yin country, and trade in other countries."

Pointing at thousands of talismans lying in the corner of the room, he said, "Those are general talismans, Make sure to put those talismans on the members you think are not very valuable. I know it will be a difficult decision for you, but it is important. It is a matter of life and death. If you don\'t do it right, the whole family will die, and the reason will be you. I can save you, but I can not save each of them. Why do you think I have been robbing a lot of cultivators to bring you so many precious things? So everyone can have enough capital when they begin their new life. Also, . Prepare the core members to leave Cloud Mountain City; the family should move to the Jinyu Islands as soon as possible, but this move needs to be secret. If any spies find out about it, the whole family will suffer. All the stores and businesses should be cared for by vassal families or hired hands. After a year, if I find a Cai family member near the Sky Soaring Sect or Cloud Mountain City, I will kill them myself to save them from future suffering. "

Han Dai was now very nervous; all the sleep in his eyes had disappeared.

Seeing that Han Cai was about to leave, he spoke again: "Cai\'r, some inner sect older families have been creating trouble for our family; at first, they only disturbed our stores, but now." "They even tried to kidnap and molest young women in our family."

Han Cai spoke," I have to leave for a mission. When I come back, I will take care of it."

Han Dai nodded, thinking he should be pleased that Han Cai would solve the family\'s problem, but what Han Cai had told him had left him uneasy and worried about the family\'s safety. He hoped that Han Cai could handle the situation without any harm coming to anyone in their family.

After ruining his father\'s morning beauty sleep, Han Cai disappeared.


The city of Ravenfall is one of the primary headquarters of the Yang family. It is located deep within the mountains, hidden from view, and accessible only through paths known only to the Yang family and their closest allies. The city is surrounded by high walls and heavily guarded gates, making it nearly impossible for outsiders to enter without permission.

The exterior of Ravenfall is heavily fortified, with high walls made of solid stone and guarded by elite warriors of the Yang family. The gates were made of iron and reinforced with spirit energy, making them nearly impenetrable. The walls were lined with sharpened stakes and guarded by archers and crossbowmen, ensuring that any would-be invaders would be met with a deadly hail of arrows.

The interior of Ravenfall was just as impressive. The city was built on multiple levels, with the upper levels reserved for the Yang family and their closest allies and the lower levels for the common citizens. The streets were lined with shops and businesses, many owned and operated by the Yang family. The buildings were made of stone and wood and were designed to blend in with the natural surroundings, making it nearly impossible for outsiders to spot the city from a distance.

The security in Ravenfall was exceptionally tight. The Yang family had a network of spies and informants throughout the city, and any outsiders who entered the city were closely watched and monitored. The city was also patrolled by heavily armed guards who were trained in the hidden arts and could move through the city unnoticed.

For anyone from Dark Hall, infiltrating Ravenfall would be a nearly impossible task.  The Yang family members were highly skilled in the art of stealth and deception. So they had fortified the city in such a way that no one could infiltrate it through stealth or deception.

When infiltrating any city or location, the dark hall members relied on stealth and deception. Here, they\'d have to work extra hard just to get into the city unnoticed. Even then, it would be a difficult and dangerous task, as the Yang family was not known for showing mercy to those who dared to oppose them.

The mission was to enter the city, find the target, and kill him. The target\'s name was Liu Jie, leader of a vassal sect known as the "Golden Dawn Sect." The Golden Dawn Sect used to be loyal to the Sky Soaring Sect. But Liu Jie recently became greedy, and he had recently become a thorn in the side of the Sky Soaring Sect.

Han Cai had recently found a seventh medium-grade mine of spirit stones for the Sky Soaring Sect, and it was in the eastern region, north of Yin country. Now that Han Cai had some other purer sources for trade points. He had given some of the mines he found to the sect.

Just like his family, he wanted the sect to strengthen itself and be prepared for the unexpected. But the sect had limited manpower to mine all these medium-sized mines.

The location of this new mine was close to the Golden Dawn Sect. So the Sky Soaring Sect decided to take the help of the Golden Dawn Sect in mining the spirit stones, and because of this, they took Liu Jie and the elders of the golden dawn sect to the location of the medium-sized mine.

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