
Chapter 232: The Emperor Strikes Back!

Chapter 232: The Emperor Strikes Back!

(Planet Gaia- Imperial Palace)

(Grand Hall)

“Oops… it seems like I lost control for a second,” Sophie muttered to herself as she saw the shivering figure of the arrogant nobleman.

Well, it was hard to keep her emotions under check when dealing with such insufferable morons, so this loss of control was understandable.

“Mr. Goldmore it appears that this conversation has turned rather volatile,” Sophie grinned slightly and bared her fangs.

“I understand that it may be the first time that many of your companions have been in the presence of other high nobles….”

“But perhaps your side should take a step back to avoid making a scene in the imperial palace.” 

This was the perfect opportunity to shoot another verbal knife at her opponent. 

Her statement may seem innocent enough but the words heavily implied that it was Targon’s faction that was solely responsible for the confrontation.

Of course, this altercation would have little to no effect on the ongoing political battles happening in parliament…

But if Sophie could improve the image of her father’s faction in the eyes of the neutral nobles then it would be a successful night. 

Targon furrowed his brows and collected himself as he saw the smirk on the hybrid girl’s face. 

He had always heard of the saying that having a dangerous enemy was better than having a pig teammate, and it appeared that this saying was true after all.

Thanks to those useless noble heirs in his entourage shouting off harsh words like some low-class commoners, his face had been completely lost at the banquet.

Part of it had to do with underestimating the hybrid girl but under no circumstances should his faction have been the ones to start a confrontation.

“Miss Peterlor is correct,” Targon raised his hand silently and the shot a harsh look towards the unsatisfied nobles behind him.

“It would be completely inappropriate to escalate this situation especially when his excellency will be gracing us with his presence later.”

Now that Targon had calmed himself down, he first dealt with the situation by deescalating it smoothly and restoring his image of an exemplary gentleman.

He bowed politely towards the Peterlor heiress and then turned around to walk away with the rest of his group.

Sophie watched them leave with their eyes showing traces of hesitation and anger at being outsmarted by a lowly hybrid like herself.

But before Targon melted away into the crowd, he had one last parting shot to fire off,

“Do send my regards to your father…. he must be extremely tired having to deal with the unexpected problems popping up in his territories.”

Sophie narrowed her eyes as the fearsome pressure coming off her body made small cracks appear on the ground beneath her feet.

Her father had not mentioned having any troubles with the territories under his control so she would have to grill him fiercely once the banquet ended.

Sophie was not foolish enough to fully display her agitation, so the newfound pressure vanished almost immediately, and no one noticed the tiny cracks on the floor of the grand hall.

There was a momentarily lull in the noise of the grand hall until the two rival factions fully separated.

Many nobles eagerly talked about the confrontation and some were hedging bets on which side would be victorious.

There was almost an air of bemusement in their tones as if they regarded the confrontation as nothing more than some drama to watch.

Their attitude was actually quite understandable. 

The battle between the Imperial Teacher and Duke Peterlor had already reached to the point of a shadowy war but it had not escalated to a blood feud.

When a blood feud was declared…. 

It would only end when one side’s entire lineage was annihilated.

Very few times in the history of the Federation had a blood feud ever been declared and each blood feud had almost caused a civil war as high noble houses were forced to pick a side.

“God those guys were just such a group of pompous pricks!” Luna scowled and secretly clenched her hand into a fist.

She was very upset that those assholes had decided to try to bully the only friend that she had made in university.

Leona had a better grasp of the situation and spoke with a clear analysis of the situation,

“It was only so easy to deal with them because they weren’t expecting you to be so collected and prepared.”

“Yeah, but hopefully after this banquet I won’t have to ever see them again for several decades,” Sophie took a sip of wine and laughed.

The universe was infinitely large and most disputes between high nobles came to an end because of the vast distance between territories. 

Sophie would only need to encounter them again if she became a member of parliament but that would only happened when her dad retired.

And considering that Duke Peterlor was in his late forties and a god stage cultivator, it would be a very long time before Sophie became the next duchess.

Hopefully, the emperor would never again hold one of these banquets so she could simply just ignore the nobles in the Human Supremacy Faction.

Sophie closed her eyes and put all those negative thoughts in the back of her mind. 

No more nobles came up to greet them as the confrontation had scared away some of the curious onlookers in the room.

Who would want to be implicated in a battle between two of the most powerful factions in the Federation.

Sophie took this brief moment of respite to enjoy the sights and sounds of the banquet. It truly deserved to be called a grand feast for the upper class in the Federation.

Every painting, sculpture, statue, and artwork carefully placed around the grand hall was a priceless treasure.

Classical music using some of the instruments from civilisations across the galaxies were gently ringing in her ear. 

There was a noticeable lack of any sound that was familiar from Sui Meng’s memory that Sophie could recall.

Nothing even resembled the music that used to play from music instruments during the ancient Earth times.

This wasn’t surprising because when humanity had returned to Earth, the only traces of civilisation were ancient ruins and the plastics manufactured that had yet to fully break down.

(Ten minutes later)

Sophie was now holding eight-year-old Lily Blackait in her arms and swaying from side to side in tune with the music.

Lily was laughing happily as the kind big sister swung her around the dance floor with a graceful gait and posture.

Their happiness was cut short by a loud shriek that pierced through the background noise of the chattering nobles.

“Announcing the entrance of Emperor Sisrelis!” 

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