一路向西 观看

Chapter 160: The Pretense and the Conversation

Chapter 160: The Pretense and the Conversation

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

“Let go! Quickly let go! Zhao Yao!” Matcha was screaming at the top of his lungs, “My eardrums are going to rupture.”

“This will teach you not to look down on others. Also, you need to keep up with your pretense as a Scottish Fold. You cannot give up just because it is difficult.”

Zhao Yao deactivated Elizabeth’s power and Matcha instantly lay on the floor, lifelessly.

Zhao Yao asked, “What happened?”

“I can’t make my ears stand anymore!” Matcha’s voice rang in Zhao Yao’s ears.

Zhao Yao carried Matcha and cradled him in his arms. He asked concernedly, “Are you serious? Your ears can’t go back up anymore?”

“Let me take a look! Tell me if the spot that I touch hurts.”

Matcha which was buried in Zhao Yao’s arms had his face hidden from Zhao Yao’s sight. His mouth set in a hard line.

“Hmph, he is just finding an excuse to hug me.”

“Does this spot hurt?” Zhao Yao asked as he massaged the back of Matcha’s ear.

Matcha whispered, “A little.”

“How about this spot?”

“This is not as bad as the previous spot.”


“Ouch! This spot hurts so badly!” Matcha instantly broke into howls and cries. However, it was all a pretense to make Zhao Yao feel sorry for him.

Zhao Yao scratched his chin and mumbled, “Maybe I need to send him to a pet hospital to check it up. It might be a fracture.”

“Huh? Pet hospital?” Matcha’s body started shaking like a leaf. Suddenly, both his ears straightened miraculously and were as per normal. Matcha said sheepishly, “I don’t know why but my ears have recovered! Meowhaha, it doesn’t hurt anymore!”

“Get lost!”

Zhao Yao pushed Matcha into a corner and saw him scurrying off somewhere. Zhao Yao’s lips curled with disgust as he thought, “This cat is getting more and more mischievous.”

Zhao Yao turned towards Xiao Ming and noticed that he was already fast asleep on the couch. Zhao Yao then returned to his usual corner in the café. He switched on his computer and mumbled, “Another day of work! This is going to be so exhausting.”

“Wait! I’ve almost forgotten about the five cats inside the extradimensional belly.” Zhao Yao slapped himself on his forehead, “Come to think of it; they have not eaten for the past twenty-four hours!”

Zhao Yao scratched his chin and decided, “I should continue going according to the plan and see if it works.”

Zhao Yao’s body disappeared with a swirl as he reappeared in the extradimensional belly.

Suddenly, a foul stench emanated from within.

Lucifer was hovering about in the container like a zombie. It opened its mouth, and a low grunt emerged from it, “Meat ... I need meat ...”

Both Ares and Fūjin floated around in the same state. Both faces were devoid of expression.

Ares stared at its miserable surroundings and clasped its palms together and started praying, “God! Our phone has run out of battery. We have shit and urine floating around us. We have not eaten for the past twenty-four hours! God! Save us!”


A man’s voice erupted in their heads just when Ares finished its prayers. Their vision turned dark for a second. Then, they noticed that all the shit and urine in their surroundings had vanished.

Meanwhile, Zhao Yao was frantically washing his hands in the basin.

He muttered, “D*mn it! Can’t these cats learn from Rice Cake to hold their bladder? They just peed and shat in the area which they lived in! Didn’t Hao Cang teach them any manners?”

The container had reverted to its original state which was clean and immaculate. All their eyes glistened with excitement as urine and shit no longer surrounded them.

The tabby cat stared at the sky with its Puss in Boots Eyes. It exclaimed, “God! Can you give us another power bank?”

Lucifer slapped the tabby cat on its head and interrupted its plead, “Meat! Meat! Meat! I want meat!”

Ares separated both cats and prevented them from getting into a fight. It roared, “Let us out of this place!”

“I can’t let you guys out now. However, I can provide food and water for you.” Zhao Yao announced.

These five cats used to be under the charge of Ho Hao Cang. Hence, they still regarded Zhao Yao as a threat and enemy. Their worldview was also twisted and distorted because of how Hao Cang spoilt them. Therefore, Zhao Yao could not let them out in case they started to wreak havoc.

Furthermore, domestic cats such as the five supercats preferred to stay indoors rather than spend time outside. Even though the container might seem small at the moment, Zhao Yao would be absorbing more toys inside and would make their lives more comfortable.

“Really?” Lucifer’s eyes glowed with excitement, “Can you quickly get us some food? I’m starving to death!”

However, you have to complete one mission before I can let you guys eat! You are currently in the Village of Dreams, the ultimate paradise for all cats. If you wish to stay here ...”

Ares interrupted Zhao Yao before he completed his statement by shouting, “We don’t even want to stay here! Could you kindly return us to where we were from?”

Bam! Ares clutched its head and shouted, “Who hit me? You are too spiteful!”

Bam! Ares once again clutched its head as it slammed into the floor.

“Anyway, I just want all of you to have this etched on the back of your heads. You have to complete one mission every week. In doing so, you will be rewarded with food and drinks. I might even grant you a wish or two.”

“His voice sounds like it’s coming from that direction.” A black-furred American Shorthair said. Against the pitch darkness, many have forgotten its existence.

Fūjin went towards the entrance of the container and pressed its head against it. Fūjin commented, “I think he’s outside.”

“Stop addressing me as him. Address me as God.” Zhao Yao resorted to projecting his voice using Elizabeth’s illusion to prevent them from identifying his position. He continued, albeit slightly unhappy, “Your mission today is to defeat your enemies.”

Once Zhao Yao finished his last word, all five cat’s vision turned blurry for a moment. Suddenly, they found themselves along a street in the Middle Ages instead of the pitch dark container.

“Are we finally out?” Lucifer eagerly turned its head around as it carefully surveyed its surroundings. It was taken aback by this place and muttered, “Where is this? This place seems familiar.”

They thought that Zhao Yao’s words were just gibberish used to trick them. However, this new setting sent chills down their spine. They huddled together and were on the lookout for any enemies.

The Siamese cat could not believe its eyes as it mumbled, “Don’t you guys see the similarity? Isn’t this the street in Attack on Titans?”

“Titans?” Ares recognized the striking similarity, but it could not believe it.

Suddenly, huge tremors erupted from the ground. Then, a 5 meters tall furless cat came dashing towards them.

“Giant cat!” The tabby cat immediately crouched on the floor and curled its body into a ball.

Lucifer could not believe that this was actually happening to them. It had previously doubted the existence of giant humans. Now, a giant cat was rushing towards them. It shouted, “Giant furless cat! It’s really a giant furless cat!”

“This is not the time for you to doubt the existence of giants!” Zhao Yao’s voice once again rang in their ears. He continued, “Your mission is to defeat this giant cat. In doing so, you will be rewarded with one week worth of drinks and food.”

Staring at the giant furless cat in front of them, the five supercats finally believed Zhao Yao’s words. However, that does not mean that they had accepted the challenge.

“How is this possible?” Fūjin held its head in its paws and shook its head violently. “That monster can crush us by simply stepping on our bodies. Are you stupid? How can you send us on a mission with no chances of success?”

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