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Chapter 537: Marriage of Convenience

Chapter 537: Marriage of Convenience

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Katsuhira Hattori and Hanako walked side-by-side, chatting and smiling at each other. It looked very much like they were enjoying each other’s company.

“Mr Katsuhira sure makes a great match with Ms Hanako,” Sylvie sighed.

She was trailing behind the couple with Hideki Kujyo, Hanako’s older brother.

“I would hope so,” he said stiffly.

His distant demeanor did not deter her from continuing to speak.

She added, “I heard that Mr Katsuhira was accepted into the University of Tokyo based entirely on his own merits. He even got a master’s degree and PhD at UC Berkeley. Not only is he super smart, his manners are just impeccable as well. I guess that’s what happens when you’re raised as a Hattori. I’ve heard nothing but great things about how kind, humble, and gentle he is. What a gentleman. He’s been quickly climbing up the ranks in the Special Higher Police for the past couple of years too. He would make Ms Hanako the happiest woman in the world.”

There was more that Sylvie wanted to say, but she thought better of it. This marriage was not only between Hanako and Katsuhira. It would be a union between the Hattori and Kujyo families. With it, the Kujyo family would have the backing of the Special Higher Police, which held more power today than ever before.

It would be the dawn of a new era.

Hideki did not respond to Sylvie this time. Instead, he nodded silently, his eyelids drooping as if out of shame.

A while later, Hanako climbed into the car that would take her to a lunch appointment with a friend.

Katsuhira sent her one final smile and a wave as the car drove away. Then, he made his way towards Hideki.

“Hideki, my friend, it’s been too long,” he greeted cheerily, “Look at you! You’ve become the head of the Kujyo family while I’m still making my rounds as a cop.”

Hideki smiled and nodded curtly. “You are too humble, Katsuhira. As the commander of the Special Police Force, you are doing far greater things than I am.”

While he was speaking, his eyes could not help but creep up to Hideki’s hair.

“Your hairstyle..,” he started.

“Oh, it’s nothing. It was just a spur-of-the-moment thing,” Katsuhira interrupted quickly.

“It is very reminiscent of a certain dictator’s.”

Katushira was too embarrassed to respond. Hideki quickly led him into the house, where he steered the conversation far away from the new haircut. It did not take long for the awkwardness to melt away and for the men to start chatting like old buddies.

As they spoke, Katsuhira Hittori could not help but throw glances in Sylvie’s way.

This went on for a few minutes before Hideki asked her to leave the room.

Then, he turned to Katsuhira and spoke seriously, “Did the superintendent send you here for a specific reason?”

The superintendent he was referring to was Katsuhira’s father, the head of the Special Police Force. In a society as traditional as Japan’s, a person’s family background basically determined his social ranking.

Katsuhira’s reply was calm. “Yes, he did want me to discuss something to you. Now that Hanako and I are getting married, our families are joined as one. My father hopes that this union could be even closer. You know how it is – ten intertwined fingers are stronger than a pinky swear.”

He went on to lay down the terms that his father had set. Hideki grew visibly pale as he listened intently to his future brother-in-law’s words.

It seemed that the Hittoris had a far bigger appetite than he had anticipated. They knew that the Kujyos desperately needed them and they intended to take full advantage of that. They wanted to take more than half of the Kujyos’ financial and political resources.

Katsuhira shook his head with a chuckle when he noticed that Hideki had become ashen-faced.

“There’s no need to be quite so nervous, Hideki,” he said condescendingly, “All we want is to combine our families’ resources and influence. I know it’s a lot to take in right now, but in no time, you’ll see how this arrangement will accelerate our expansion and grow our power.

This will not just benefit my family. This is for the glory of both the Hittoris and the Kujyos. You’ve got to set your sights further, my friend.”

Hideki’s lips pressed into a tight smile.

“Yes, I understand,” he nodded.

“Wonderful. I’m glad you do,” Katsuhira said bracingly.

He then changed the topic with feigned casualness.

“Oh, that maid who was here just now,” he started, “That was Sylvie, wasn’t it? Hanako told me that the two of them grew up together?”

“That is correct,” Hideki responded, “Sylvie might be the help, but she and Hanako are as close as sisters.”

Katsuhira’s face broke into a grin. “It would be terrible to separate them, wouldn’t it? I think Sylvie should stay with us when Hanako and I marry.”

Hideki blinked in surprise. However, he quickly understood the true intention behind this suggestion when he saw Katsuhira’s lewd smile. He hesitated for one moment before nodding. He said, “That wouldn’t be a problem. I’ll let Sylvie know.”

Katsuhira chuckled with satisfaction. He continued, “I’ve heard that Hanako’s father had always ensured that she had a dozen maids taking care of her every need. You might as well send all of them to us when Sylvie comes. They can keep Hanako company so she never gets lonely.”

Hideki’s reply was instant, “Sure. Consider it done.”

This was a request that he could easily agree to, unlike the one that demanded his family’s resources to be shared.

When Katsuhira Hattori bade Hideki goodbye, he was in good spirits. The Captain South Korea fiasco seemed all but forgotten for now.

For Hideki Kujyo, however, this meeting was far from pleasant. He narrowed his eyes at Katsuhira’s retreating figure. There was nothing meek or compliant about his demeanor anymore. Eerie lights were swirling in his eyes, illuminating them.

“Hehe... It sure seems like the Hattoris are already corrupted.”

The lights that flickered in his eyes dimmed when he spun around to see Sylvie appear from behind the door. She had hidden there all along.

Hideki took in her woeful expression. He asked, “You heard everything?”

Sylvie bowed in response.

She said, “Mr. Hideki, you have always been kind to me. Your father and Ms. Hanako have been as well. I will do anything for the Kujyo family. I will make any sacrifice.”

When she raised her head, there was a fiery determination in her eyes. She trusted him and believed that he would make the right decisions that would herald a glorious future for the Kujyo dynasty.

Hideki’s expression was grave as he met her gaze.

“Thank you, Sylvie. I will never forget the sacrifice that you have made,” he said.

Then, he bowed deeply, “Please take care of Hanako.”

With his face hidden from view, a shadow of a smile appeared on Hideki’s lips.


Katsuhira Hattori left the Kujyo estate with a smug grin on his face. He could not believe that the mighty, century-old Kujyo dynasty was now at his beck and call. The authority that he held at the Special Higher Police made him impossible to refuse.

His mood became even better when he thought about his adorable Hanako, the pristine Sylvie, and the dozen more maids that would be living with him in the future. He was practically whistling as he made his way to his car.

Unfortunately, one phone call was all it took to ruin his day.

The twelve missing members of the Special Higher Police had been found. They were stripped naked and abandoned somewhere in the countryside. This was but the latest of a series of embarrassing episodes for the department.

“Captain South Korea!” Katsuhira seethed through gritted teeth.

The sudden appearance of this ridiculously powerful apostle infuriated him. He had made a fool out of the Special Higher Police, but they had no clue who he was or what country he was from. All they knew was that this oddball took up in the identities of Captain South Korea and Captain North Korea.

Katsuhira yelled through the phone for more men to be sent after his nemesis, then hung up. He was being consumed with rage when an officer walked up next to him, a document file in hand.

“Sir, about Ms. Hanako’s benefactor, we have obtained his personal information.”

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