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Chapter 679: Teaming up

Chapter 679: Teaming up

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Edron transferred about thirty million euros to Zhao Yao. Zhao Yao was encouraged and very motivated to do the rest of the mission.

“Wow. Thirty million euros is about two billion RMB?” Zhao Yao was overjoyed. “This is lucrative. It is so lucrative. With this much money, I can buy a few more buildings. When I buy every building in the district, the entire district will be mine. By then I can recruit female tenants only. What a wonderful idea.”

Thinking of this, Zhao Yao shook his head. “No, no, no. Zhao Yao, you are getting ahead of yourself. The money is for the operation of cat café and to dominate the catmint market to earn more lucky draw chances. I can’t spend it randomly.”

He calmed himself down and looked at Edron coldly. “Only this much? Where is the rest of your money?”

“There is no more. I really don’t have any left.” Thirty million gone made Edron’s heart ache. It wasn’t that he did not want to stand up to Zhao Yao; Zhao Yao was too ruthless. He never wanted to experience the illusion again.

Looking at Zhao Yao’s ruthless expression he continued, “The rest are fixed assets in England and France. I can’t change them to cash in such a short period of time. Furthermore, most of the money is with my dad. This is all of my savings.”

“Is it?” Zhao Yao laughed coldly. He did not believe that criminals like him who did human and drug trafficking would not have a backup plan and leave all their money in the bank.

“That’s so dishonest.”

Then, Edron started to see illusions again. He saw hundreds of butchers naked. They were walking around and shitting around him. They laughed and walked towards him.

“Don’t come near me!” His limbs were pressed down by the butchers and his clothes were ripped apart. Edron was screaming, “Don’t come closer! Don’t come closer!”

After a while, he let out a scream and tears of humiliation rolled down his face. “Stop! Make them stop! I will give you the money!”

Zhao Yao waved and the illusions disappeared. He stared at Edron on the floor and said, “Wouldn’t it have been easier if you cooperated earlier?”

After another round of interrogations, Zhao Yao managed to extort another round of cash, jewelry, and gems. They were worth about five million euros.

Next, he had to bring the supercats hiding in the manor back into the Extradimensional Belly.

“This is about it.”

He looked at Edron’s exhausted and frozen face, Zhao Yao used illusions to trick Edron into the Extradimensional Belly. The strategy for what happened afterwards had to be discussed with the supercats.

Zhao Yao gathered the elites and leaders of the six departments and explained the situation. He continued, “Now, the Double-Headed Vulture has four groups abroad. Before attacking their headquarters, I have decided to split you into four teams and destroy their influences oversea and confiscate their illegal earnings.”

After hearing Zhao Yao’s words, every cat had different thoughts. They experienced excitement, hesitation, nervousness, and worry.

“Destroy their base?” Matcha was excited. He jumped and raised his paws. “I want to go! I want to go! Zhao Yao, include me!” He was overjoyed. “How did Zhao Yao become rich? From robbing. Now it is my turn to get rich.”

When he saw Matcha’s excited look, Zhao Yao was silent. “Our opponent is an international criminal organization. They are very powerful and have many apostles. We need very strong supercats to defeat them.”

“Isn’t that me?” Matcha continued raising his paws and said, “I will go! I will go!”

Zhao Yao fell silent again. He looked at Matcha’s anticipating and innocence eyes and thought, “How do I say this? How do I say that you are too weak? I can’t, then it leaves me with no choice.”

“Okay, Matcha you will be with me. We are Group One.” Zhao Yao didn’t give supercats the chance to arrange themselves into groups. “Dust Ball and Sphynx cat, you guys are Group Two.

Elizabeth, Cheese, and Ares, Group Three.

Cat Sage, Roly Poly, and Catherine, Group Four.

We will separate into four groups and attack at the same time. Our aim is to defeat all the minions of the Double-Headed Vulture and take all their money.”

Zhao Yao looked at the cats and said, “Everyone please remember that this is not just for ourselves. It is for world peace, to fight against evil and to liberate the supercats enslaved by the Double-Headed Vulture. Good will always win over evil!”

After hearing Zhao Yao’s speech all the supercats had their own thoughts.

Matcha: “Zhao Yao still trusts me He has to bring me around to have a peace of mind.”

Roly Poly: “Exploitation, extortion, corruption, fraud, and robbery... Meow I am so talented.”

Elizabeth: “Tour with expenses provided? I must take more photos this time.”

Sphynx: “Why am I not with Ares? Why is Ares with Elizabeth? How can Zhao Yao do this?”

Cheese: “Can I bring my sister along to play?”

Ares: “He scared me. At least I am not with Sphynx. Elizabeth? It would have been better to be with Catherine, Elizabeth lacks a bit of flavor.”

Cat Sage: “For justice! For the supercats in the Double-Headed Vulture! Zhao Yao is so great. I knew that I followed the right guy.”

Catherine: “So troublesome... Why does a ragdoll cat like me have to go out and work? I have not cut my nails yet... I don’t feel like working.”

Old Cat: “It looks like Matcha is in favor again after he came back. It is time to talk to Sir George again.”

Lucifer: “Damn fighting a criminal organization? They have to face countless powerful people and danger. How I wish I could help.”

Rice Cake: “None of this concerns me right? Can I go back and play games? Can I leave?”

Gaia: “Why are the cats gathering? It looks crowded. It’s okay, I don’t think they realize that I am not there. I should continue playing my game.”

Fish Ball: “Why am I here? What are they talking about? It has nothing to do with me, right? I am just passing by. Do I just have to nod?”


After Zhao Yao left Edron’s manor, a guy in black came to the manor and pulled down the fence to look at the traces of the battle and the bodies.

There was a big-nosed blond middle-aged man. He stood in front of Alpha and frowned. “Is this Alpha the Dragon Slayer from Double-Headed Vulture? He is dead too?”

His men answered him, “Sir, all the soldiers and apostles in the manor died from suffocation. Edron is missing but he just transferred money from his bank. We think that he is still alive.”

The blond guy narrowed his eyes and glared coldly. He thought of the fight here and the explosion in the city, he laughed coldly. “They dare to unscrupulously attack in Paris. Do these thugs really think that they can do whatever they want with a bit of power?”

He ordered. “Check all the surveillance cameras in the city, airport and on the highway for the last three hours... Inform all the apostles... Keep the entire city under surveillance... Let out the hunting dogs... Put a Kensei team on standby...”

As the blond man spoke, his orders were issued and Paris became a giant net.

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