
Chapter 150 - Gold

Chapter 150: Gold

Palace, Long Hair Princess Tower.

On the wide wooden table, there were a few corpses of demonized beasts. There were Four-Tailed Wolves with four tails, Steel-Backed Wild Boars with fur like steel, etc. . They were all demonized beasts that were unique to the Caleru region. Heath had specially arranged for the Knights to hunt them.

Standing in front of the wooden table, Heath placed one hand on the Four-Tailed Wolf that was famous for its agility. ‘Extract.’

[Beep, successful extraction. Agility +0.01]

The system’s crisp notification sounded as expected, and a pure energy quickly surged into his body.

Yes, after extracting the Knight’s Heart from the Magic Bug Forest, Heath unexpectedly found that he could extract the Knight’s attributes from all sorts of materials, and he could also improve it during his daily training.

It was as if he had broken some kind of shackle and exceeded some kind of upper limit.

But the strange thing was the way this Knight’s Heart appeared in his body…

Heath pulled out a chair and sat down, then closed his eyes and entered the spiritual sea.

On the side of the spiritual sea, there were many light balls of different sizes floating, and each light ball had a large number of runes, formulas, magic arrays, and so on, densely forming some kind of pattern.

This area was the spell model area that Heath had opened up. Behind each light ball, there was a spell model.

And next to this area, there was a different light ball floating.

This light ball was completely golden. What was even more amazing was that the runes gathered in these golden light balls were obviously completely different from other runes. These were all strange symbols, different from any runes used by Wizards.

If viewed separately, this was just a special model. However, the strange thing was that the real identity of this model was actually —

The Knight’s Heart!

What was going on? Why would the Knight’s Heart appear here in the form of a model? Could the Knight’s Heart be some kind of spell?

Heath was also puzzled.

Opening his eyes, Heath left the chair and came to the side of the experimental table.

There was a palm-sized metallic substance with blood on it. It was plucked from the back of the Steel-Backed Wild Boar.

The Steel-Backed Wild Boar was a very weak demonized beast amongst demonized beasts. Its overall combat strength was comparable to that of an ordinary wild boar. However, its special point was that there was a palm-sized metallic substance growing in the middle of its back. This piece of metal had an exceptionally strong defense. If it was used in a single round, it could even reach the level of a Wizard.

After Heath obtained this piece of metal, he tested its defense. It was indeed worthy of its reputation. He used the power of a Knight and the power of magic, but could not shake it in the slightest. In the end, it was only when he activated the power of a Wizard that there was a reaction.

Click. The drawer opened.

Heath took out a dagger from inside and held the dagger, closing his eyes slightly.


For some reason, the edge of the dagger was suddenly coated with a layer of golden light. It was as if the dawn had shone on it, and it was exceptionally dazzling.

At the same time, Heath opened his eyes.

At this moment, his eyes were clearly a little strange. His gaze was not as sharp as usual. Instead, it had become a little gentle, and there was a hint of determination mixed in it. He looked like a warrior who had prepared himself mentally but still walked onto the battlefield. His entire body was exuding a momentum of no return.

Holding the dagger, Heath gently slashed at the metallic material on the table. He could not feel any force from it. However, where the dagger slashed, the metallic material actually naturally separated into two sides. The cuts were smooth and neat.

This was even able to resist a Wizard-level metal. Just like that, it was easily split into two halves!

The dagger continued to move on the metallic material. After cutting and dissecting the entire metallic material, Heath closed his eyes slightly, and the shining metallic luster came to an abrupt end.

Opening his eyes, his gaze had already returned to its previous state.

Heath shook his head.


Every time he used the Grand Knight’s power, he always felt an abnormal emotion enter his mind. It caused his mind to become frenzied and he would lose his mind.

After adjusting for a while, Heath picked up a pair of tweezers and fiddled with the chopped metal material. Finally, he picked out a fingernail-sized material that was cut into thin slices and put it into a glass container with the tweezers.

Then, Heath placed the glass container on a strange device next to it.

This was a metal device similar to a microscope. However, under the eyepiece, there were two eyeballs connected instead of an objective. Next to them were two delicate little hands.

This was a magic microscope. Its function was similar to a microscope. It was also used by Wizards to conduct microscopic experiments. It was convenient for Wizards to further explore the world.

Heath placed the glassware on the platform and turned the dial below.

Ka ka ka. The sound of gears turning could be heard.

The two little hands reached over and fixed the glassware while the other began to adjust the platform. At the same time, the two eyeballs also quickly stared at the glassware, their pupils slowly spreading outwards.

There was a crystal ball next to the magic microscope. At this moment, the crystal ball slowly showed an image of something similar to the nucleus of a cell.

Heath turned the wheel and adjusted the microscope while observing the image on the crystal ball.

“Tsk tsk, even the structure of the nucleus of a cell has been destroyed. This power is so fierce…”

“What exactly does this golden energy belong to? Is it also elemental energy? But why can’t I feel any elemental reaction?”

“There’s no elemental reaction, but it can still neutralize elemental energy. No wonder it can cut through Slater’s magic…”

The true strength of the Grand Knight was this strange golden energy.

This strange energy did not belong to any element, but Heath found that it could neutralize elements and was extremely destructive to elemental magic.

What kind of concept was this?

If magic was likened to a ball of burning flames, then this golden energy was like a basin of cold water.

When a spell that was being cast encountered this energy, its internal arrangement would naturally disintegrate and collapse, leading to the complete collapse of the spell.

This was the problem with Slater’s spell not being able to destroy Haslund. It was not that Slater’s spell was not powerful enough, but that Slater’s spell had been disintegrated and destroyed by this energy.

“What the h*ll is this?”

“My level of knowledge is still too weak… it would be great if I could have more information about Grand Knights as a reference…”

“In the future, if I have the chance, I must find a Wizard to properly ‘consult’ me…”

Heath did not believe that there were no books about Grand Knights. After all, there were once stigmata Wizards in the Underdark Treesea, and he believed that some of the high-end knowledge he should have was also in reserve.

However, this knowledge belonged to the top-level knowledge category, and only a few Wizards knew about it. Moreover, they were strictly guarded and not released. It was far from what ordinary Apprentices could come into contact with.

Take Shadow Tower for example. Legend had it that there was a secret library for Wizards. Heath had stayed there for a few years, but he had never entered it even once.

“Let’s talk about the future later. Let’s see if this idea can be realized…”

After carefully observing this energy, Heath suddenly had an idea.

Since he could extract and use this energy, could he restore it using magic and give it to other Knights to use?


Could he mass-produce Grand Knights?

This idea was not a random fantasy without any evidence.

The magic of a Wizard originated from nature. Every spell he saw now was based on observing and simulating nature, and then using runes and knowledge to materialize it to form spells.

In theory, as long as there was any material in this world, it could be presented by spells.

Of course, it might be a little difficult to mass-produce a Grand Knight. With his current level of knowledge and ability, it was not very likely, but it should still be possible to simulate some of its power, right?

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